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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. Um. When bb spoiler code hasn't been broken for years?
  2. He's 92, born in 1931, I think. https://www.fantasticfiction.com/n/john-norman/
  3. Here's a good suggestion. Ask Cris why SLU is gone and VVO is in its place.
  4. Nothing is going to become cheaper. If the price is reduced on one thing, they will jack the prices on other things to make up for it. Capitalism is nothing but a vicious destructive circle.
  5. Mosquitoes are attracted to still/stagnant water and fruity or floral scents. https://www.clickorlando.com/news/local/2023/05/10/what-smells-attract-mosquitoes-new-study-has-the-answer/#:~:text=Virginia Tech researchers in the,a fruity or floral smell.
  6. What I am talking about is the reason SLU became VVO. It's the reason SLU went down several times and then Cris couldn't get it back up anymore. It's the reason there isn't an archive. It's also probably one of the reasons LL kept changing software.
  7. I've been wondering what's going to happen when those threads get so long and ponderous that they no longer load quickly or fully (images). Will we be allowed to create a new thread to continue the old? Probably not. And that is not a good thing.
  8. First summer without the pandemic so yeah, people are out and about.
  9. Worse off? No. I know things about what went on online and offline a couple of decades ago that definitely do not belong in SL or anywhere. RL brandings, a friend died at the hands of her Gorean master, other women have been literally hunted and murdered and the list goes on. The RP is a breeding ground for sexual deviants. Once the mass exodus from AW to SL occurred, you started hearing less about such horrible occurrences. I haven't kept any tabs for many years now, so I don't know if things are still that bad or not for sure.
  10. They were called stalkers. https://stexpanded.fandom.com/wiki/Stormtrooper
  11. Most left because they were constantly being harassed for being life stylers (many were), so they created their own grids or found somewhere else to go. It was more of a slow bleed.
  12. Yes. They did. The priest kings had been kidnapping humans (mostly female) from Earth for several thousand years.
  13. John Carter wasn't born on Mars/Barsoom. Burroughs also wrote those books long before the 60s, 1912 - 1943. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edgar_Rice_Burroughs#Barsoom_series
  14. Funny thing about that. According to Norman, Gor had lower gravity than Earth yet somehow the humans were musclebound. Even in the 60s we knew that lower gravity meant you weighed less and had less muscle mass. There are many holes in Norman's gravitational theories. While lesser gravity would make a person lighter and would allow for one leaping a short distance to leap much farther than intended, it would also considerably slow such person.
  15. Gor was pretty much everywhere on the net 20 years ago. Active Worlds, ICQ, Webmaze, etc. They pretty much kept to themselves mostly until SL came along.
  16. Compared to the early days (2003-2005/6) this place is tame.
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