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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. I didn't find one that said alternates but this will do.
  2. There are those who will try to continue/take a "disagreement" inworld. Preventing inworld harassment is a valid reason to use an alt on the forums.
  3. People do change as they age. I am not the same person at 63 as I was at 13 or 23.
  4. Bingo! When I first logged into SL, I felt extremely vulnerable. Of course, back then, LL hadn't given us some of the tools we have today yet. That feeling has never gone away thanks to the behavior of others.
  5. Newbies don't use RLV. They don't have any use for it, and it can open them up to some of the worst griefing you've never thought possible. (I will never enable it because I know what it can be used for.) We're about to have brand new default avatars for newbies. We already have the new mentors waiting at the Welcome area to help them learn how to edit their avatar. LL will not change the policy.
  6. It's long past time to stop labeling every damn thing. https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescoachescouncil/2019/05/21/why-its-time-to-stop-labeling-ourselves-and-those-around-us/?sh=5e06b7e1433d
  7. pffft You're too pale to be Canadian or French... or French Canadian. 🧛🏽‍♂️
  8. Peeve: When you ask a question of a particular person, and a dozen people answer yet none of those people are the person you asked the question. It's rude af and you might give the wrong information.
  9. The page is only 2/3 years out of date. 🤔
  10. I prefer smorg a$$ bord. 😄 Hint: There are 4 languages I've attempted to learn (mostly HS), one of which is English and none of which are my native language.
  11. The year after I graduated from high school and yes, we were taught the difference between cue and queue in the 60s in the south. I'm guessing East Texas Piney Woods? 😉
  12. Sorry. I've never met anyone that pronounced it that way. Then again, I just live here, I don't really associate with anyone except hubby anymore. And lately I've been learning that because of my (lack of) hearing, I've been pronouncing some English words incorrectly, like exacerbate. I've always thought it was pronounced ex-cab-er-ate. 🤷‍♀️
  13. By not pronouncing the ch? It comes out snitchel? (Who's the snitch?) I'm doing good just to remember English. lol
  14. Allowing someone else into your account is taking a huge risk since the account owner is held responsible for anything the person logged in does. You risk losing all your Ls up to and including the account itself. If they grief, YOU get suspended/banned. It simply isn't a good idea. Never has been on any platform. https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Permitting_Others_to_Access_or_Transferring_Second_Life_Accounts
  15. I've been here since 2004 and I haven't even tried BoM yet. 😆 I prefer to keep things simple and quick. 😉
  16. Ok. Did you use the same email or a different one? Or maybe LL IDed you via MAC address or something? Cookies maybe? There's gotta be a reason for it.
  17. Try changing your IP before registering a new account. Cycle that modem! 😉
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