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Rat Luv

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Everything posted by Rat Luv

  1. I drew: KNIGHT OF PENTACLES The card can mean a cautious but determined perfectionist who sees through things to the end. There are good and bad sides. The Knight would be great to have on your side in a dispute because he won't give up easily...but he could burn himself out just to prove a point! SO...IF your question was "SHOULD I TAKE MY NEIGHBOUR TO COURT FOR THE OVERGROWING HEDGE?" this card means you'll probably do well in the case. You'll march into court with 1,000 pages of legal decisions and expert articles on hedge growth that you've researched all week and blow the judge's mind! But don't become TOO obsessed with the case and start telling strangers in the shops that a gap of 1cm still breaks hedge zoning laws, or take hundreds of photos of the hedge at 4am - that's a bit obsessive. But I have a feeling that wasn't your question 😞...
  2. @Seicher Rae Thanks! I hadn't considered making my own. I think I went for the Rider Waite because it looks a bit old school fortune teller 😊. I've been reading about the woman who did the art, Pamela Colman Smith - she was born in London then grew up in Brooklyn and also illustrated Spider Anansi books. But she doesn't even get a namecheck on the deck πŸ˜’ If these weren't so stupid expensive I might get...
  3. @Tarina SewellI will tomorrow, promise, but need to go to bed now, coming up to 1am...and thanks for the tip on decks! Dragons sound cool...that is my sister's star sign
  4. OK! Easy! πŸ˜‰ (whisper Seicher...send help...I'm about to be rumbled...😲)
  5. TERRIBLE 😐 I think the worst one was "Welcome back..while you were away we..." and something about humping your brains out. It went on for ages and filled up local chat...and wasn't even funny...
  6. TBF though, some club owners would give out 'gesture packs' to new hosts/DJs and tell them they had to use them to promote the venue name. I'm not a fan either.
  7. LOL, me too. Loved watching that, reminded me of Wyle E Coyote falling into the valley.
  8. I used to like trying to make skyboxes, I could waste whole evenings doing it. Just shaping and linking prims, quite basic...texturing was the really fun part 😊
  9. I drew - wow, it's a Major Arcana card (not a sword, wand, tentacle or cup). First of the thread! (EDIT, no there was also Strength, ignore me) - THE MAGICIAN! Some say this is the best tarot card of all! The Magician can make miracles happen. The honest answer is...both! ☺️You WILL live forever, in memories and hearts, but your body WILL die trying. This is good because if you actually lived physically until the year 10,000 (if 2036 isn't the end of the world) you'd be really bored and eventually want to die. And then you'd be watching everyone else die, and they wouldn't ever get the chance to look back on your life and remember YOU, so you wouldn't really live on. So you get the best of both worlds! I feel this card is missing a bunny head popping out of the cup 🐰
  10. OK why not? ☺️ I drew: oh no! FIGHT!! V OF WANDS "Hello, do you sell sticks for fighting with? We''ll take five please." 😲 This suggests quarrels and conflict lie ahead, so if you're planning something, there might be opposition. This seems worrying...but it's quite common. It was every five minutes on SL TG! So don't be fearful - besides, you might win ☺️ And it also stands for competition, so it might not even be a real fight, with nasty words and stuff - maybe you'll soon be taking part in a contest. Also, they don't seem to be doing a good job of hitting each other, their wands are all locked in the middle. Their wands are bigger than them! Maybe your enemies aren't as strong or scary as you think. I'd say this is probably exciting, get ready for some sparks! πŸŽ†
  11. Oops, sorry, missed this 😣 OK, last one...(drum roll) and thanks everyone - and remember tarot is 100% SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN 😲 @CopenhagenBlackI drew: TWO OF WANDS This is a cool one 😎 It means being confident in your powers, having authority and commanding respect. You could say it means "Your world, your imagination" (see, I managed to swing the thread to SL relevance πŸ˜‚) . It also means being bold and going for what you want in your own unique style. So if you're considering doing something but are a bit worried about it going wrong or others slagging you off, just do it anyway. It might go wrong or not turn out how you planned but you can't stand holding the world in your hand forever. The wands are maybe a bit like a gate or a starting line? But you're at a very good starting point. If it had been 10 of Swords, you'd have had to pick them out of your back first πŸ˜’
  12. Or at least take them out again before 2036...😊
  13. @Seicher RaeThanks! I need to consider these things to get good at it. It's funny you say that about Swords, I had an uneasy vibe when looking at them the first time, especially the 2 and 10...
