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Everything posted by JanuarySwan

  1. I can see how with Capitalistic countries the indigenous people would have no use. Capitalism could explain the reason the indigenous people are thought of as less important; there is no need for them under Capitalism. Blacks are large consumers and probably on par with whites in America. Blacks could have been thought of as not as important as whites in the WASP culture due to the alliance between the United States and England which is still in effect today. Yes, there are wealthy blacks and there were wealthy blacks after the American Civil war, some were given property by rich slave owners because some slaves were considered personal family, but they may not have been an instrument for a strategic alliance with England and may have been of less importance to the WASP culture if even wealthy. In America, our government works for us. We enact the laws. However, it is corrupted, Mollymews. This is very rich and powerful country. America is also the world's printing press for money. The way our laws start is we need to get so many signatures on a petition. Once we have enough signatures, the proposition is placed upon the ballot for voting. This is where the people have the most power - the propositions and the power to enact laws. However, the propositions should be within the guidelines of the United States Constitution as some propositions I feel are not. I have read your posts and see you are an optimist. I am for the most part an optimist too. However, when it comes to government I tend to find I am rolling my eyes a lot with a but...but...but THAT'S NOT WHAT YOU PROMISED! Regarding, the blatant misuse of blacks under the United States Constitution and especially in regards to the GI BILL, I do see as an intentional criminal act. The laws must be changed. They will not be changed by a person with promises, not in this country; perhaps a little, but this needs more than people because power seats change; it needs the laws to change. The problem with propositions and how they enact laws, propositions are state by state, propositions do not go for the whole country. So, each state must change their own laws and that will take a lot of work. I have been misused by the government in America too to where I have sometimes wondered "why was I even born" so I know a bit about how blacks feel. I have felt like a pawn, a piece of meat many, many times. I feel to the government, I am a piece of meat because that is how I have been treated.
  2. I just wanted to say this is a lovely skin. I can't usually find a good eyebrow that shows up for the lighter skins. Good color!
  3. I think many have known since the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960's that there are problems; however, I had never heard what realtors were doing as far as loans to whites, etc and how with the GI BILL, black people did not receive their benefits and were denied. This with the GI BILL is a very serious crime that was against it's own citizens and should not be left unresolved as it is. However, could one of the problems still be the WASP culture? I also read in the Wikipedia that the WASP culture built our Democrat and Republican system. It sounds like a very scary thing. It's a very wealthy culture. There are some links for books to read about the WASP culture if you type in White Anglo Saxon in your browser. I think we should fly the flag at half mast or something until our government begins to address the problems that there isn't liberty and justice for all unless it ratifies the situation and certain laws are enacted. WHITE ANGLO SAXON PROTESTANTS 19th-century Anglo-Saxonism Main article: 19th-century Anglo-Saxonism In the nineteenth century, Anglo-Saxons was often used as a synonym for all people of English descent and sometimes more generally, for all the English-speaking peoples of the world. It was often used in implying superiority, much to the annoyance of outsiders. For example, Josiah Strong boasted in 1890: In 1893, Strong envisioned a future "new era" of triumphant Anglo-Saxonism:
  4. Possibly that could be a tradition carried on from what the White Anglo Saxon Protestants believed heavily in is nepotism. However, I read an article that says nepotism doesn't exist as much as it used to in the WASPS, but it's a difficult thing to measure. It seems to me a kind of favoritism. I do get tired of talking. I think most of us know the system is corrupt and favored...but what to do about it? Enacting laws for a change I believe is what we need to do or we will be here forever changing nothing if the laws don't change. So, this thread has me frustrated. We can talk til the cows comes home and talking til the cows come home is very long time or never that anything will change because the cows never come home they are oft grazing somewhere else, wandering. I'm not saying people shouldn't post their views. I'm saying I'm frustrated as I don't see much presented for change other than first changing via law qualified immunity for the police as one of things.
  5. MollyMews, I read your whole post. Your country New Zealand doesn't have hidden agendas of money and corruption like America does, such as Mafia bosses, crime bosses, the good old boys secret networks. It's a very corrupt country here. I was just reading about the electoral votes for the up and coming presidential election. While we can vote for the electoral who are promising to vote "our" way, it states the elected electoral to vote for that candidate legally has a right to vote the other way. You may accomplish more in a small country like New Zealand but I don't think you understand the corrupt American system. America needs to enact laws to stop some of these criminals. Not votes, laws, and we need to do that through petitions and then the propositions need to go on the ballot for us to say yay or nay to that proposition. We are fighting a mountain of corruption in this country. It has improved some, but only some. Here in America we enact laws through petitions and then the propositions go onto the ballots for our votes. Do you understand this, MollyMews? See this that you wrote in your post below about people. No, no...here in America we need to enact laws not count on people, people are corrupt. Once a proposition is voted for in favor of, it becomes a LAW. Here is what you wrote in your post. You are speaking about a country other than America here: MOLLYMEWS Wrote: (see below) we don't get social and structural racism in our laws, practices and institutions that maintain discrimination, without the explicit support of people for those systems and institutions racism is not a social issue. It is a personal issue. Personal to each and every one of us. It is personal when we vote for people, to represent us in those institutions, who do nothing to change the institutions
  6. There was no privilege. I'd call it white favoritism for a more exact term. White favoritism given to us by scoundrels and thieves, and even criminals.
