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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. I need to work on my technical one liners. 😉
  2. If you see him, tell him he is missed. He won't know this name though so just let him know some of us miss the little imp.
  3. People who had been following you on their banned main that come back on an alt and follow you with that alt. It's pretty obvious when they are the only 2 accounts following you. Well, now no one can follow me so you can stop stalking me like you have been doing for about a year now. I know who you are, and I have passed the information on to all the other people you stalk online.
  4. Scroll down please so I can finish reading the story? 😊
  5. Congratulations! You've just won the idiot of the month award! That was so dumb it was funny. WTF? Are you nuts? Maddy didn't set me on fire. Why is the Sims 4 hospital icon being used on SL's forum?
  6. If you're referring to the platform I think you are, it's nothing like SL. Thumbnails in inventory would drag people's computers down so badly it would probably kill it in short order. Do you really want to open your inventory of 100k and have to wait hours for it to load? Inventory already has enough issues of its own that never really get addressed, please, don't make it worse!
  7. I didn't quite read the whole post but I definitely get the gist. Not quite what I had in mind but yeah. What you describe could be done using Experiences could it not? I was thinking there has to be some way to... combine is not really the right word but all I got at the moment so... combine the onboarding process with the Experience feature and somehow include a destination guide in that. Meh. Pipe dreams. 🙄🤭
  8. Wasn't Taco the one that said he was going around upskirting, taking snaps and posting them somewhere thereby freaking a bunch of women out? He claimed he did it, but I never believed it. Probably was a different Taco.
  9. So, how could LL incorporate a little more detailed destination guide into the portals? Why aren't the two combined in some manner? Linked? Something. It needs to be something that is not exactly in your face but as close to it as you can get. I may not be able to code the idea myself, but I can at least kick start something that might lead to a better "find somewhere to go do something" way of doing things. I hope.
  10. This pretty much is it in a nutshell. That means I agree with Molly up to this point, at least. Newbie: How do I play Second Life? Answer: That depends on the genres you like to play. What games do you play? Newbie: rattles off a list of games Answer: Mention any you happen to play that they play and provide them with LMs to sims that might have something they'd be interested in. What I've seen in YT vids has been a newbie trying to find places to go and not be sure which portal they should use because there doesn't seem to be any description of any kind as to what you might find beyond that portal. The portal names alone are not quite enough. Those of us who have been here a while are already familiar with SL jargon. Those who are new have no idea what the heck it all means. LL needs to find a way to provide a little more detail as to what is beyond each portal without depending on volunteers. To clarify a little bit, say a portal is marked Roleplaying. Well what kinds of roleplay? Or maybe the portal is marked Medieval. Does that cover roleplay, shopping, what? That is oversimplified but hopefully it gets my thoughts across.
  11. Thank you. I'm relieved! Because, imo, more frequent updates is one of the last things SL needs. We are in complete agreement then, near as I can tell.
  12. You're welcome and I'm sorry I was short tempered with you. I should have said please. I learned a long time ago, on forums, usually when someone quotes another and asks a question the question is directed at that individual only. Questions asked in general (of everyone) usually indicate (the question is being asked of everyone) in some way because they may or may not contain a quote. So that's the rule of thumb I've followed for over 20 years. It's how it's been on every forum I've ever been a member of, except this one. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  13. We met in October of 1999 in another virtual world. In January 2000, he moved over 2500 miles to be with me. During the first 2 years we were together, he left once, and I kicked him out once. We've been together 22 years now. We may not be ideal for each other, but we care about each other and neither of us is alone.
  14. I dunno... seems like rooster baiting would be more accurate. 🤭
  15. Knowing the general area someone lives in helps to connect with them because then you have some idea what their culture and society is like and can relate to it and them.
  16. Would you mind letting Molly answer the question I asked her? Unless you can read her mind?
  17. No. It's a simple question that requires a simple answer, not a freaking lecture or a boatload of research.
  18. Sometimes humor can relieve the frustration. This isn't one of those times.
  19. I asked a simple question that only required an answer in amounts of time. Like days, weeks, months, years. Let me rephrase. How often do you think LL should be updating SL on this incremental thing: daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually? How often? We already have weekly updates that drive everyone nuts. Are we adding to that?
  20. I don't disagree necessarily, just curious. How frequently with the small incremental steps? @Solar Legion too. The weekly rollouts is what makes me ask.
  21. That's why I always keep a pair of these handy, so all the right-handed people don't get lost.
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