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Gage Wirefly

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Everything posted by Gage Wirefly

  1. Right, you're expressing joy but I'm the one in darkness. Girl bye.
  2. So now our President and First Lady has tested positive and the ghouls circle. Can't say I'm surprised, it was expected. You know all this talk about karma...wishing ill upon anyone is also bad karma and bad juju even if you think they deserve it. If karma handed out diseases to everyone who 'deserved' it there would barely be any humans left on the planet. Regardless of where you stand politically, try to be better than that. I wish illness upon no one. Also, I had an uncle who spent the better part of August in hospital recovering from COVID. He had the version that severely affected his lungs. Never smoked a day in his life or had any sort of breathing issue. And although he is now out and has recovered it has lingering effects. It's an awful disease, to put it lightly.
  3. Everyone seems welcoming to me and I haven't been posting in this thread very long compared to most. I don't post for likes, if someone happens to like what I post , that's ok. I personally don't know anyone who posts on this thread or most others for that matter. That last line is a bit of a swipe because you're saying some aren't good photos. Maybe they aren't but it's the effort that matters in my opinion. Lighten up.🙄 Also see this thread, your post seems more suited for it.
  4. I have seen this in Windows with AMD gpus that are using the Enterprise or Pro drivers instead of Adrenalin, that could be the case here.
  5. After checking to be sure the transfer was legitimate I would then proceed to go on a bit of a spree. 🤑
  6. And why it eventually didn't make it: https://danielvoyager.wordpress.com/2018/12/08/why-second-life-didnt-work-out-on-steam/
  7. Have you or do you even use Linux of any kind? It most certainly does not suck.
  8. Singularity Viewer (which I prefer to use primarily in Windows and Linux) and CoolViewer do also .
  9. I do a good mix of both, but tend to prefer the Market myself. It's just faster and I have ninja search skills . 🤪
  10. And it's fanless. It may not survive long running Second Life. I would not use SL on something without a fan, personally. The low specs you could get by with but not a fan.
  11. So basically your argument is that because you can't afford it, it should be made cheaper so you can afford it? That's not how life works-virtual or otherwise. And yes SL folds and everything you spent there is gone because that is how disposable income works. It's not an investment. If your money is better spent on another service you have the freedom to go there and not spend in SL. Good luck.
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