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Leora Greenwood

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Everything posted by Leora Greenwood

  1. Wow, that is truly gorgeous as is your photography of your home! Also, I had not heard of HISA before so thank you!
  2. New Citizens, Inc. (NCI) is the resourse I relied on for years. For more information: https://secondlife.com/destination/1691 (with lots of other newbie sites as well) http://www.nci-sl.info/blog/ and https://secondlife.fandom.com/wiki/New_Citizens_Inc Good luck and welcome home!
  3. hahahahaa, mine too, and she is my baby! She still loves dinosaurs; I just sent her a T-Rex cartoon this morning...
  4. I would start by contacting the designer of that dress and asking if a stylecard (a list of what hair, head, skin, etc. were used) for the photo is available.
  5. What program or app would you use to open the XML file? My computer is clueless... Edited: oh, I see, once I googled it. I still could not use Word but good, old Notepad worked. I have not used Notepad in YEARS! Thanks for the suggestion!
  6. Thanks for that, I tried it out and it was really slick. Turns out that I have nothing but no-transfer shapes cuz I must always begin with the starter shapes that come with mesh heads and bodies. When I imported the XML shapes back into SL (no cost to it which is something else I wondered about) they were still no-transfer which surprised me as I was able to import the XML shapes to alt accounts too. Interesting process and one I am happy to finally know about. Thanks!
  7. Yes, thank you!! Clearly I need a course in SL Photography...
  8. That is just lovely, so old-fashioned looking and wintery! May I ask if you used a filter or is that part of the "secret sauce"? 😀
  9. I have a home on that sim and just have to ask: what does "Bookings" mean that it is associated with the Fantasy theme? Clueless here...
  10. Apparently both are correct as some traditions count the 12 days from the 25th and others from the 26th. That is common in these old traditions.
  11. Lovely gift from Hayabusa (copy/mod) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fighting Spirit/153/221/1001 The version on the right is 2 LI, the version on the left is 13 LI; pics below show the two at distances:
  12. Yes, the toy train is there in painted, natural or rustic finishes, and $L100 each (I think!) Lots of other Christmas goodies too.
  13. Here you go! 1 LI Christmas trees, seven looks available at $L100 each at Dekute Dekore with 50% going to the American Cancer Society. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/French Hens/182/161/23
  14. I am not inworld right now but you can just search Linden Reveal on the world map and get there. 🙂
  15. I am getting more and more excited about trying out the Newbrooke theme, partly because I can imagine so many interesting things to do with them. And, I figure, if I can come up ideas, the folks with actual mesh skills will be hard at work too! I will be interested to see the final landscaping (I am finding that my love for the Fantasy theme is at least 60% love of the gorgeous landscape design in Fantisseria.)
  16. I am sure you are right; I was rezzing in my yard while standing on a balcony so that probably affected my view. These are cute but I am going to continue looking around and poking in my inventory for a tree. 😄
  17. Disappointingly, I am not finding the same results with my Hex trees. Using their sizing script, the "Max" sized tree was 8 LI and still pretty much table sized. Using the plain old stretch tool, a room-sized tree was 30 LI. 🤔
  18. FWIW, the HUD was fine this morning for two alts of mine. The teleport link sometimes needed two pokes but that was all. Thanks for all you do for us, Moles!!
  19. So some of these are on 1024s and others on 512s, apparently. Trying to catalog them but that is not going too well as yet.
  20. Oh, I see; looks like you are right! sob..... 🙃
  21. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr, do we know for sure it is to be at 5 p.m. SLT???
  22. It's not that simple. Try putting cory.edo in the creator, owner and last owner field and search. Look for "names" that are different, generally related to the season or such. Search on both regions.
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