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Gage Wirefly

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Everything posted by Gage Wirefly

  1. Thanks for this! I have a couple of feeders in my backyard for Hummingbirds and its fun to sit out and watch them buzz about.
  2. It looks like Genus to me, but maybe other folks will know for sure.
  3. Currently, its this entire EEP thing in Second Life. I understand wanting to upgrade things to make it a better experience. I fail to see how EEP does this. I really believe this is going to be utilized by a small amount of users and I cannot see at this point how its better than the current Windlight system. It seems like change only for the sake of change. I have given it a fair shot in EEP enabled viewers and I am not sold on it. There is a horrible fps issue with water enabled-WATER ENABLED!? And there is no way to disable the crossfading of skies and many older Windlights which I happen to like don't look right in an EEP viewer. The lighting is all wrong. There are other things that need more attention than this in my humble opinion. Group chat for one , let's get that fixed once and for all, for starters and other things.....🤪
  4. Another meshed up (only head and body added, the rest was mesh anyway) default avatar, 'Greg'. He's very retro.
  5. Skimming social media, I have seen many reports that some of the fires were intentionally started. I don't care what you think or believe on other matters, but that is quite extreme and serious-to put it lightly. We are living in crazy times.
  6. Seems like most hubs are deserted these days, removing them would be redundant at this point, no?
  7. Having a bit of fun with this 50L Friday find.
  8. Even though I am quoted, I am deleting my posts. It's just not worth the headache.
  9. This also happens in Windows when there has been a system update applied, whether in the background or otherwise. I've experienced it and have seen others talk about it in FS support.
  10. Major peeve today: Group chat. I understand adding all these shiny new rendering features and other things but please fix group chat. It is the current year and it should just work without hiccups by now, right?
  11. Get the Genus free head in the group, spend your money on Lelutka-its a superior product in every way, and probably one of the best heads you can get at the moment. All my humble opinion of course.
  12. It's good that they can sell again but I have so many questions. It all seems farfetched but stranger things have happened.
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