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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. That's why I always keep a pair of these handy, so all the right-handed people don't get lost.
  2. Clean up on aisle 5 please. Clean up on aisle 5.
  3. Where did I accuse you of being an enabler? Where did I say "Solo, you are an enabler."? Quote me. IT NEVER HAPPENED.
  4. I didn't point any fingers. Do you have a guilty conscience or something? If I was pointing any fingers at you I would have quoted you. So, you pointing any fingers at me would be a false accusation. That doesn't look too good on you.
  5. The Goreans created their own grid years ago. Now, what's left of them, mainly use SL as a place to recruit. They used to try to "drag" me off to their grid, but I wasn't having any part of it. 🤭
  6. If I'm understanding you correctly, you can't use Safari to log into the Second Life grid or any other browser like Internet Explorer or Google. You must use either the official Linden Lab viewer or a third party created viewer specifically made for Second Life grid. So, my question is, are you trying to log into the website or the grid?
  7. I knew Vektor from before SL when he worked for AW.
  8. That wouldn't have been Vektor Linden would it by any chance?
  9. Now that I've had a night to sleep on it. 🤭 Thanks - You saved me from risking suspension. HaHa - you said something so ridiculous it made me laugh. Stop spelling ridiculous with an e! Confused - what you talkin bout Willis? Sad - Your post isn't nearly as funny as you think. In fact, it isn't funny at all! It's more like, saying when you were a child you had to walk the plank because your family couldn't afford a dog. Like - If I have to explain it, you wouldn't understand.
  10. The software "remembers" what you have already read, not what other people have read. lol
  11. I use both "mark as read" and "sort by" frequently.
  12. Demons generally don't grok wolves of any kind. Good thing we (wolves) all grok each other. 😉
  13. That's the forum not your inworld profile. I know molly was talking about the forum. I wasn't.
  14. OMG I am so, so glad those stupid popularity contests are gone forever! They were pretty stupid. 🤣
  15. I'll use it if the post gets even just a giggle or snort out of me. The question is, what was my intent? Therein lies the rub, whether or not I think it's funny in a ha-ha way or funny in an "the person is an idiot" way. Either way, be glad something you said struck me as funny. I love to laugh and do my best to make others laugh because it just feels good when everyone else is smiling. That doesn't mean that all of my posts are meant to make people laugh. We seem to have the opposite problem. 🤭
  16. Only problem with that is they immediately think I'm in California and convincing them otherwise is worse than pulling teeth with a pair of vise grips. It's also difficult to get across that no, I do not have any LL employees in my back pocket simply because I live in the same time zone.🙄 There is more than one state/province on the west coast, people.
  17. Or they could just go back to using system bodies... *runs like hellhounds are after her*
  18. You haven't got a single clue what I was talking about. I will leave you to it.
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