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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. LL needs to figure out why, in spite of all the bad (along with the good), we're loyal customers of (for example) 10 years or more. Why are we loyal? What is it about Second Life AND Linden Lab that keeps us coming back? The hard part is analyzing the 10 different answers per individual when there are roughly 500 (wild guesstimate) people with those 10 answers. Forget metrics, forget demographics, statistics and all that. "How do you feel?" is what they have to analyze. Not an easy task considering most people have to analyze their own feelings first. Many aren't able to put the why into words. LL needs to keep a finger on the pulse of SL. The question is, how do they do that now? They need to re-examine that because whatever it is they are doing (or not doing) hasn't been working very well.
  2. If making your items no mod increases the amount of customer service you need to provide, you're either not doing something you should be or you're doing something you should not be doing. Have a problem with a no mod item and can't fix it? REDELIVER if you don't already have a copy in inventory. Issue with a modable item, can't fix it? REDELIVER. Otherwise, you need to fix the issue with your item and then provide your customers with the fixed version. Most everything else is going to be an issue of lack of communication between chair and keyboard, something you can't fix unless you are sitting in that chair. All of that comes from 18 years of experience in SL alone, not to mention the 45 plus years of experience in RL.
  3. You must not know your Big Bamboo. Shame on you. You wasted half an lb! 😲🤭
  4. All this drama and Twitter insanity makes me glad I don't have accounts on Twitter or social platforms like it. My life may be a bit on the dull side because I don't do social media, but it's far less stressful that way and I will live a lot longer without it.
  5. getting_help [Phoenix Firestorm Project - Wiki] (firestormviewer.org)
  6. *phone rings* You: Hello? Voice on phone: We're calling because your Second Life body's warranty is about to expire. We would like to take this opportunity to extend your current warranty for the low, low price of $100,000Ls, payable in 3 easy installments! ☎️
  7. This sums it all up very nicely. It just needed a minor correction. 😊
  8. Humans call it IC 1101. I call it home. 😜
  9. ok I haven't used the official viewer in years so last I knew they still hadn't put that in.
  10. LL finally added that feature to the official viewer? When did they do that? Orbs can be tricky to set properly but yeah that might be an option.
  11. I'm trying to visualize seeing and finding an invisible door on top of trying to visualize having just the door set to group only. The invisible prim wall is about the only solution unless they come up with a Roadhouse kind of solution. I miss Jeff.
  12. Wouldn't that show banlines in the middle of a club?
  13. Don't forget the telescope. Remember what happened last year?
  14. Well... that was one case where having the DOB on your profile proved to be useful and not harmful.
  15. I think there is enough for both of us to have a full bath. That's a 55-gallon drum, btw.
  16. They were supposed to have stopped banning people inworld for forum infractions some years ago. Apparently, some didn't get the memo or they are just ignoring it and doing as they please. Including making erroneous assumptions about a person's intelligence and wording.
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