  14. I'm still really new at it but I think that sometimes when you draw two the meanings change and you get a new meaning, or bigger picture. And spreads are fun but probably too long for a SL thread. But let's go. CARD 1 - I drew VI OF SWORDS This card tells me you should focus on a change of scene. It can also mean leaving parts of your old life behind, ditching an unhelpful belief or getting over an ex - or just moving house or city. Sometimes it's not worth the hassle of staying around. Of course that's easier said than done during a pandemic, but that's what the card reckons! CARD 2 - I drew IX OF PENTACLES This stands for making sacrifices to achieve a better life, having a comfortable lifestyle and enjoying the finer things in life. So it could be that the thing you should focus on in Card 1 might mean giving something up, but there'll be a good pay-off eventually and you'll be pleased with the results. So it seems to be: escape the current thing holding you back, even if it seems scary or sad at first, because it's what you need to do to be the person you want to be. Have to say I like the little snail on this card 😊 though it just looks like a squiggle on my actual card.
  15. I drew: THE SUN This is a really good one! Bursting with energy and brilliance. Or it could mean an achievement, like passing an exam or test. It also stands for confidence so if you're trying to persuade yourself to do something, you probably can do it well. Or it could mean the end of a rough period and more fun due soon. Really doesn't seem to be any drawbacks with this one.
  16. I drew: IV OF SWORDS I don't think any of us know if we really have friends. I asked my nan this once and she said "If you can count your true friends on more than one hand, better count again!" ☹️ And my friend on SL said "You can have 500 friends on Facebook but who's going to turn up to your birthday party if it's raining on a Wednesday?" And even when you get friends, they're usually annoying and always cancel things at the last minute. Sorry, the card...it means retreating from a situation, having a rest, recharging your batteries and reassessing priorities. Do you get stressed about making friends, or feel you can't do it? Maybe you should stop trying for a while - just casually chat to people, and something could fall into place! Don't put any pressure on yourself. You probably will have, though. I mean look at your +872 forum reactions, you must be doing something right Just remember that when you talk to people and use that same energy then! And don't sleep below swords.
  17. Rider Waite - same one as the pics (though am just grabbing the images through Google search)
  18. I drew: II of CUPS I know how you feel - I'm still a system AV! It's hard to rock the urban neko goth look with a supermodel head and pouty lips that 100 other people have. If this has put you off trying mesh, this card suggests things might change! It means reconciliation and a new friendship. Old enemies now share a drink and put aside their differences. And the only way you'd suddenly befriend mesh would be if someone produced a head that you liked, so it HAS to happen, I reckon? The only problem is it might get a bit weird if that head become popular and you see a load of people wearing it on the dance floor. Be prepared for a surprise! 😲
  19. I drew PAGE OF CUPS Good news Arduenn - YES!
  20. I drew: VII OF CUPS This is about being lured in by fantasies. The man in the card is chasing after cups full of riches, castles and Fred Perry shirts, but the truth is the top and bottom right cups - it's all an illusion, disguising snakes and baby dragons! So I'm not sure you're right - it might just be your overactive imagination. THOUGH....the card also means overindulgence. So maybe the card is saying humanity will chase after materialism and become so greedy that it wipes itself out? I'll go with 'no' for now but if a world leader arrives with the same face as the one top left, I would get very scared...
  21. I was shuffling and this card fell out: THREE OF CUPS It means friendship and community, and discovering a common bond. So maybe your geese are just taking a short break? But also consider - and don't take this the wrong way - maybe your geese ran away to be by themselves? Maybe it's THEIR community and they don't want humans involved? Birds can be picky like that (are geese birds? Don't yell at me if they're mammals). Anyway, some people think a card falling out of the deck isn't the spirits but just clumsiness so I drew again, same question and got: VI OF WANDS Which means triumphing over the odds and achieving success. This is a good card! Don't sue me if I'm wrong but I think you have reasons to be optimistic that your geese will come back. I'm sure the forum would love to know the back story to this
  22. I drew: STRENGTH The basic message of this is that you need to find the strength to accept that socks go missing. It happens to all of us! I also don't understand why my socks go missing. You have to bear with it until we find the culprits who have stolen all of our socks and stashed them somewhere. But will you ever find that one sock again? I drew again and got: QUEEN OF PENTACLES I won't lie to you Bigmoe, I'm a bit stumped. This card means being down to earth, trustworthy and in balance with nature. Which isn't helping you find your sock. I think maybe your sock is hiding from you? At least until you get in balance with it. You need to stop fantasising and get pragmatic to find the sock, is what this card's telling me.But like the Strength card said, maybe don't worry too much about it? Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―
  23. My own one: how will coronavirus play out? I drew: VII OF PENTACLES This means we're at a crossroads and still have lots of figuring out to do. Maybe getting a vaccine won't be straight forward. Maybe lockdown isn't working? Or maybe it is? We probably need some reliable stats. I live in the UK and they just ruined everything by giving the recording work to a team who had a broken Excel sheet. The man on the card is looking at the mess and saying "NO!!"
  24. I drew KING OF WANDS So this is like having an idea about what you want to do and going after it without fear. Kings are authority figures so if you're asking because you've got an idea for an event or venture in mind, you're probably very capable of doing it and people will know and respect that! You will probably get attention from others too. The other big meaning is enthusiasm, so this is all looking really good. Very likely that if you believe in your own superpowers and take action, your cup will be well running over!
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