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Gage Wirefly

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Everything posted by Gage Wirefly

  1. This show is full of twists and turns and dark humor, its a good watch. Been waiting on Season 2 forever. Video has adult language, obviously.
  2. I just saw on her MP that she has bunch of fixes, I am loading up now lol. Thanks again!
  3. Well if that isn't just handy ! Thank you for posting that.
  4. I have the body on another avatar and it's too bulky quite honest. If they made a slimmer less muscular version and someone made some normal looking body skins, it would be ace. But I second the Belleza Jake body, its pretty good in my experience.
  5. It is by Giz Seorn, at Uber. Look for the large Demo Area sign , the booth is front of it on the top tier.
  6. Playing around with the Catwa gift head-which is so generous! Thank you Catwa. All my images look sort of post processed and they are- but only with Singularity's built in PyFx filters and Windlights. They are kind of amazing!
  7. For years one of my favorite sims has been Forest Floor. A nice place to roam about or park, which I do a lot. The adjacent sim is also explorable , in a similar theme. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Forest Floor/128/128/37
  8. A wooden robot of all the things, in a tie no less!
  9. I wish I had such dainty snakes! It's in the 80s here in my neck of the woods and my backyard is currently overtaken with very large but mostly harmless rat snakes. I don't kill them, but I do put out a snake deterrent mix to keep them away from the back of my home. My house is between a field and a water supply so they are always trekking between the two places.
  10. Another with this little Robot. It's a gacha avatar and I will have them all eventually. 😛
  11. People like convenience and a creator should charge whatever they think is fair for their unique shapes. Time is money , after all.
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