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Rat Luv

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Everything posted by Rat Luv

  1. It's crazy, isn't it? 12 years ago people were laughing, "Pfft, people in Second Life pay RL money to dress their pixel dolls...how sad!" And now people are paying $650k for a sandbox And Decentraland makes Freebie Galaxy look classy That looks more fun! I think people underestimate just how much stuff seriously rich people will blow their money on...the original Doge meme picture just sold for US$4 million 😮 https://www.republicworld.com/technology-news/other-tech-news/doge-becomes-the-most-expensive-meme-nft-as-it-sells-for-a-whopping-4-dollars-million.html
  2. Sand under a microscope...looks like sweets 🙂
  3. It'd be cool if at the end of the series, somebody went to @archangel969's house and interviewed him Enjoying all these!
  4. Is that Notre Dame? I wonder how much of it survived the fire. Also reminds me of one of the creepiest albums I've heard...I think that gargoyle is on the other side...
  5. "Look at the speed of the Dutchies!" Watched bits of the BMX racing...it's really hard to catch it on the BBC though Probably my favourite event now...
  6. I was talking to my nan today and she reminded me of something...my grandad was welding one day and he kept seeing a shadow figure moving around in the yard. He put his mask up, because he was supposed to be working alone in that section, and wondered if another worker had turned up, or if someone had broken in. Then he saw the figure running into a warehouse shed, so he followed it inside but couldn't see anyone...then heard a massive crash and came out again, and a scaffold had collapsed exactly where he'd been standing He always said "Oh, I probably just imagined it, a load of rubbish really!" but she thinks that, deep down, he wondered if someone or something dragged him away in time...things like that can't be proved in a lab but I still think there are weird forces out there... @Love Zhaoying It says 'video unavailable' here But was it this? 😍
  7. I haven't watched any of it so far, apart from the opening ceremony Now there's another controversy, where China is accusing the media of showing the most unflattering photo of their weightlifter 😮
  8. Sounds like an absolute nightmare! I once had a flat in a really nice block, but the 'couple from hell' moved in...they were always leaving cigarette butts and food wrappers everywhere, and screaming at each other until the small hours. I moved out after the police shoved the boyfriend against my front door at 5am I also want an island 😎 Or a cottage in the woods...
  9. They sound like psychos!? 🥺 Hate it when people act like this 😡 I would say report it, but I also know I'd feel intimidated. Good luck with your move! ☘️
  10. Have insomnia again 😫 Find this so soothing and playing it on repeat...but isn't sending me to sleep
  11. This sounds so happy 🤩 And that bit in the middle where he sounds like he's singing underwater 😮
  12. 🤩 Darts is fun...the players can get quite narky with each other though, lol.
  13. I want to see one of the fencers drop his sword and put his hands up...and then, when the other's about to prod him, he uses his foot to flip the sword into the air, catches it, and they start fighting again 🙂
  14. Still feels weird watching the opening ceremony with all the empty stands... China's sent over 400 athletes...Guinea's sent one swimmer 😃
  15. Just checked...not an Olympic sport yet, but the Committee is pushing for it.
  16. Seems there have been a few controversies already! If I remember when they're on, I might watch the swimming, diving, handball and soccer. Is Sumo wrestling on? I saw that a few years ago thinking it'd be fun, found it a bit 🥱 to be honest...
  17. Don't! I can hear him screaming from Norway 😉
  18. I suppose if I had a billion I'd go on a space trip too (though would want more than 10 minutes ). I just don't know why we all need to know he went? It's like when you get stories about some hedge fund manager who spends £300,000 on a meal and drinks. Why do we need to know? I know it's their money and they can do what they want with it, but I think it's bad taste and insensitive to flaunt it, especially when so many are scared for their jobs, and after all the lockdowns.
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