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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. First the hug from a sister. Yeah... that never happened for me. Not even for senior prom. The difference between North and South.
  2. Tracfone sells a couple of new models of flips and some reconditioned ones. You'll need to scroll down a bit to find them. https://www.tracfone.com/smartphones?utm_medium=KNC&utm_campaign=GGL_TF_VVO_SRC_EN-EN_NAT_ALL_BPLU_PRSP_OEM-GEN&utm_content=EVRGRN&utm_term=tracfone+flip+phone&gclid=Cj0KCQjw1aOpBhCOARIsACXYv-fnqrerGcABr_4CrDXcenjAEHC0O18GnCq5A_jn_DZCOYrPaUGAlsUaAoVPEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
  3. That isn't what I meant by different. Try being the only First Nations in the whole school of all white. Bullying would be putting it mildly. Torture is more accurate.
  4. You probably weren't the kid everyone shunned and picked on because different. As for IQ, that's another "she's a girl!" story. Let's just say that one brother tested at genius level but mine turned out to be higher.
  5. I graduated in 77 and we were taught how to use a slide rule. It was still being taught in local schools in the 80s.
  6. What's worse is when your one of the students who learned faster than most so were bored and averaged Cs because little to no effort then a "topic" of interest to me came up and I passed the test as the only student with a perfect score. That's when the accusations of cheating from other students started. Thankfully, the teacher was smart enough to know I hadn't cheated but the accusations never stopped. I lost all interest in school after that.
  7. Just so you know, that was never my intent. I've never been one to restart a closed thread let alone a removed one. That's not who I am. 🙂 Edit: It was meant to be funny, not a poke at moderation.
  8. I've always felt this should have been a Bowie only. They should have taken pride in performing such a beautiful piece of music. A fan favorite that they managed to almost top Bowie on it. I mean, I like Billy's rendition of the three, but...
  9. I'm sorry you fell for one of the oldest types of scams to exist on the internet. About the only thing you can do is file a support ticket with LL. An AR isn't going to cut it.
  10. Jeggings = jean leggings as in denim? If so, I've had a couple of pairs for more than 5 years and I like them. Warm and comfy in ways jeans can never be, even stretch jeans. Formal wear, they are not. Dahling.
  11. Peeved I can't do what this guy does and where. https://www.youtube.com/@KaradenizliMaceraci While I can't use some of the ingredients he uses (peppers), I do miss that kind of environment for cooking. Open fires, stone/adobe ovens, baking fish in clay (leaves instead of foil)... dammit. Now I'm hungry for things I no longer have access to. So, I just watch. lol
  12. Peeve: More and more people on the forum are proving that not even friendship is really possible in SL on top of trying to force others to conform to their unwitting hypocrisy. 😟
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