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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. I offered to decorate your home or help you do a complete makeover, I think. Depending on the style you're looking for, I might be able to help! You should go spend some of that money!!!! 😂
  2. I'd be more impressed if they left their logo that way all year round and flew their flags in September. Funny - I can only think of two companies that would actually do that, and they don't even participate in the predictable June branding shenanigans.
  3. Lemme know what you need. *shuffles through her never ending list of shops* I shop too much. That's my impulsive behavior. Been taking it easy the last few weeks, though, and actually started to wear what I bought.
  4. /offtopicon Just dropping in again to say your lions are super adorable! /offtopicoff
  5. LMAO I'm sorry. Lemme edit and see if I can add your edit.
  6. Off the top of my head, I can think of about 10ish stores where you could get things in these styles right now, even! For any male impulsive buyers reading this thread: Deadwool, Cold Ash, Mossu, Lapointe Bastchild, Ascend, Etham, Erauqs, Enforcer, Finer Threads, and Fe Style. You're welcome! 😄
  7. Took a peek at this and the last few Pride blog entries. I am loving these avatars! They're all so creative. I'm actually looking forward to the community page now!
  8. Now you're asking the right questions. And this is what metaverse developers will have to figure out. I don't envy them, either.
  9. Heeeeey, I didn't even point out the floating torsos (points for me!). That was done before the barrier. But yeah, they really think enveloping avatars in bubbles is going to make their platform more safe. That's so hilarious. 😂 Meanwhile, behind the Foo Fighters concert...
  10. Cool. But many others would simply just log right out and not return. There comes a point where having to manually block hundreds of accounts one by one gets a bit tedious. Especially when THIS is how the company chooses to deal with such things. 😏 Clearly, this is NOT a serious platform and never will be at this rate. And this is why it's never going to be a widespread thing (RIGHT @Luna Bliss?! 😂) https://www.engadget.com/meta-quest-horizon-worlds-horizon-venues-personal-boundary-harassment-174140461.html
  11. I'd still be verrrrrrrrry surprised if millions signed on at once. You know me, I'm super skeptical about this stuff, lol. If you could access the metaverse via phone, tablet, PC, console, in your car, smart TV, refrigerator, etc. at the push of a button - then maybe!
  12. Ehhhh. Hop over to the Oculus Experiences site and read the reviews for Horizon Venues and Horizon Worlds. The same complaints over and over and over, typically. Kids are ruining this, everyone is so immature, I can't enjoy the show, children are screaming into their mics and trolling, etc. Apparently, the experiences adults are attempting to have are being interrupted by kids acting a whole fool (during events, concerts, etc.). Staff doesn't seem to be doing much about it, or else maybe there wouldn't be so many negative reviews repeating the same complaints. I'm not sure what regular users could do in that instance, short of maybe blocking a large majority of the platform? How would they take responsibility exactly? I'm not sure how it works over there. Can they mute everyone disrupting a concert? All I know is it sounds like a hot mess (and makes me very glad SL doesn't have these issues). Moderation is a necessary evil - or else you're going to struggle getting people to stay interested in your product over the long-term (seriously, who wants to listen to kids screaming into mics all night?). Change that into adults trolling other adults (which also happens in plenty of online spaces) and it's not much more pleasant.
  13. I refuse to believe that will EVER be a thing. 😂 Social media sites/apps can do some impressive numbers, but look how easy that is to jump on. Boop press a button on your phone now you're on your home feed. Bam open up a tab and now you're checking out the latest trends. You can do all that while cooking dinner. I assume for a metaverse we're talking VR. That takes effort, work, time to get "dressed" in the uglah clunky visor goggles of yesteryore! Putting kids to bed, cleaning up the kitchen, checking all the emails - all before settling down for an uninterrupted session of metaversey shenanigans. Oh crap forgot to take the dog out - off come the goggles. Immersion broken. Might as well go read now.
  14. Ohhh they taste so good. It's basically a milkshake with a kick. So many ways to make them, too. Check the YouTubes for a million varieties!
  15. I don't drink, unless you count one drink every 2 years or so. But...BUT...if I'm going to drink anything with alcohol at all - I want a mudslide. I won't bother linking recipes/videos as nobody seems to make it the way I do, but for me, it's primarily a Christmas/New Year's Eve holiday drink, sooooo... Egg nog ice cream, Kahlua, amaretto liqueur, rum all blended, and chocolate syrup. Whipped cream on top with some freshly-ground nutmeg if you're feeling fancy. Do with those ingredients what you will (since I'm not a drinker, I'm not embarrassed to admit there's barely any rum or Kahlua or amaretto in there anyway and it's primarily ice cream and syrup, LOL). Typical recipes use vodka, but my wimpy ... teaspoon of rum just tastes better to me. 😂 Bailey's is also common (instead of Kahlua).
  16. It's hard, but some online spaces worked to figure it out. It's imperfect, it's messy, it's constantly being tweaked, and yeah it costs money, but it's been done. There are absolutely communities I can think of where I'd say "Man, being here is so chill" vs. others where I wouldn't even bother socializing - even on the same platform. Look at Twitch - terrible community reputation on the whole and if you drop into random channels you'll quickly see why, but I know of some *huge* channels with diligent, paid moderators. 20,000+ people pile in at once at times during big events and streams and yet chat remains civil and pleasant more often than not. In fact, quite a few people met in chat and socialize off-Twitch (in Discord, in guilds, etc.), they've been around so long. A community like that takes years to build up, so it's definitely not something the metaverse (cringe) can do on the fly.
  17. I wouldn't really relate virtual worlds to bars, either. I guess they're closer to that than a public square. It's just that bars are so local and online worlds typically host people from all over the dang place. Hence why I think of them like large online game worlds (no I'm not saying SL is a game I'm not going there don't worry!!!).
  18. Oh, I've been lost for pages now. I assume it's all related in some way, but my brain is too tired to put it all together. It's why I just addressed the main title with my comments.
  19. I can't wait until the word "metaverse" disappears forever!!!111oneone But no really - if the topic is about how to promote civility in a virtual world - well...I guess you could look to spaces that have been doing that for decades? Large guilds in multiplayer online games, for example. Sure, there's drama and goofiness, but there are some massive guilds that have traveled between games and managed to stay intact for years while simultaneously welcoming new people in. Moderation is usually pretty good, people within the community are invested in the guild's success and overall reputation, most members get along, disagreements are handled and dealt with, and extreme troublemakers don't tend to last very long. That all falls apart when talking about something huge and difficult to moderate, like social media, but if the concern is building a "world" and keeping things civil-ish - well, dozens of community worlds have been built already (FFXIV, for one recent example). Am I on topic yet? 😂
  20. Ooooooo, that is one cute avatar! Sorry, had to say it. 😄 That landing page looks great, though. I love the photos they've chosen for it - especially the banner.
  21. Mooooore shopping! https://www.seraphimsl.com/2022/06/01/come-out-and-love-with-pride-at-home/
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