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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. Peeve: When catching up on a thread, you don't see the mod warning until well after you've already posted a reply because the mod post is PAGES later and so your well-intentioned post gets deleted. The message I'm getting lately is I am not welcome here. Apparently, it's too much to ask.
  2. It happened on the 31st, not the 1st, in a mobile home park, not a regular neighborhood. He'd probably been drinking, wasn't wearing a helmet and had never ridden a motorcycle before. It got away from him because he revved it high twice then let go of the clutch. At a T intersection where our home sits on the cross bar directly in front of the intersection. Kind of like this but no stop sign and our home is further to the right of the picture. Next door neighbor's driveway is where the bushes are.
  3. Take care of yourself, Lady. 🤗 I'm going to miss you. 😢 ❤️, Silent
  4. I can understand it from a Quality Control point of view but beyond that oh hell no. If I have to get approval from LL before uploading just to make stuff for myself, it's dead in the water.
  5. Where did I ever say consumers should not have a choice and variation? Here's a hint. In more than 60 years I have NEVER said anything even remotely like that.
  6. Did I ever tell you about that time I gnawed on the warlock's toes while he was sleeping? They were tasty.
  7. Clubs stopped getting my business years ago because it was almost taboo to talk in local. Got sick of being drowned out by the gesturebators.
  8. I get what you are saying and from a consumer POV, you are correct. From a business POV, not so much. In this day and age businesses tend to think the consumer doesn't know what they want and end up trying to force new things which loses customers. That's just as wrong as any other underhanded sales tactic.
  9. Why stop the discussion when the person can be included. The thing most people are in SL for. Inclusion. Problem is people are too stuck in a rut of their own making and are too afraid of "new blood". They also can't stand it when you can see through their bs. Rude af people aren't the kind most want to associate with.
  10. https://secondlife.fandom.com/wiki/Teen_SL
  11. On those threads look for this under the OP. Change it to sort by date.
  12. Worst gardeners ever! Rotation! Rotation! Rotation! Keep the soil fertile!
  13. Sure. https://osu.ppy.sh/community/forums/topics/221594?n=1
  14. I don't get why you are lecturing me as if I am completely unaware of "how things work". Please stop doing this. I'm not uneducated. People need to stop assuming.
  15. You must have notices turned off. I do like to know when someone has directly replied to one of my posts. Rather disconcerting to go to make a reply only to find the post has been deleted or the thread has been closed.
  16. I'm here so I have other people to talk with other than the husband. Turns out he doesn't "get" women any more than the next guy. lol
  17. Now you know why it was left to rot. Like I have tried to explain to others, threads can and do get to the point where they no longer function properly. But what do I know? I've only owned, skinned and admined a few forums over the past 30 years.
  18. But then I wouldn't be blamed for things I haven't done or accused of being people I'm not! 😱
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