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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. It seems like she just wants to drive off those of us on low or fixed incomes. You know, the people who can't afford to be nickel and dimed to death. That's how we got into the financial bind to begin with, being nickel and dimed to death.
  2. Easiest solution would be to put up a sign that says, "Please remove shoes before entering".
  3. Get rid of all the plastic people. It'll be lonesome but I'm used to it by now.
  4. None of the systems I have used ever stole Ls from me or my customers. That would be a fast way to put yourself out of business and get banned from SL. If you are that distrustful of a vendor system that has been in business for almost 20 years, I can't help you.
  5. There is no Ls transaction involved in redeliveries. You are not receiving any Ls nor are you refunding any Ls.
  6. I use the MP as a catalog mostly and make my purchases at inworld stores. Quite often the price inworld is lower than the MP price. It wasn't until redelivery was available on MP that I bothered with making purchases on the MP much. Really, redelivery is the only reason I ever purchase on the MP.
  7. It wouldn't surprise me if LL used bots to monitor the Welcome Area. Makes sense to me.
  8. If your demos use a timer script, I will not be a customer. I will not be rushed into making any purchases I may regret. These days people can't afford to waste even pennies.
  9. I have one like this for gardening. Wet it and it keeps you quite cool. On the one I have the hat band is "breathable"; I can't tell for sure if this one is the same way. Beats my straw hat by miles.
  10. They didn't say not to report them, just that it wasn't necessary. Having to register bots being mandatory has been around a little longer than the BBs kerfuffle. It was at the end of the first quarter of THIS year the Scripted Agent Estate Access feature was launched. https://support.dreamseekerestates.com/hc/en-us/articles/14118084410139-Bots-in-Second-Life
  11. Crap. Must be the best typo I've ever made! 🤣 Editing to correct. Thanks!
  12. Ask Tyche Shepard. https://nwn.blogs.com/nwn/2021/10/second-life-median-user-concurrency.html
  13. A whole battalion crawls up to about knee height and then one gives the bite order.
  14. LL killed it in 2005. Edit: It won't let me strike through so here's me correcting my typo. 2007.
  15. One more time. Registered bots are not part of the traffic figure. Unless you have sources for facts/stats you aren't doing anything more than assuming.
  16. A good portion of that 29k is likely people who stay logged into SL 24/7. Most of them probably rarely reboot. No, not bots, regular accounts that people use every day.
  17. There are times when others think my reactions are from taking it personal when the truth is I am angry about it for all the people such things have been aimed at.
  18. Peeve: false accusations. Your reputation and sense of self-worth are destroyed and the result of that is that your self-confidence is wrecked. It would seem that far too many here believe I am the one going around reporting tons of posts and causing drama to happen even when I am not even here. You're wrong. You've been wrong about me from the get-go. I may forgive but I do not forget.
  19. It's part of the software and likely can't be removed without removing all of the emojis. That should make someone happy. I found out last year that if you use that particular one, you'll not only get your face slapped you'll also become a pariah like me. You are not allowed to stand up for yourself or defend yourself.
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