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Rat Luv

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Everything posted by Rat Luv

  1. 🤩 I knew it! 😎 That article says "Tomatoes are fruits that are considered vegetables by nutritionists". And as we are talking about food, we should only listen to nutritionists. And not to nuclear scientists, who probably think fish are mammals 🙂
  2. Go for it! I'm nowhere near proficient but I enjoy it so much. It feels amazing when you read hiragana and katakana and understand what it means! There are really good YT channels that help explain the basics. Cure Dolly (weird presentations but AMAZING info), Japanese Ammo With Misa and Yuko Sensei are great. I also like Miku Real Japanese, but she is still far too advanced for me! Also, I'm not a cleverclogs and just do it when I find time, lol, so if you prioritise it, you will probably come much further than you expect! I think nothing beats real practice with someone from Japan, though.
  3. Sorry to go off topic straight away, but your profile pic is brilliant Did you do the cat in SL as well? 😍 (I probably will Zoom family and friends tomorrow night...but might have a pop in SL if there are any good suggestions 🙂)
  4. Do whales swim in the sea and get hunted by Japanese fishing boats? ✔️ Do whales use their tails to swing through trees in the jungle? ❌ And whales smell fishy. So I will stick with fish 🙂 I think the biologists are just trolling us!
  5. They're not pizzas, they're FLANS But that's not a hill I'm prepared to die on
  6. @Marigold DevinThank you! Whenever I get a bad cold, my ears always suffer the worst, so I know how painful it gets 😬...but wishing you better ASAP and a phone call from 'Agent Million'...☘️
  7. I'm scared I'll jinx it if I say yet...but expecting a big change that's making me excited but also quite nervous And I will be learning to drive, so might finish 2022 owning my first ever car 😎 But like Maitimo said, a lot depends on Covid...
  8. Pluto is a planet. Whales are fish. Tomatoes are vegetables. It's just plain sense 🙂
  9. Luv my new car 😍 Just driving around...shouldn't complain as it's a freebie but the controls are VERY sensitive, lol...have crashed into a dozen buildings
  10. I thought you were going to say you'd set the tree on fire! Or electrocute pigs in blankets...but I see what you mean, will save money on fake cobwebs 😎
  11. 🤩 Oh, I can imagine...especially if they had cats Think I wouldn't be able to relax with a tree with lighted candles, couldn't they set the branches on fire when they burnt down? Glad we have fairy lights now 🙂
  12. It's like now, if I see Santa on a TV advert, I feel "They're rubbing it in...Christmas is over, we have to wait another 363 days..." 😭 But I am a bit of an oddball like that 🤪 There is a cautionary tale about that!
  13. Yes, most people do 🙂 It's just a personal thing with me...by 2 January, I feel "Christmas seems like ages ago 🙁" and the decorations make me feel sad...and it's time to work or go to school again, though you're surrounded by lights and Santas.
  14. Mine's boring, Nurofen and a pack of masks 🙁 Hope that doesn't mean a lifetime of aches and Covid!
  15. This is a personal peeve...so I am not judging anyone who disagrees... but one of mine is keeping Christmas decorations up after Boxing Day... It doesn't annoy me when other people do it, and there might be a good reason, like if family or friends can't make it on 25th or 26th...and you are supposed to be able to keep them up until 6th January...but personally, I would take them down straight after Boxing Day, I find them a bit depressing afterwards. Does anyone else feel this?
  16. Merry Crimbo @Garnet Psaltery! 🎅🦌🎁🤶🎄🌟 And everyone spending it on their own...I know what it is like from last year! (Actually...am a little bit envious...I wouldn't mind a quiet one this year )
  17. It's just a big troll, like the other thread where they pretended to be Japanese and got caught out. I agree with Rowan, no clue why this thread is still going! Just nasty and rude 👎
  18. Couldn't find a song called "I've been hiding indoors and reading since March 2020" But this will do 😍
  19. I do like some New Order 😎 But on this video, apparently the singer and guitarist Bernie had a fight with the drummer Stephen before they played...you can tell they're still both really annoyed... and the other band members look really awkward! But it's such a great performance 🤩
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