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Leora Greenwood

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Everything posted by Leora Greenwood

  1. Lovely! Thank you for that very detailed report on your search. I am always amused at how different folk are from folk; I could never live in a swamp house, in fact Fantasseria was too full of scary sounds for me and I soon fled my Fantasy home for tamer locales. I plan to give the "request a home" a try after I (as you say) have a good long think about my criteria. Also, I won a Secluded Linden Home in the last HopeFest auction so want to see where that ends up being and how that all works out first. Then I will take up the Search and Request with your valuable guidance at hand. Thanks! 😊
  2. Thanks so much for posting these, Eddy! I am lurking around the Elderglen and thinking how lovely and imaginative these small Linden Homes are! I was never into this theme way back when but it would be wonderful to see them updated (by someone who has the skills I do not).
  3. I am very curious about Premium Plus but waiting a bit to see what other (braver!) folks' experience with it has been. If you got your dream plot/location by PP request, I would love to see a photo or location of your catch posted here and to hear more about the experience of finding that perfect place. Several folks have told us about filing their tickets and getting speedy replies so thank you very much to all who have done that!
  4. Thank you so much, Frigga, for being out there working for all of us every week; I hope you know how much we all appreciate it and value you! 👍 ♥️
  5. Thanks, Guys and Gals, I had a blast! You are in my calendar for Fridays now! 😍
  6. Moles are just so... so... sooooooooo adorable! It has to be fandom, fascination and rampant, uncontrollable curiosity... as well as interest in what y'all are doing, of course.
  7. I have lived in and loved the Gulls Wing Sailing Community for years, renting houses, slips or land on various occasions. I currently rent half a region there and love it to bits. I cannot recommend this community highly enough for beauty and the care given to the residents by the owners. It is 22 regions of gorgeousness. There is a blues club and another music venue, weekly sailing events and annual holiday extravaganzas. Current information and rentals are here: http://www.gullswing.com/rentals.php
  8. Your landscaping and interior design are just stunning but, also, your photos themselves are truly beautiful! Folks more experienced in SL photography would probably know exactly how you took these; maybe some day I will too, LOL. Lovely, lovely work!
  9. WOW, that is stunning, a fabulous travelogue!!
  10. Thank you! What a fabulous idea; please do more! My only request would be to have the approximate location for each photo included so we can visit, especially if a rezzer was available, as in the Segway photo. More, please!
  11. That is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO freakin' cool, thank you! I have been in SL for almost 15 years and learned something new today!
  12. If you would like to take a balloon ride around Bellisseria to see its beauty, I have placed two (currently rainbow-themed for Pride Month) balloon rezzers for your enjoyment. The balloon rezzers are in the Newbrooke regions at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Judge Knott/249/151/22 and in the Sakura regions at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Aoi Hanabatake/29/118/21 You will receive start/stop instructions in local chat; use your directional and up/down keys to control the ride. Thanks to Quartz Mole for the script!
  13. If you fancy taking a balloon ride around the beautiful Bellisseria regions, I have put out a rainbow balloon rezzer in two locations. Thanks to Quartz Mole, these rezzers will rez a balloon for you to board and will delete the balloon if you fall out during your ride so our skies will not be littered with balloons. Once you board, you will have a choice of animated poses and can say "start" to begin your ride, using your directional and up/down keys to control your ride. Enjoy! The balloon rezzers are in the Newbrooke regions at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Judge Knott/249/151/22 and in the Sakura regions at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Aoi Hanabatake/29/118/21
  14. I generally have a low-LI skybox dressing room JUST for that reason, LOL.
  15. YES, I TOTALLY did that too! What an idiot I was...
  16. Sob.... apparently I don't have permission to view this 360 photo, even after logging in, but I did enjoy your other 360s. Happy to see the photos above, very nice and I hope to visit more of those locations tomorrow. Thanks for sharing them!
  17. The western edge of the Newbrookes is getting interesting. Just took this photo from Thimble Pond Farms:
  18. I have been pondering Linden Homes right next to voids for quite a while. Sometimes you get lucky and, if you don't, roll and roll again, I figure. The LH an alt has held right from the early days of Stilts is in Bon Vivant which is *now* right by the new water regions linking the Stilts to Sakura. I have another alt on the eastern edge of Judge Knott (which I will keep as long as possible just for the name!) and I live in hope that the current voids there between the Newbrookes and the Chalets will include a lovely river. Who knows??? Also, I have been haunting the western edge of SSPThimble Pond Farms, waiting to see if the road and railroad there go to a tunnel, a bridge or just more land.
  19. I am still fiddling around with the exterior of my Sakura home. I am so in awe of the talented folks on these forums that I hesitate to show my humble efforts but maybe I am learning to mod and decorate a bit better than I used to, LOL. Here is my plot for today:
  20. I LOVE what you have done, especially the kitchen!! May I ask where it is from?
  21. Do you enjoy exploring? Are you wondering what the new Sakura regions look like? Would you like a Segway to ride on while you explore?? Search no more; your Segway is here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Aoi Hanabatake/17/130/21 Touch to rezz your own and ride as long as you like. Have fun!!
  22. I am currently using the Rabenda home model in Sakura and trying to make use of the front areas that look out on a gorgeous watery area. I picked up a patio set of planters that Sid Nagy sells on the MP and am playing around with it. Thanks, Sid! This is just a first effort, lots more fiddling to come!
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