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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. Wow. You're a mind reader! Can I have your autograph?
  2. It's not a good idea to isolate yourself that much. Unless you plan on dying fairly young, you're going to need people when you get old(er).
  3. He didn't have access to the account. That's why he had to call. I've been through the process. It IS similar.
  4. Yeah, no. I don't think my tribe wants to get into bed with anyone. 🤭
  5. That's what I was getting at, it's the last day of the month and that is NOT normal at all. Edit: I'm thinking it may have something to do with April Fool's, but it's never made a difference to any other company so why LL and why now?
  6. Then LL does it differently from the majority of businesses. Common practice would be it goes into effect at midnight, not in the middle of the 24 hour period.
  7. That would be March 31, 2022 at midnight when it changes to April 1.
  8. Why not try using Google You're confirming the NEW email, not the old one.
  9. Today is not April 1. Why are you mad LL isn't going to pay your taxes for you anymore? The ones all US residents should have been paying to LL legally for almost 20 years. It's your legal obligation to pay the sales tax and LL's to pass it on to the various agencies. No one at LL is going to go to jail for you.
  10. Go to your profile and look for this on the left side. It's under Options. LL really doesn't have a way of preventing people from creating new accounts using VPNs. That one is 3 months old. Not really anything she can do here now anyway. If she hassles you, report it. That's about all we can do.
  11. @Gopi PassifloraI think you left out a word in your thread title. Emotions are real so... yeah.
  12. I would prefer LL to do the work, but I also know there are times when it's better when a resident shows them what can be done. Sometimes they're just your average resident scripter, sometimes it's someone involved with one of the TPVs. I'd just like to see someone run with my the idea for once. 🙊
  13. Thanks, only... I'm not interested in trying to learn something I can't use to create with. Basic accounts do not have access to the experience tools or whatever they are called so why bother? I can't afford premium. I don't think you're quite following what I'm trying to convey. That's on me because I really don't know how to put it in words. I can visualize it, more or less, but trying to translate that into words... not so much. I suppose it all would hinge on whether or not the Experience tools can be used to create a destination guide. Well damn. I think I just put it into some words... sort of.
  14. At least you can manage to get your thoughts down before your fingers can no longer keep up with your brain. Not even my mouth can keep up with my brain. lol Do not HUDs work with the Experience thing? Not being premium I can't use the things so I haven't bothered digging into it all. I've picked up a thing or two just by reading but nothing comprehensive. I'm thinking Experiences combined with some kind of destination guide just might be the key to smoothing out the onboarding process. This is something that the residents who can script and have Experience knowledge could possibly create a "working model" to show LL. Any takers? *ducks*
  15. Not your fault. All that can be asked is to do your best. If it doesn't work, you tried. That's what counts.
  16. CC hasn't been disabled on YT. I use it all the time. has closed captioning on youtube been disabled Google search This was posted last month: How to Enable (or Disable) Closed Captions on YouTube Edit: Ran across this while I was looking/reading: YouTube pulled community captions, so more creators are making their own - The Verge Might be worth reading. It's from May of last year.
  17. I'll be happy to try watching it again if you can enable the Closed Captioning on it. Looks pretty good from what I saw, just couldn't make out all the words due to hearing loss which kind of kills it for me. With CC enabled I'll look forward to more episodes. Oh, and I swear, there's a meme for everything. 😉🤭
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