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elise Voxel

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Everything posted by elise Voxel

  1. I need to get me some land with an owner who'll pay me for staying there ASAP Also, WTF are the comments under that article? So far I've read about three marriages that broke up because of Second Life?
  2. Holy moly everyone's avies look beautiful I'm embarrassed to show mine now
  3. Well... I don't even know what this thread is about anymore
  4. Yes, those people originally came from another country and are citizens of that country. It makes sense for them to say that they're of that nationality. For people who've lived in America for generations to say they're not American... I don't understand it.
  5. Then again, Native American is ancestry (for those who are part native), not claiming an entirely different nationality. Although I wouldn't know how everything works there, I'm not American.
  6. I never said you couldn't claim ancestral heritage. As someone who's 100% one ethnicity, I find it really cool that Americans and other people can trace their roots back to so many different countries. But to be 'from' there? Shouldn't you have a little more claim to say that you are of that nationality when it's not that of your passport?
  7. I wonder if these people who say they're from other countries can fluently understand the language of said country, talk about the political situation there or point to close friends and family living there.
  8. They say Catwa is the most popular but I've personally seen far more products made for Genus. Is it possible that the babyface is one of the reasons why they do so well? It's probably the best head for an asian/kawaii look. Maybe shapes is another factor. Genus heads can be altered to give all sorts of different looks.
  9. I tried the demo and it looks amazing! I'm a bit tight on money now but I hope to buy the full version soon (even though it's not very pricey according to SL standards...)
  10. Court cases usually aren't settled fast, not to mention how COVID-19 is probably delaying other things. Let's just wait and see for now.
  11. This isn't really racism but whenever I tell people I'm from Singapore they'll ask me if it's in China...
  12. My country's quarantine period is opening up in phases, and Phase 2 starts on Friday. This allows restaurants to open, so I'm really excited to dine in for the first time in a while!
  13. Attended online classes... and then jobless. So I convinced myself to finally upgrade to meshbody and head. No more classic avatar for me!
  14. Not great, I know but today's the day I mustered up the courage to buy a meshbody and head so I'm pretty proud of myself! (I still need to work on those photography skills... and that shape... and my fashion sense...)
  15. Politics on the forum Guess I'm not escaping that anytime soon...
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