  7. The point is you need to replace "them" with "me". Log in the eye thing again or somefing Or else somefing like buzzed on somefing smokin' for example. Strange posts on here. Dam like somebodies been smokin' a weed maybe...I dunno.
  8. All ancient species of man migrated out of Africa. As far as Neanderthal's and what are known as modern day humans, the two breed for awhile, but one became extinct while the humans survived. All of us have Neanderthal DNA to an extent in us, including Native Americans. So, maybe ask your ancestors that question as they may know more about the migration into the Americas.
  9. Luna, I've said enough. I feel this is and may cause divides and all the progress we've made to become multi-ethnic communities could come down like an avalanche. Why, because other peoples have been hurt too and thus this, in it's nature, excludes those who have also been hurt or abused by the police and is shoving others under the carpet. Please continue to debate the topic as you see fit but I want to bow out of it.
  10. The Japanese were wanted for war crimes at the time, and key words "at the time". The Polish people had committed no war crimes when they were starved and murdered by the Japanese. However, Russia is messing with Poland right now as we speak yet again. Trump is moving troops in too help right now and Germany is crying but we'll be left unable to defend ourselves against Russia. Russia messed with Poland in WWII too. Not much is talked about it, but Russia did. In short, this world has many problems of oppression. However, in the states we used to be divided due to language barriers. Many of us live in multi-ethnic communities now. I don't want to be involved in the divides of this. All people's need to fight the corruption and favoritism here of and from the United States Police Force and all people who have been abused by it need to join together. But, I don't want to keep repeating myself on that either.
  11. Actually, more Native American's are murdered by the police. But, I don't want to go around and around in circles with you on this.
  12. Yeah, but do you get my drift here? How many _________ lives matter groups do I need to support? Native Lives Matter, Hispanic Lives Matter, Polish People Matter. How many? This is too separatist for me. We all have endured hardships and those matter too. There are black supremacy groups if people didn't know that. I'm not saying this is a supremacy group but be careful what you divide. This country has overcome many barriers in many states except possibly the deep south. I don't want to see what we've overcome come down in an avalanche of a divide. All people in this country have been exploited by the police. We have to overcome it as one; this group is biased in nature.
  13. Well, I am for equal justice for all but it appears to me others in this thread could care less about others. It's all about them. That's what separatists groups and segregate thinking do. Segregate thinking nor living does not only come from white people. There used to be all kinds of some towns such as Polish Town, Italian Town, Irish Town, etc in New York. But, it was mostly language barriers that separated us for many, many decades. People live and grow up in multi-ethnic communities now as we have exceeded many language barriers. But, I still see this as a separatist group and a separatist group without a Spokesperson. MLK was not a separatist. Neither am I. This BLM is sounding more and more like a radical leftist separatist group that cares nothing for others outside "their own". That's not my thing, man. Maybe I should join Native Lives Matter or Polish Lives Matter, let me think about it for a while. Do you get my drift here?
  14. Er, that happened to the Polish people first after Hitler invaded Poland and stole half of Poland's property, artworks and music and put the Jewish Polish people in Ghettos and starved them to death before taking them to the gas chamber. Poland is thought to be a poor country, it isn't and wasn't before Hitler and it's not today. The polish Classical music and other Polish belongings were quite valuable and most definitely not Hitler's property. Much of the Classical music Hitler stole from Poland is lost today, however. Some has been found, some. So, regarding BLM, what am I supposed to do for my ancestors and family, join Polish Lives Matter? Italy and Japan helped Hitler and the Nazi's perform their atrocities. Japan made their choice when they did joined this: Tripartite Pact, agreement concluded by Germany, Italy, and Japan on September 27, 1940, one year after the start of World War II. It created a defense alliance between the countries and was largely intended to deter the United States from entering the conflict.
