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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. Square hasn't changed much since the last time I was there.
  2. Premium SuperPro SuperMAX Plus SuperMAXPro Here there be dragons.
  3. I do not give a flying flip what that chart says. I am not a boomer. End of.
  4. @Sid Nagy probably does. I think he lives in that general vicinity. The image you posted is how I see the Netherlands, not all the images of all the waterways and windmills. It looks like home.
  5. Or, as someone who lives in another part of the Netherlands that is different from where he lives.
  6. As long as he looks like Brendan Fraser, I'm fine with that. 🤭
  7. I read that, too. Still wrong. Keeping up with the Joneses was the 50s. I was barely 3 months old at Christmas 1959. How the hell was I supposed to be keeping up with anyone? 🙄
  8. I won't. It's his birthday. 😉😊
  9. Where's the category for people who are not boomers or Gen X? This grouping of generations together so that they overlap far too much is the stupidest thing I have ever seen. Every time I see it or hear it mentioned it makes me angry. I don't belong in any of these groupings and I am not alone. So thanks for leaving out a huge portion of the population. Next thing you know they'll be calling us the Invisible Generation. 🤬
  10. True but at least we know the account is legitimate. So progress. Sometimes they surprise you though, depending on subject matter.
  11. I don't disagree, just wanted to point out that there are those who will not go through the tuts even for a game they have never played. I learned a long time ago, the smart players always go through the tuts.
  12. The owner of the New Orleans regions is the one who posted the thread I linked in my first reply to the thread. But you didn't mention New Orleans so either you noticed, or you're not interested. 😊
  13. I noticed lochs tend to be located along coastlines, too. 😉
  14. I don't recall saying it would be an exact duplicate. That's not what re-creation means. Just in case you were reading the word recreated in my post as recreation (having fun) instead of re-created. I know. English is confusing and hyphenated words don't make it any easier when you don't know a word can be hyphenated and the meaning changes.
  15. It really is not necessary to start a new thread for each question you have. You could have asked all of your questions in this one thread without hitting that newbie post limit. https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/485482-buttons/ https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/485480-lighting/ https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/485475-ao/
  16. That's the one then. Don't know why you said no.
  17. This is funny and you also have a good point! Funny! You have a good point! Funny, you have a good point. 🤔
  18. Like that doesn't happen every year in spring. 😊
  19. Plues is just one letter away from Pleas. Pleas is one letter away from Please. One pleas by saying please plus begging for more. Makes sense to me. 🥳
  20. While living in the American or British dream homes would be lovely in oh so many ways, I'd still prefer to spend a lifetime in either of the Finnish ones although, my dream home is portable.
  21. Good thing Ls aren't one of the things LL is collecting tax on just yet then. 🤭
  22. Looks an awful lot like Earth doesn't it?🤭
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