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Leora Greenwood

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Everything posted by Leora Greenwood

  1. I spend at least part of every day in GIMP, sometimes for SL stuff but mainly for newsletters, catalogs and a couple of websites I manage. I find the tutorials from Davies Media Design very helpful and he has a Udemy basics course that can be gotten for $19.99 US almost all the time.
  2. I was such a PSP-head back in the late 1990's, user group member, tutorials, message boards, it was a whole society then. I still tell my kids about downloading the annual updates at 5 minutes per meg over our dialup, basically start the download last thing at night, go to bed and pray for no internet interruptions overnight, LOL.
  3. I just love the puppy in his glasses reading on the porch! May I ask where he is from? I did a MP search but unsuccessfully.
  4. DJ Steph on deck; 70 at the Fairgrounds and a few folks next door on the airstrip.
  5. You are not alone! I have NOT been away and still find BOM confusing though I have (somehow) managed it on occasion.
  6. Wow, best of luck with the new computer! You will be (even MORE) amazing with that wind beneath your wings!!
  7. If you like music and dancing: Belli Blues Cafe, if you enjoy sailing or flying: Bellisseria Parade, if you like travel and exploring: The Bellisseria Travelers Club, for general fun I think there is a Bellisseria Events group too! You will be so busy, we will never see you on the forums.
  8. Thanks, it was the kitchen I was after, not the bits so much.
  9. I am sorry to be so dense today but, just to be clear, it is only the cooktop on sale at Uber and not the Edgewater kitchen?
  10. Thank you for that; I did try the rezzer method you mention from Inara Pey back in my houseboat days and mastered it but then I kept changing my inside and outside decor which required updating the rezzer, etc. So, easy works for me, LOL. I also make a "Moving" folder with copies of my latest/best coalesced objects.
  11. Thank you for posting that! The trunk reminds me of the huge old German wood and metal trunk with rope handles that came across the Atlantic with my German ancestors in about 1849-50. It sits in my living room now, the inside papered decoratively and a large fitted tray full of lidded sections that can be lifted out sits under the curved trunk lid.
  12. Copied that to my desktop, thanks!!!
  13. That is so cool, thank you! Why do the Log Homes always go to the end of the line? Not based on when the style was released or alphabetical, so??
  14. Yeah, I totally get that. I think the Stilts are where I have found my home... I will be touring the Chalets but may not ever take one.
  15. I do quite like the Bellisserian Stag but, so far, am still searching for windmills.
  16. I especially enjoyed the six-pack, gave me a big smile in the middle of a boring Zoom class so thank you!
  17. They just sent out LMs for four new sims to sell the head.
  18. I feel your pain! I have been checking the map for Owls Flight and for Kenneth for a couple of weeks. Even the new Owl Hoot will draw me over for a good look when it releases.
  19. Fascinating, thank you so much!!! I may need to try for some of those, just for the names!
  20. AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGggggggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, you KNOW I am going to have that song stuck in my head all day now!!!!!!!!!!
  21. The demo region for the chalets (or whatever you would like to call them) is back: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/LH Chalet Demo/124/138/23
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