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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. That's why they aren't worried about going after those businesses that eat the cost of sales tax. One way or the other they get the money.
  2. LL wasn't supposed to be paying those taxes for us in the first place. Legally the government could fine LL for what they have been doing. The government just has never made an issue of it.
  3. "Dope will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no dope." Who said it? Phineas, Fat Freddy or Freewheelin Frank?
  4. https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/music/story/2019-12-04/willie-nelson-quits-smoking-weed
  5. Haven't read the thread. Not going to. Took a look at the link posted in the OP and first thing that jumped out at me was this: Personal data? Oh hell no.
  7. I am fully aware; however, in the context I used the word it was not a slur. I was not referring to gay men at all. I don't care what other people try to claim.
  8. Durn you. I wanted him to at least skim over what is on the page first. That way he would see there are several things he can try. 😋🤭
  9. lol Can't forget what I didn't know to start, not being into the SLex and all. 😋 https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Horizons#:~:text=Horizons is a sci-fi,win fabulous prizes and rewards! Yep. Horizons is a continent unto itself.
  10. In Firestorm, Preferences → Chat -> Typing → Play typing animation when chatting. Gah wrong one. Preferences → Privacy -> Lookat, and tick Don't send any look at targets at all, even to myself. Sometimes you have to do both and I think there is one more that you might need to try somewhere on this page: https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/fs_movement_issues#movement_issues
  11. I didn't think it would be that hard to find Zindra on the map since it is the only continent that allows adult content. Everything you always wanted to know about Zindra
  12. I thought it was a blimp with legs at first.
  13. Wait... you guys are shooting avatars out of cannons these days? I can't think of any other reason to orbit someone in a combat situation. The only time orbiting someone would not be considered griefing is if the person being orbited has given prior permission. In other words, they are fully aware of what is about to happen and have a chance to prepare for it. Which, come to think about it, is how it is supposed work in an RP situation in order to avoid god-modding.
  14. Sorry to disagree but I know that isn't true. My own forumS have settings for each section where I can allow or disallow editing of posts and/or threads. One of them is Invision, the same company that provided LL with the current forum software.
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