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Leora Greenwood

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Everything posted by Leora Greenwood

  1. L$60 at Muniick http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Port Lux/150/57/3400 A bit higher in LI than I like, table is 6 LI, most other pieces around 3 LI each. The set as rezzed out here is 38 LI but very attractive and with texture change options.
  2. hahahaha... Early, early in our SL lives, a friend of mine linked her whole house to her revolving fan and.... you guessed it!! 😆
  3. Yes!! The Flickr photo is great and let me move it around, look at the ceiling, etc. Maybe it's something that the forums don't fully support yet?
  4. I like Emma's suggestion a lot; the only thing in my experience is that I don't think I have ever moved into a new Bellisseria home that was at the same rotation as the one I moved out of. And I tried the rezzer suggestion that Mercedes makes, back when I was in total love with houseboats; what drove me mad there was having to drop the script into every object first, I always managed for forget one or two items! Off to read Chic's blog post now; very interesting alternate method.
  5. BH&G on the marketplace: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/BHG-Bradbury-Brookhaven-Pond-Linden-Home-Add-On/23381235 In my experimental attempts to learn to love a Newbrooke 512, I saw this on the MP and thought the little pond would fit in the available space in front of my Denver. I found a really sweet 512 lot in Phylliston so will stay at least until there are some good 1024 Newbrooke lots available.
  6. Good luck! Here are some other spots, old and new: and one new to me:
  7. To manage item placement in SL it really helps to take a few basic building classes at places like Builders Brewery and others. (I don't know currently but New Citizens, Welcome Island, Happy Hippo and other places may still offer basic classes too.) Select one item you would like to be in the clump, right-click it to choose "Edit" from the lower right of the little menu that opens. Then hold down the "Ctrl" key (on a Windows machine) and click on each item you would like to add to the clump. While the clump is all still selected, right-click and choose "More/Take a Copy" (to have a backup) or just "Take" and the whole clump will be picked up. I usually choose some big item with a name that I can identify the whole clump from (like couch or dining table) as the clump will have the name of the last item chosen; this will help later when you are wondering what these clumps contain, LOL. Sorry this is so dreadfully simple but it is best to practice a few times with items in a sandbox first. Instructions can vary by what viewer you use and what operating system your computer uses.
  8. I often do that but recommend picking items up in blocks or clumps, like: exterior front, exterior back, living room, bedroom, kitchen, etc. I pick up no-copy items first so I don't lose them as I pick up groups of other items. I make a folder like "Moving from Log Home" so I can find the clumps of items later. Then, next time you roll a Log Home, open the Edit tool from your Build menu first and carefully rezz and place the clumps, one at a time. Almost always, they need to be rotated at minimum. I try to focus on one small item in each clump, like a welcome sign, while the whole clump is in edit; if I place that well, the other items will be close to where I want them. Good luck!
  9. LOL, I think it helps to be really old in SL! Back in pre-mesh 2007, with the old allowance of 117 LI on my first little 512 mainland plot I had a house with some furnishings and two skyboxes. They must have looked dreadful by today's mesh standards but I was thrilled with them. 😀
  10. A little imagination it's all it takes, LOL. Many of us enjoyed the view, I am sure! 😄
  11. I got so frustrated not seeing any 1024 Newbrooke lots on the land page over the last couple of days that I tried a 512 Newbrooke but I just don't think it's for me. More 1024 Newbrookes, please???
  12. LOL, a vacation in reality beats (almost?) anything in virtuality so have a wonderful time! We will still be here...
  13. So lovely, thank you for sharing! And I really love that environment; may I ask what it is?
  14. LOL, trying to imagine him guarding a stilt! Looks like I got him here: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/QUTWORLD-Stone-Elephant-Statue2FP/22540223 Just note that he is 5 LI at the size I have him guarding my Newbrooke and I gave him a bit of shine which I will probably remove now that I look at it more.
  15. I totally agree and always do that at minimum. For my Coniston, I adapted a front bit from the marketplace that was originally made for the Heaton but looked easy to mod and it was. That is all I have pretty much finished on that house. Need more time inworld! 😁
  16. I don't have solutions to offer but have been haunting the marketplace (searching on "Newbrooke") ever since the Newbrooke regions opened. I seem to be your polar opposite since I always decorate the exterior and grounds of my Linden homes first and have to remind myself to get around to furnishing them inside. I always like to be outside and up so my Newbrooke efforts have featured a wooden roof terrace with ladders placed to access it. I am still pondering landscaping in Newbrooks, trying many things.
  17. If you expand the "Name" field you can tell exactly which sounds are which. I have (at least temporarily) blocked the Urban Traffic Ambiance sound box. Ctrl/Alt/T to turn transparency on and off may help some folks with picking out the specific offending sound box.
  18. Interesting theory and one I will definitely try next time I am hopping!
  19. Ya know, I never thought before about Moles having alts! Whaddya call them, Malts??
  20. Waiting for sunset on top of my Coniston in Resolve:
  21. Sadly, that is true; I was wrestling with that set early this morning. I left it in place but the LOD and baked on shadows are disappointing.
  22. Interesting! I have an alt who is having no luck finding a great location in the 1024s. Thanks!
  23. I am trying things that I think should be still within the rules and regs but consciously testing the "letter of the law" a bit, knowing that I may find things returned. Fingers crossed...
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