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Rat Luv

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Everything posted by Rat Luv

  1. Tonight at 8pm UK time, England will play Italy in the Euro 2020 final! I think this game would have been a bigger deal if we hadn't gone through a year and a half of Covid This is our first major final since 1966! Normally we don't get this far...and it will be tough because Italy are excellent. Boris Johnson said we would get a national holiday if England wins, which is the only sane thing he's ever said! But who are you supporting? Shout out to Garnet, Amina, Coffee, Horus, Paul, Phil and all SL England fam (actually Horus might be Welsh, I can't remember! No offence!)
  2. I think your beard says no! I know what you mean - my avatar is 5 ft 11 (!) and would look worse with extended waist/legs, but I still feel really small compared to most AVs. But it's not our fault other people go crazy on the slider! I am quite short IRL and my nickname used to be 'Titch' so I feel your pain 😉
  3. Going through all the Fall albums RIP Mark Smith...luv this one 🤩
  4. Yes, it really freaked me out Even if you're really sceptical, surely you would be surprised if somebody called Elisa Lam goes missing in LA at the same time that there's a TB test going on in skid row called "Lam-Elisa"? 😮 And the website of the last bookshop she visited before she died has the same domain address as...the graveyard she was buried in in Canada?? I think it is out of order that internet sleuths contacted her grieving family...but that whole story is so bonkers...I haven't seen the new Netflix documentary about it, but I do remember this strange statement by a LA police chief and somebody tracked the name down and searched all the stations, and he didn't exist?
  5. Hmm...to be fair, I have met some very funny religious people! I guess it depends on the individual. I don't know or meet many scientists because I am a bit thick 🥴 I love mystery, I used to be obsessed with the Elisa Lam case and get a thrill from weird coincidences...I don't expect people to agree, or try to sell it to them, but some witchy things work for me. But also if I'm ill, I'll go to the doctor and not a 'healer'. I don't like the way religions try to divide and frighten people, but sometimes science has been used to prove that groups are 'inferior' so...I don't know really...
  6. I agree! I think there should be a deal: everybody supports the scientists when they're working or making vaccines, and doesn't say "Oh, just stick a pentagram on your arm and you'll be safe from Covid!" 😮 But also, sometimes the scientists need to hang up their labcoats and accept that when two people say the same thing at exactly the same time, one person has to say "JINX" or else the universe explodes 🙂
  7. Well, not on this thread 🙂 Yes the government would probably drag them off and have them spying on other world leaders' thoughts 24/7 🙁
  8. I saw something interesting about dogs on YT but can't remember what it was called. It was something like, a conman (who later got caught) had knocked on someone's door and the owner remembered the dog going nuts, and growling and barking at the stranger, and thought that the dog could detect his bad intentions - but it was actually the dog reacting to the owner's discomfort...the owner had a gut reaction to the stranger and the dog picked up on it. I wish I could remember the name...there was also a bit about how a woman was attacked by a man in a car park when she was with her child, and she went into 'mother bear' autopilot mode and flattened him.
  9. That's a bit harsh, lol. Bangers and mash and scampi and chips are 😘
  10. But if you do return...! I would definitely say Agra, round the corner from Warren St tube, Aladin in Brick Lane (AMAZING! ignore the cheesy name, this place is BOSS ) and maybe Mill Hill Tandoori, but that is quite a trek up the Northern Line and maybe too much hassle if you're based in the centre. Oh God, I miss Agra so much 😹
  11. Oh! You definitely went to bad places! There are some amazing ones...my favourite is Agra, where the Bollywood star Asha Bhosle used to eat...you can alter the heat to suit your taste, but they will crank it up if you want 🔥🔥
  12. That was weird too. Liz Frazer from Cocteau Twins covered a song by Tim Buckley called "Song To The Siren", about a sailor who drowns after he chases a mermaid...and his son heard her version and loved it so much he contacted her, and they ended up dating..and then he drowned 😵
  13. Does anybody know the story about Marc Bolan? One of his songs was "Solid Gold Easy Action" and he sang "Easy as picking foxes from a tree" - and then his girlfriend drove the car with the reg plate FOX into a tree I know people will say "oh, it's just a coincidence!" and it probably is...but I sometimes wonder...
  14. If any Americans come to the UK, do NOT eat the fried chicken...you will be so disappointed... UK fried chicken is awful 🤢
  15. People were yelling this and 'Three Lions' outside about an hour ago 🙂
  16. I've heard this! Also, I think there was some case where twin brothers were separated at birth and they finally met up, and each one had picked a similar career, and dressed the same, and their wives even looked really similar...
  17. Or whether a DJ is using an alt to host 😮
  18. Oh I don't mind really but my posts were silly. I suppose deep down I don't believe in it (or I'd be using my psychic abilities to brainwash my boss into giving me less work and more pay 🤑) but I like the idea of it. Just thought this thread was a relief after a few other 'heated' threads, didn't see a reason to go all 'muh labcoat' about it I guessed red and purple by the way
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