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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. I joined to attend a memorial for a friend who had recently passed. I stayed for the inworld building tools. At the time there was nothing else like it and the creative me just could not resist.
  2. There used to be one and it was really simple. You had to learn to jump/fly and hit a target spot without falling into the water between you and the exit portal(s). For some reason it was changed just before the big influx of people in 2006/7. That was the onboarding point I almost gave up on SL. I don't remember details, but I do remember how frustrated I was trying to hit that specific spot or do whatever it was to trigger whatever I was supposed to trigger, so I could get all the way inworld. If it hadn't been for my determination to pay my last respects to a friend, I wouldn't be here now.
  3. I just read one of Inara's articles. The sales tax didn't actually start until April 4th (Monday).
  4. I gave up on trying to convince them of the errors of their ways years ago. All that money they could have made off me is gone forever now. Their loss, not mine. I just had to get used to doing without. Easy enough since I've always had to do without so others could have.
  5. Why not log in and contact Whitney directly and ask her if she sent it? https://my.secondlife.com/Whitney.Linden
  6. @Ceka Cianci Deep Purple had better keyboarding. 😜
  7. Isn't that the one where they recreated the French Quarter mainly? If it is, it's the one I was trying to remember the name of. It was an almost exact replica of the square with the basilica and everything. Best reproduction I've seen in SL in 18 years.
  8. I know. I still prefer not jumping through hoops I don't have to. Getting too old to be wasting time.
  9. Off the top of my head. https://secondlife.com/destination/new-orleans-city
  10. Yet, the team (devs and support) will tell you not to use FS until you are comfortable with the official viewer. Well. The good ones did anyway. 🤔
  11. You mean have the ability to turn chat off completely on a region and/or parcel? I could deal with that.
  12. LL does not have legal jurisdiction over servers they do not own or rent.
  13. One of the main reasons I don't buy no copy items and what few I do have rarely, if ever, leave my inventory If it's anything I want to keep. If LL would ever make it possible for us to own a homestead without a full region and without being premium, I wouldn't worry about it so much. If I could afford one. If, if, if... 🙄🤭
  14. In the past you were not allowed to share any logs (on LL's servers), with or without permission from any participants. They eased up a bit on it about 10 years ago. LL "rents" their servers now so they also have to comply with any "rules" set forth by Amazon.
  15. Except for the grades (I hardly ever did my homework so mine were mostly Cs since homework counted as half your grade), reading this has been like reading a chapter or two from my book of life.
  16. I didn't say one word to you or about your posts. I posted a link to an article I thought Coffee would be interested in reading. Thanks for projecting.
  17. The mods already have that option. Your option is to report your own post/thread.
  18. EPA rule would finally ban asbestos, carcinogen still in use
  19. I had to hide in my bedroom/closet to cry on the really bad days. Pretty much every school day. No one cared then, they don't care now.
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