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Leora Greenwood

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Everything posted by Leora Greenwood

  1. It was great! The bus only flipped over once, I fell out once and the pedestrian count was only three (I think!)
  2. And a couple more. It was a great trip; thank you so much, Yukiko!
  3. Leora weighs her options: good sense or fantasy... Common Sense or Magic.... hmmmmmmmmmm......
  4. Hello, All, I have not been inworld for a bit (computer died, waiting for new power supply) and it does not seem that the open-plan Fantasy models are any nearer to being here yet. Any news I missed??
  5. So excited for you!! Kenneth has a stupendous steep coastline, really beautiful, with a tiny beach at the bottom.
  6. AND, there's more! From Zerkalo this weekend, sooooooooooooooooo pretty and LOOK at all the fabric and metal choices!!
  7. Looks like KAZZA has a new theme set beginning this weekend, called AutumnTales. These are lovely but a bit higher in LI, 17 LI each for the set as shown, but a great buy at $L60 per set.
  8. Primarily for the Fantasy Home fans, from Moonlight Shadow http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sunlight Radio/129/124/3001 The Fireplace on the left is 1 LI and the cooking fireplace on the right is 2 LI, both in the Wanderlust Weekend sale this weekend.
  9. Here is a FLF treat especially for Fantasseria/Fantisseria at Hextraordinary (3 LI if rezzed): OLD SALEM/46/155/27
  10. Early bird and a hard worker too, thank you so much! I found myself following you one Friday but could not keep up... 😅
  11. I have shopped many of the stores mentioned above for my male alt and I especially like the weekly sales cuz I am cheap. This is a fave: https://manlysl.com/manly-weekend/# and it gives you a chance to build a few basic outfits inexpensively and check out the stores.
  12. And, oh, my goodness, how beautiful is this Third Eye set at Wythburn http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SOS Shopping 1/152/142/24 ? The bench with cushions is 5 LI, the table 2 LI, sold separately, and both are a 100% donation to Doctors Without Borders. Come to the SOS Festival, have some fun, furnish your homes with gorgeous items and support the humanitarian organization that is, IMHO, one of the finest on our little globe.
  13. My first stop at the fabulous SOS Festival supporting Doctors Without Borders was at Dekute Dekore http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SOS Shopping 2/188/89/24 where virtually everything is 1 LI with only a few items as high as 2 LI. I would say half to 2/3 of the sales go 100% to support Dw/oB so how can you go wrong?? The Festival extends until Oct 2nd and more information is available here: http://www.thesosfestival.com/index.html Off to see what else I can find!!
  14. Wish that was just a typo and it was LEORAS GARDEN... sigh.... I had a Trad on Leera once that I really enjoyed...
  15. The forum uploader always stops me at a certain cumulative file size so reducing them to .jpgs, for example, would greatly reduce the file sizes. (Note: I have not experimented yet with this.)
  16. Yeah, I noticed a while ago that tip jars are not used/permitted at Belli Blues, for example. I know I can always send a tip and a thank you note privately when moved to do so!
  17. Yes, indeed! My male alt and his small family of Great Danes have made quite a nice life for themselves on Bon Vivant and do not show any inclination to move!
  18. Yeah, they are really impossible to search for! https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/NESWNGI/143/111/34
  19. Yeah, sorry (pours water on the flames of my enthusiasm), I meant the dogs on sale for FLF, seemed like a lot to me and I got a bit carried away, scooping them all up!
  20. Indulge me for just this one post, please, cuz the Autumn Scene and Halloween shirts from LOVE and (so many!) the dogs on sale at Jian make for a really happy and frugal day for my male alt!
  21. LOVE scores again with several L$50 weekend sale packs. I snapped pics of the three I liked best (there are three more, also for L$50 each) plus a L$50 pack of Halloween shirts for the guys! The Autumn Scene comes complete with dog! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/NESWNGI/143/111/34
  22. Yes, they are still out: Angelspell: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SLB Mesmerize/51/108/23 Moonspell: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SLB Mesmerize/169/234/22 Ragespell: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SLB Mesmerize/57/35/22 Steepspell: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SLB Mesmerize/217/141/22
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