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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. I've been biting my tongue to not say the obvious. Personally, I got fed up with the constant being hit on 15 years ago and it hasn't stopped yet. I definitely do not want more of the same. In the nearly 20 years I've been logging in, it has never been for sex. Something else that is being overlooked. There is no real privacy in SL so anything you do can be witnessed by others.
  2. They didn't want anything to do with SL because of SL's reputation for being a sex site. It's not a good feeling.
  3. Prove it. Prove that it won't have any effect. You can't because it's a lie.
  4. Your first sentence tells me you didn't even bother to read any of my posts. You've wasted enough of my time.
  5. You would be wrong. They just don't "advertise" the fact they are here because they don't need to.
  6. I meant they would be mad once they found out they have only 5 groups when they should have 42 as a basic account. I know I would be pissed. And of course, LL might try to pull the same stunt they did not all that long ago and try reducing basic groups to give premiums more. That would piss a lot of people off. Again. The idea kind of makes me think of restricting the number of offline messages newbs can receive. Basics get 15. Newbs get zero? The moment newbs start learning about such things is the moment they are gone. LL is pretty lucky so many of us oldbies have hung around so long.
  7. And as soon as they find out basic accounts actually have 42 groups... oh boy.
  8. You implied that others do think it should go away with the bolded part. Intentionally or unintentionally. Among those who do not partake of it all have seemed to accept the fact that it isn't going away* and wouldn't dream of forcing others to do without (and leave) and frankly, most of us really don't care that others do participate. We just want to be able to do our thing(s) just like those who are into sex want to do theirs. Aiming for one (or at one) specific demographic is what will kill SL quicker than anything else. There is already a quite varied demographic as it is so maybe what LL should be asking is what, besides sex, is keeping people logging in after the first session. *and has been here all along
  9. No one is saying the SLex should go away. Not one single person has even remotely hinted at such a thing. People really need to stop putting words into other people's mouths.
  10. Well, it's not perfect but perfection doesn't really exist. One man's junk is another man's treasure. Sabrina pretty much nailed it.
  11. And we are back full circle to SL being that creative platform so many vehemently deny. SL has always been the largest sandbox on the internet. It just doesn't have any space that can be explored and "planets" or "moons" to settle so I make do.
  12. I don't want SL to turn into The Sims. I want The Sims to turn into SL and add some space exploration and colonization. Taking care of physical needs is optional. Sounds like a huge sandbox doesn't it. It would be if it existed.
  13. That is the message I keep getting and why I walked away from talking to a brick wall that constantly moves the goalposts.
  14. It would be great if people wouldn't keep trying to force what they want on the rest of the world. There's no data that is worth the paper it is printed on especially statistics. I do not want to live in your world. From what I can see it's an even worse nightmare than the one I already live in.
  15. It's the first summer we haven't all been locked in due to Covid. Most people are out enjoying what they were denied for 2 years (or more). The drop is to be expected in the summer anyway. It's happened every year for the past 19 years that I personally know of. If you're going to build a mountain out of a mole hill you should really make sure the mole hill is foundationally stable.
  16. Peeve: People who must pat themselves on the back in their efforts to make others look inferior to everyone else.
  17. Ditto. I play a few survival games and have been playing them for many years. I don't come to SL for survival. I come to relax, create and hopefully make a long-term friend or two. Well... two out of three isn't bad.
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