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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. I didn't say the SAME phrase EVERY day. I said "a simple phrase". Why would anyone pay another person the SAME compliment EVERY day? Are they that lazy, unimaginative and uncaring? Not the kind of person anyone would really want to hang out with. How are you and have a nice day are not compliments. No comparison.
  2. It used to be on the legacy profiles, in the account box (where PIOF shows) on the 2nd Life tab. LL may have changed it. I kind of have a vague memory of LL removing it but I can't be sure. I know it was there in the past.
  3. Sid doesn't have a wife. He's too much of a teddy bear on the inside. Edit: Yes, the teddy bear stuff(ing) is intended as a compliment.
  4. Only once? Since when? There's nothing complicated about saying a simple phrase to help a fellow human feel better about themselves. Seems like your environment was composed of an awful lot of snobs at some point.
  5. Backhanded compliments are offensive and are meant to be offensive. I don't understand encouraging that. We have more than enough crap we encounter inworld without encouraging backhanded compliments which are NOT compliments. They are insults. I don't think this thread is going to end well.
  6. Peeved it's 10 hours later and I have no idea if my armchair lawyer meme is what got the thread deleted. I need to sleep sometime!
  7. I can do that just by watching stuff on YouTube.
  8. Peeve: Neighbors who do absolutely nothing about their escape artist chihuahuas, allow them to run loose and incessantly bark for hours on end, poop up my yard when I don't have a dog and then I get my ass jumped for trying to chase the damn dog off to its own home and shut up after the damn thing has woke me up every morning for weeks now an hour before my usual rise n stfu time.
  9. Not all dictionaries are large. Here's the smallest dictionary in the world. 😋 https://www.whichenglish.com/English-Dictionaries/Bryces-Worlds-Smallest-Dictionary.html
  10. *looks around for someone named ME and doesn't see her 🤔 😁
  11. This time people have heard it from the "horse's mouth", I don't need to repeat myself and be treated as if I never know what I'm talking about. Thank you for that.
  12. In the past 15 years, the official viewer has gone from V1 to V3 (if not 4 by now) and yet somehow LL has managed to NOT do anything to improve inventory management? Improvements aren't always visible to the naked eye.
  13. There's one problem with this when you don't have any friends, but I can't quite put my finger on it. 😉
  14. Um. Have you checked out the websiteS lately? There's Motown and then there's Classic Motown. https://www.motownrecords.com/ https://classic.motown.com/ Motown does appeal to a younger demographic. https://www.motownrecords.com/artists/ oops
  15. Here's one non-Christian that will be keeping you in her thoughts. Here's to a speedy recovery! 🤗
  16. If life is a game, humans lost it long ago. Okay, so maybe people do view life as a game, but what’s wrong with that? Well, essentially, life isn’t a game. The risks are different, the rewards are much different, and the rules are not even similar. In a game, nothing really has moral significance. You can shoot people up in games all day long, and there is nothing wrong with that. However, in life, there are things of moral significance everywhere around us. Using other people to get what we want is wrong. Focusing only on ourselves is wrong. And yes, focusing only on beating others is focusing only on ourselves. The mindset of a game, the idea that it is all about beating other people, doesn’t cut it in reality. We must focus on more than just winning. We must realize that we cannot win. We cannot beat the standard which has been set for us on our own. Life isn’t about being better than everyone else. It is about doing our best. If you suspect that life might, in truth, be a game, your next step might be to try to figure out what kind of game it is. Instead, ask yourself what you think the goal might be: a) to win or b) to have fun. Not that those two are mutually exclusive, but rather to note that they are a) not the same, and b) winning is what happens when the game is over. Hence, longevity-wise, not the fun it's cracked up to be. On the other hand, it's easy to understand why we make that mistake - thinking that life is a game. Because when we are playing a game, and the game is good and we are playing well, we feel more, well, alive. And we call it "fun." But the real fun of fun is not because of the game, it's because of the experience of aliveness, of being in life, in the whole of it, completely. That's the prize, the feeling of being alive. Like the feeling you get when you jump into the swimming pool without even testing how cold the water is, or the feeling of almost drowning in your lover's eyes, or the feeling you get when you watch animals at play: the sheer aliveness of it all. And as long as we think of it as game, especially one that we think we can win, we pretend that we haven't won yet. We pretend that when we win, and only when we win, we'll have something we can really celebrate, something we can delight in, victory at last. When all along, the fun, the aliveness we've been experiencing is the only victory that counts. The only victory. Life, despite popular belief, isn't a game. It's the prize.
  17. In nearly 20 years I have never gotten to the third tier in SL. It has been somewhat rewarding in as much as I can have a nice home instead of living in a tin can. If anyone in SL has any modicum of respect for me, they never show it. As for the top one, don't make me laugh cry. This particular one applies to survival games. SL isn't a survival game, much less a game in itself so it really can't be applied to SL as SL isn't in the early stages of development.
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