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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. As a woman, I know who I am staying far, far away from. 👆
  2. Yes, I can trust people. I can trust them to abuse me in any way they can. Why? Because that is what people I trusted did. Parents and siblings included.
  3. I'm pretty sure it's the same limit for anim and button names. So that makes a third possibility. Too many buttons on a single page with that limit being 12 buttons per. Which means a button needs to be moved to the next page. Those are the only three possibles I can think of.
  4. Wasn't me. I haven't been sitting in running any laps lately.
  5. btw, character limits are set (hard coded) by LL, not the scripters.
  6. Why am I not surprised that this thread popped up again? 😇
  7. One of your dance anims has a name that is too long in characters for the script to read. If you can rename the anim you'll be fine, if not, you'll need to remove any that are over the character limit. It may not be an anim name causing the error. It could be that the name of the button itself is too long. That is in the scripting and if you don't have a notecard that works with the HUD you won't be able to change the button name.
  8. Since they are all humans behind the avatars, I wouldn't trust any of them for the simple reason that humans have proven time and again they are not very trustworthy.
  9. Yes, they are called solicitors. I need to make a new sign for my place. It says, more or less, "No solicitors, religious or otherwise." The fine print? Oh. It reads, "The wife is worse than the dog, the owner and the gun together! You've been warned."
  10. Defender isn't Norton. lol Norton didn't warn me it let three viruses onto my computer until AFTER the program I installed detected the viruses. Defender didn't exist at the time. I will never trust Norton again.
  11. 💡! I just had a flash. People who put themselves through all the hoops just to pretend not to be jonesing for gachas are gluttons for punishment. For those who don't know, jonesing is a junkie's (heroin addict) slang for the beginning of withdrawal. It started in the 50s in NYC. I'm not knocking anyone. Just wanting people to understand that all humans have at least one addiction of some kind. Most relatively harmless. When you stop to think about it, collectors have an addiction that is mostly harmless. The two areas where it can cause harm is hoarding and finances. If you lose control, it will eat you out of house and home, in more ways than one.
  12. That is precisely what the page told you! People need to start actually reading the words in front of them instead of trying to skim for the gist. You screw yourself every time you do that.
  13. Did you read the whole page before doing anything? Did you also delete the backup settings file? Did you go through the process more than once? It worked just fine for me not long ago.
  14. Did you say something? I wasn't paying attention. 😋
  15. fs_stored_passwords [Phoenix Firestorm Project - Wiki] (firestormviewer.org)
  16. The pc I'm using now came with it. I immediately uninstalled Norton. Damn thing is STILL telling me what websites are safe. They have no way of being able to charge me for the service so if they want to keep providing me with a free service I don't really mind. At least it isn't still annoying me with false positives I know are false positives. Like when I update FS.
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