  15. Beth, is most definitely engaging in separatist and segregate thinking with her statement regarding MLK. Plus, other separatist responses. As far as the segregate thinking she exhibits, I'd call it racist. However, it is quite apparent she is a bully. Racism does not only exist in the European ethnicity. Blacks can be quite racist. Do Beth or Ashlyn exhibit even one eyelash of concern for the Polish people here who were put in Ghettos? I don't think either Beth nor Ashlyn have a clue about how hateful their posts really are towards others. Not to mention it's quite apparent theirs is the only sorrow in the world. No, it isn't. I'm beginning to believe this BLM thing is a leftist separatist movement. I am not a separatist. I believe in equal justice for all among other things. But, most definitely, I do not get involved in separatists groups, and, if that is what this BLM org is, I don't want to be involved. This is what Beth said to make it more clear as the quote below shows my name also - however this is only from Beth. Beth MacBain said: "It says something when white people won’t even let the black community have MLK without having to make sure white people get some credit somehow."
  16. Facts by whom? What are the credited sources? Or are you going to give blogs and internet articles? As to your last sentence, what? Some of the things you say, Beth. They're just polemic. I think you need to get off the internet Beth and do other things with your life because you tend to be racist. Some of the things you say are that of a segregate.
  17. The main thing I will say about Lincoln is he should have freed the slaves a lot sooner than he did and ended the Civil War a lot sooner than he did. But, no, I will not be going down this road with you as I have a life and do not have time to read about "things" of which could be complete and total hyperbole with no proof whatsoever. As far as white people killed Martin Luther King. We know that. But, are you blaming all white people? Am I supposed to blame all Germans for committing genocide against Polish people not only once but twice? Not to mention, that currently right now as I am typing, Poland is in trouble for a third time and U.S. troops are being moved into Poland to help because of Germany and Russia yet again. How much time do you think I have in a day? It's not enough to read a bunch of "stories" that is for sure, Beth.
  18. No, I'm not a racist. I'm treating you as any poster on this board as I see you not bringing anything to the table here except being pessimistic and negative because you are being pessimistic and negative. And, if you don't see it about being the police, well that is what it is now and laws are going to change, but you need to be a part of that change and not just be negative. Say something of what you want to change and how to accomplish it.
  19. White people fought to help set the slaves free in the American Civil War and so much more. White people marched with Martin Luther King. I can't believe you said that, Beth. I'm not sure you know what you said here. But, I have to agree that society or people do seem to slip back into the past with prejudices and not just this issue but towards women and others and many of the old patterns surface again, but it is mostly government and the people with the silver spoon born in their mouths that are exploiting others.
  20. I've had black friends since I was a kid, so did my parents. In Adulthood, I've had a black bf, I'm white. However, right now this is about the police because certain laws that the police have and the way they operate has to change. Laws have to change. I am ashamed of the justice system but I did not create it. I don't feel guilty for what this police officer did, so don't put that on me. I feel like I am just born into the messes of this world and there are a lot besides you, a lot besides just you, Ashlyn which I have put aside so as not to muddy the waters of this issue. My ancestors in Poland have been through many genocides, maybe you could look that up and see what that is about. I think you haven't put anything forth what you want to change or how you are going to go about affecting a change in all of this. There is an old saying, "change begins with you".
  21. Speaking of being heard on this issue, I wanted to ask if there are any official spokespeople who are going to speak on this issue and how and what to do to address a change in the police itself and how it (the police) operates? Or, are things just going to change state to state possibly? I also wanted to say, I was speaking to an ex-cop neighbor of mine. He is retired early from injury. He was shot on the job. But, he told me to stay away from the police and to be careful of the police and to stay in as much as possible. I am pretty much staying in due to C-19 with an occasional outting for food and nothing else and won't be going near any police or anything. But, I wasn't expecting him to say that. I thought it was interesting.
  22. Sorry, I'm getting on my soap box for a minute and it isn't related to any current posts as I have not read the current posts and I'm not a great speaker nor writer, so read it if you want too. I just wanted to say that the issue with BLM really hit home when someone mentioned "scapegoating". I think it was Luna. I have come to realize the issue here may very well be scapegoating. My older sister has talked with me about the issues of demoralizing and dehumanizing that society falls into in order to artificially prop itself up and make it look better than. Another thread has popped up on this forum that I feel is also attempting to demoralize, dehumanize and scapegoat others. What I wanted to say is: I thought we overcame many of these prejudices towards what may be considered marginalized people; however, society seems to just revert right back into it's scapegoating trip and I don't know why and I don't know what to do about it. Why does society revere the marginalization of people and keep reverting back into the same pit? I think we need to look at the issue of scapegoating. Okay, off my soap box now.
  23. Wow! This statistic is just mind-boggling, just mind-boggling. I don't know what to say. This is an American tragedy. I hope we can improve those numbers real fast!
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