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Rat Luv

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Everything posted by Rat Luv

  1. I can't remember now, I think it may have been a Twilight forum? But nothing's coming up for that...I'm sure there are Youtube videos about it...hmm...
  2. Does anyone remember...years ago, somebody discovered a forum (nothing to do with SL) and there were hundreds of thousands of messages, and it was all one user...she didn't even use alts, there were threads and threads (like this place) and it was just her posting to herself...it became one of these notorious creepy internet stories, but I can't remember what the forum was called and nothing's coming up on Google 🤔
  3. My alts would probably say no, as if they ever discovered money inworld I made them pay it on to me It might be fun if everyone used their alts for one day on the forum, to see if anyone can guess who's who...
  4. I had gnocchi and pesto tonight... It was DELISH.
  5. I asked my granddad this once, he said "I couldn't care less!"
  6. Yes...when you create a SL account, the TOS says you give permission for people to access your PC to mine crypto But sometimes the viewers glitch and you accidentally get sent 100 Bitcoin instead of 100 $Ls, so it's all good 😎🤑
  7. I agree...why not just say "I don't like it" Another peeve is when people use the term "haters" when others aren't into the same things as them...I don't HATE ABBA or Radiohead, and I'm not jealous of their success...their music's just not my thing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  8. All the recent talk about SL clubs (and Freebie Galaxy, lol) is making me miss Transmission, which was my favourite SL club...I think if a DJ there had asked for tips every 10 minutes, management would have kicked them Discovered this tune at Transmission, luv it! ❤️
  9. Actually - I think this is one of the most important things...when the DJ and host get on well, or have a good chemistry, it makes it so much more fun and creates a more relaxed vibe 😎 IMO, club owners should spend more time making sure the DJ and host are a good match than worrying about where to put tip jars.
  10. Oh God...I am dying 🤣 It looks like Zooby if Freebie Galaxy made it 🤣
  11. Are you far behind in the background, or is it massive?
  12. I agree, it's a bad feature. I remember someone who hosted in a rock club telling me about two dancers having a massive argument because one got tipped 500L and the other only got 200L, or something similar. The only good purpose for that script is if you're doing a fundraiser event, then it can be quite exciting to see the amount go up over the night.
  13. I agree with most of this, but I think it depends which clubs you go to – the big ones that run contests and are obsessed with traffic will be more like this than smaller places where people DJ and turn up because they love the music. My advice is: any money you make is a bonus, and if you’re not enthusiastic about the music or club, don’t bother starting or working at one, because it’s very hard to fake! When I was hosting at one place, I think I did two ‘tip the DJ’ announcements each set (one in each hour). Every 5-10 minutes is ridiculous I don’t think it even works…DJs are more likely to get tipped without asking for playing requests or for playing a tune that someone really loves. It wouldn't annoy me enough to TP out, but it does make me cringe a bit...years ago I went to one SL club where it was just me, the DJ and the host, and the host's first words to me were "Don't forget to tip the venue"
  14. Please don't destroy Freebie Galaxy! It's part of our heritage 😭 It's funny to think that of all the places that have been abandoned over the years, Freebie Galaxy is still going and attracting people I know it's hideous and cheesy, but I kind of love it It has actually gone upmarket, it has its own dance floor and a maze at the top now!
  15. Oh no, I need some milk in mine. Do like a cappuccino too ☕
  16. It's 2022 in Ireland and the UK! 🎇 Just waiting for the Americas to catch up! Hope everyone has an amazing year full of pleasant surprises!
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