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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. That's true! For facial expressions, I tend to use my own head HUD, the Happy Dispatch facial expression HUD (can adjust eye/mouth expression intensity and it makes for some hilarious expressions), or if I'm trying to be really specific, I just manually create those in Black Dragon's poser, too. That's a bit harder as BD lets you adjust absolutely every inch of yourself (and it's not pretty when you over-rotate the middle of your upper eyelid, yeeesh), but it's amazing if you just can't find what you're looking for anywhere else.
  2. Can't recall seeing those ever, either. Those do get worn in some restaurants and cafeterias n things. But street vendors are pretty...lax. You're not even guaranteed to see gloves.
  3. I don't think I've ever seen anyone wearing that in the city, but yeah. That's pretty old school. Now they just rock Yankees ball caps. 😂
  4. I mostly buy basic pose sets (some stands, some leans, some sits, some laying, etc.) and customize/edit them from there. I used to make my own from scratch (pre-bento days), but I never bothered grabbing software that supports bento when I came back to SL. Easier for me to just use Black Dragon since I don't have to pose additional models. My collection mostly consists of Synnergy, Foxcity, Kokoro, Nantra, Stun, Rose & Thorn (mostly couples, some single sets), and SAPA. Most of those stores have a wide range of poses for singles, couples, groups, etc. Another trick I use - raid your existing furniture. I have a whole folder for stuff I've yoinked out of my sofas/chairs/couches/pillows/etc. If you're using Black Dragon, you can get around the "but they're animated!" by using the built-in poser to freeze yourself (and customize, if needed).
  5. I'm from the US. NY in fact. They don't wear anything special here in the city, so I'm not sure either. Jeans, tees, hoodies, polos, khakis - just regular casual clothing. Hats/coats in winter. Maybe branded with a business logo, maybe an apron and gloves, maybe not.
  6. I saw V2 in your post and got excited for an alpha HUD and female shoe-rigged feet before reading it through.😄Whoops! But the updates you mention are a really good start! Btw, in case anyone's interested, Skell has reviewed the body - including the brand new update! Click for the Flickr - review link's on there.
  7. Just a quick tip - every store I've been in that has their sales running already = empty. Wait...I lied. Addams got full yesterday, but it was still fairly easy to get in there after a couple minutes. I don't know why. Maybe people just aren't checking notices/Seraphim this early. But if there's something you do want, now's the time!
  8. Remember back when people would damn near go to war for a Cabbage Patch Kid or a Teddy Ruxpin or somethin'? Things that would always be out of stock throughout the year, seemingly. Black Friday sales have become so diluted, now you see fights over the dumbest stuff that's not even difficult to get! Sure, risk your existence for that $59.99 air fryer that was discounted to $49.99 three weeks ago why don't you. 😂 Holiday shopping is absolutely awful. I refuse to do it. Gift cards for everyone I don't even care.
  9. Oh man, multiple bodies. That I refuse to let myself do, aside from one female and one male body. 😄 Clothing (and the lack thereof) does help keep that in check, so there's that! I'm fairly immune to Black Friday body discounts (for now...).
  10. Not alts - just my shapeshifting main! I use Black Friday to get cheap (and free) heads that I can use to make new avatars throughout the year. But then, everyone on the grid drops their prices to 50% off, so I wind up demoing like...everything. I struggle to focus on the task at hand, grab demo skins, and sit and stare at myself for an hour trying to decide if this head/skin combo works best or THIS one or THAT or... Then a couple days later, all the hair stores drop prices. Great, I need hair for these new looks! Makeup prices plummet. Tattoos. Accessories. Clothing. Mods for bodies. Etc. Etc. Etc. I wind up working on multiple looks at once. And sales have that domino effect - one place drops prices, then the next, then the next. It sends me into creative overdrive and I'm yelling at myself - Stop thinking up new ideas Aya! No...now's the time. Everything's so cheap! AHHH! 😂 I have to remind myself constantly that weekend sales are actually cheaper, so stop browsing! Especially for skins!
  11. Looking through these lists, I'm overwhelmed already and it hasn't even officially started yet. Anyone else hate this time of year?!
  12. Me?? Lol, just kidding. 😄 Oh lemme add a quick peeve while I'm in here being a brat - having too many options. And too many sales. Sales lead to more options. I'm easily overwhelmed! I'm in the middle of making a new avatar - way, way too many options. Okay, back to the demo grind. ❤️
  13. Seraphim puts out a massive list of participating stores each year. The countdown to the release of this year's list is currently at 3 days and 13 hours, so we'll know for sure early next week what stores are doing what. Many have started their sales early, though (Black Friday Week, instead of weekend, it seems). For heads - Lel and AK will have 50% off (Lel starts on the 25th, AK's is on now). Not sure about bodies yet. For decor - so far, I've seen Fourth Wall has started theirs, Square, and Tarte has some holiday stuff discounted. Hair - Magika's sale ends today, I think. Kuni has a sale as well. Olive's birthday sale is still ongoing the last I checked, even though it was supposed to end days ago. Edit: Just saw Moon started theirs, as well (50% off). Clothes - Addams already started, too. Skins: Velour's sale started, and I saw earlier that Ives has their Black Friday sale on right now, too. Seraphim is probably your best source at the moment. Check the Super Sales Listing tab, the regular events on the homepage, and the main Black Friday list countdown is here - https://www.seraphimsl.com/black-friday-sales-list/
  14. Another quick FYI - Akeruka has started their Black Friday sale. 50% off, so 1800L. Lots of heads updated to ADVX, too (Evo X mapping, new ears, etc.). Nov 19 until Nov 28.
