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Rat Luv

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Everything posted by Rat Luv

  1. Ugh...just woke up with a dry throat, back ache and a sore arm...here I go. But good to hear you're feeling better now
  2. It's a bit like New Year's Eve isn't it? Everyone expects you to have non-stop fun and really be into it, but on the actual day or night it's...meh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But Halloween and Mardi Gras are always brilliant
  3. Oh, and while those stupid Infowars reporters go on about alien jellyfish and empty hospitals, this is the real scandal they missed... https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/feb/13/new-do-not-resuscitate-orders-imposed-on-covid-19-patients-with-learning-difficulties
  4. It's been 12 hours for me and I don't seem to have any side effects yet, though was warned about a sore arm, headache and possible fever. Maybe it'll hit me tomorrow? The man who injected me said "Today's special is Astra Zenaca or Astra Zenaca, but I will let you choose which arm!" The injection wasn't sore at all compared to giving blood samples and the whole thing took about 20 minutes, including queuing.
  5. LOL, Orientation Island was a bit intimidating...people would turn up just to wind up the newbies and yell over the mic...and then you'd walk down to the stream, talking to that parrot...if only they'd put a MASSIVE map tutorial up by the circle
  6. Not a vent but...having my vax tomorrow 💉 I will let you know if I can pay for my shopping by scanning my microchipped arm 😊
  7. I bought a motorbike - which was delivered with NO WHEELS. It had wheels in the Marketplace pic! It was under 50L so I don't know if I have the heart to leave a negative review. I wouldn't have minded a bit of a wonky build, or a basic script, or forgetting to texture it...and I can 'ride' it, technically... but...how do you forget THE WHEELS? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  8. We can have a death row avocado party when they sentence us to capital punishment 😎
  9. I tried vegetarianism at school for ethical reasons, but became underweight, was tired and hungry all the time, had headaches and other side effects. I'm not saying don't do it, I think it's suitable for some but not for others. Someone else I knew who tried it actually put on weight, as they were eating more carbs, like pasta and bread, than usual...(ETA I've also known vegetarians who get by fine, just talking about my personal experience) I mostly avoid processed foods as they're full of saturates and sugar, and would rather cook at home. But I do enjoy an occasional pizza or bag of Monster Munch I think things will change over time, they'll probably have to, but it takes a lot of effort and time, and most people are more concerned with keeping their jobs and getting through the pandemic. It's easy to talk about growing your own veg, and it would be nice...but you can't do much if you live in a block of flats, or have to work long hours. Also, some organic food is much more expensive than what you can get in the supermarkets.
  10. Why not have both together? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casu_martzu
  11. Just seen one of the weirdest horror films! It's free to watch all month on BBC iPlayer (but not sure if you can access it outside the UK?) Really odd. I won't directly link to it because there's a few graphic sex bits, so be warned...also maybe avoid it if you're scared of mannequins
  12. I thought the name sounded familiar and couldn't work out why...then remembered a friend (not on SL) did a reggae mix and this was on it...pretty good IMO
  13. Oh @Drayke Newall it's next Monday But we don't do thick pancakes in the UK - more like crepes, and a little bit of sugar and fresh lemon juice And it's Chinese New Year on Friday! Exit the Year of the Rat....and into the Year of the Ox 🐮
  14. Pretending to help your mum dish up and serve in the kitchen on Xmas Day so you can grab an extra pig in a blanket
  15. That link's the full movie I've bookmarked it for tomorrow.
  16. In the UK it's 'Pancake Day'...saw this on Marketplace and am tempted 😈 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/CH-pancake-flipper/13912470
  17. I wish I didn't like this but every time I hear it loud...I still think it's amazing It actually united all the emos, punks and rap fans because they HATED it so much, lol. I think it got voted most annoying song. Though I have stopped saying "Put a donk on it" when people ask what I think of a song so I'm a bit less annoying 😌
  18. With fishfingers - economy fish and chips
  19. We saw The Weeknd's performance but think they cut out other bits so they could go back to the BBC studio...which was a shame.
  20. I fell asleep right after my last post 💤. Oh well, all my predictions were wrong! I was rooting for the Chiefs but didn't know what was happening half the time.
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