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Rat Luv

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Everything posted by Rat Luv

  1. Gopi, if I got chased by a flipping tiger I would run..if that make me a chicken...bwuck bwuck 🐔😅
  2. "Foreign cash bureau"? (Sorry, am bored and trying to see if I remember Katakana! ☺️)
  3. I used to host and speaking personally, it creates problems when people have a dispute in local chat...it would be better to IM the host and say "This guy is being creepy", or just mute him. Otherwise, it becomes a public issue and people who come to hang out and relax are suddenly watching a load of drama unfold, and decide to leave. Less traffic = less club tips = fed-up owner I would personally have handled it differently, but I don't think the staff were picking on you...you also have to consider that some people make fake claims about being abused on IM to get others in trouble, so it can be hard to tell sometimes. But it's good you left on good terms
  4. Spooky! I like it I like listening to this stuff while I'm reading...I can't concentrate if it's music with vocals, but this kind of thing works really well. There are quite a few Dark Ambient channels on Youtube with music similar to this - some of the Dark Jazz ones are also worth a listen. Adding this one to my playlist
  5. Yes, I had mine in February. The advice I saw about Vitamin D was back in April or May last year, before the vaccines had been produced - I'd have to watch the videos again but I think the main benefits are boosted immune system and greater resistance to respiratory infections. There was also a video about a trial in Vietnam (I think?) where patients were given a massive dose of Vitamin D and made quick recoveries. But I'm not an expert and I think someone in the previous Covid thread mentioned that it's best to check with your doctor before taking doses. ETA vid
  6. I agree - I've been taking a Vitamin D3 with K2 supplement since the middle of last year (Dr John Campbell did a few interesting videos on this) and also Vitamin C and Zinc and Magnesium. I usually take 2,000UI a day too - though I did pick up one bottle by mistake with 20,000UI capsules...which I'm too scared to take, lol.
  7. She'd probably say - "Is that as far as you got??" And I'd say - "This will save you a lot of time" and IM Noob Rat a link to X-Street
  8. Wow...1 and 2 are really depressing In west London, a dodgy contractor conspired for gain with the Hammersmith clerk of works to falsely certify air-raid shelters as sound when they had been shoddily built, fraudulently expensed and were unfit for purpose. Hmm...reminds me of a few PPE deals last year...!
  9. I've been thinking about this recently...we're all told in the UK about WW2 and the blackout during the blitz https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackout_(wartime)#World_War_II This is an interesting line! Blackouts proved one of the more unpleasant aspects of the war, disrupting many civilian activities and causing widespread grumbling and lower morale.[9] It does make me wonder if some people said "Oh, your chances of being bombed are tiny, I'm going to leave my curtains open tonight, it's my right!"
  10. I had those in school and still get them! Only now they're about work...or entering a hospital or college for a check-up or exam, but getting completely lost...going up and down in elevators and only finding abandoned floors that all look the same... I used to have lots of air crash dreams, I don't know why? I'm not scared of flying and the dreams weren't that scary. But they stopped a few years ago.
  11. We have to pay L$10 to TP now?? WHY did LL think this was a good idea??
  12. My new favourite thing ever recorded 😸 Five minutes of bliss ❤️
  13. Just my opinion...don't put lots of pressure on yourself to make friends, let it happen naturally. Find things you enjoy and chat to the other people who enjoy them, and something will probably fall into place Even if you have loads of people on your friends list, you'll probably spend some time on SL alone...friends log off, or take a break, or get partners, or get new interests, or don't want to go to the 'Girls In The Garage' club night with you . Some friends would talk to me every day for a few months, then disappear...others I'd meet maybe once a month, and are still there. It varies! I agree with Nalates, be careful about falling head over heels with people you've just met, or assuming you'll be friends for life...you never really know who some people are. But also, don't be paranoid and guess that someone's an alt or out to get you...most people on SL are good and just doing their own thing.
  14. Stop ruining my folder fantasy!! I would probably 'take all objects' in one go, and end up with everything jumbled up together in one block...
  15. What if you could store everything in a RL folder? Would make moving house and going on holiday so easy
  16. I think I'd be cautious. The vaccine can reduce your chance of dying from Covid, or getting to that stage...but I'd still rather not get infected and become really ill...or spread it to someone who does die as a result.
  17. Hang on...we get our avatar POWERS too? That's easy, #3! Time to teleport!
  18. I was going to pick #2 because living in a RL skybox and not having to pay rent or mortgage would be great But then I'd need to be able to fly just to go out or come home. Or my home might get hit by a plane...so not sure... Probably #1 for a few of the clothes!
  19. I don't mind them either The forum's so big, it's easy to miss topics at the time.
  20. I just remembered, I used this thread to vent when the clocks went back last year, lol. New peeve - my own indecisiveness
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