  15. That's super sweet, Lindal! I wish my adventures with newbies turned out that successful, but unfortunately, they often end in frustration and exasperated logouts (not my fault, I swear!). 99.999999999% of the time, though, that's because I typically run across them in a skin store where they're standing around naked and hopelessly lost, so our conversations usually consist of bizarre terms like "Evo X," "BOM," "unpack HUD," and "appliers." Some do pick things up quickly, but for others, it's just an overwhelming amount of info to learn in one go. I can't wait until NUX avies are released - maybe that'll ease some of the "how do I even make an avatar?" confusion and newbies will actually be able to enjoy their first shopping outings.
  16. Found sommore stuffs while digging through Flickr! For you boot/fantasy lovers, there's a super cute pair of knee high hoof boots by Morfeu at Tokyo Zero. Fits CZ Slim and Legacy. Click the photo to go to Flickr and you'll find a landmark there that takes you right to the display. AND, over at Men's Closet (the same event CZ Slim is being sold at), Malediction has these cute denim shorts + latex chaps (sold separately) for Legacy M, Jake, and CZ Slim. The leg spikes and wings are hideable via the HUD. Edit: Forgot to mention - both items have included alphas for CZ Slim.
  17. For today's Happy Weekend at Traume. Fits Legacy M and CZ Slim. The shorts are kinda cuuuute.
  18. Oh, those are super annoying. Funny enough, there is one store that has given away so much group-only store credit that I own just about every makeup pack they sell and haven't had to pay a dime for it. I'm actually considering turning off their notice spam until they start making more new releases. 😂 42 groups is kind of a weird number to cap basic accounts at, though. I kind of wish we'd get bumped to 50, and then give memberships options to increase that from there.
  19. Yeah, notice spam and buggy group chat definitely messes with things. I try to turn off notices from any groups I don't particularly want or need them from. It helps a teensy bit. Some of those paid groups aren't worth at all, but there are many that give out free gift cards and store credit on a regular basis - sometimes weekly, so those I definitely stay in. If a store group has no activity whatsoever, I just bounce. Having an increase in group slots would be huge for me, but I don't really need any of the other perks, so I don't bother with memberships.
  20. Yup. As a basic account, I'm constantly juggling my groups and I'm always maxed. On the shopping front, you need groups not only for individual store group gifts, in some cases, but also event freebies. Also, many groups now have a fee, and they can get fairly steep (I've personally seen up to 1000L to join, with 50L-500L being more common). You generally don't want to leave those once you've paid, as they often give out regular monthly gifts or have ongoing store discounts that require the group tag. Special higher value freebies (like heads or skins), group member sales, and other events, as well. Then there are land/rental groups (if needed), social groups, club/event groups, building groups, etc.
  21. Lol, I hear ya. The last thing I need is another human head just for it to sit and collect dust until I find a good fantasy skin to toss on it. I already have a folder full of those.
  22. Yup yup! Definitely check the display ad and make sure you'll get both versions. Oh and test out the animation HUD. They're good! I just want more flexibility in the sliders and the standard version might not make enough stupid faces for me to have on all the time, LOL.
  23. The one thing I noticed is Paris had a "standard" head version included in the demo package. My Veronica only had the "advanced" version. The major difference - the Advanced will *not* shape in any real way. It's just not very well mapped to the sliders. It's designed that way on purpose - if you peek at the notecard included, it states it's best for photography and things like that. You can't really shape the head because the animations are very detailed. I suppose that's why there are lip shapes included within the HUD itself. The standard version of the head has basic/normal animations, and it will shape via sliders. The notecard included with Veronica states the standard head will be included, but it didn't come in my demo package for some reason (unless I deleted it? I couldn't find one in my inventory), so I couldn't really test out the shaping. The animations are really, really nice, but not nice enough to give up having a unique face.
  24. Guess what? I'm a complete derp and was demoing an entirely different head. I had on Paris. I *think* the discounted one is Veronica. Don't even quote me. I'm obviously not credible, LOL. That said, the glitching on Paris does remain, but it's less noticeable with BOM properly enabled. I did not detect any glitching on Veronica, so that's a plus. Still, I can't really justify getting it. I don't like the shape (or how it shapes) and I'm still waiting to see if some creature or critter heads drop in price for Black Friday. It's a decent deal for newbies, though. Especially if it does get an Evo X update.
  25. Sure! Navigate to the Tinting & Options tab, and the button is right there under the Options section...
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