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Drakonadrgora Darkfold

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Everything posted by Drakonadrgora Darkfold

  1. see that is the point there is no right decision, its just their's and no one elses, and it doesn't really matter what anyone else feels is right or not at the end of the day. their choices are guided by pr choices.. they cannot allow some threads to remain showing too much hostility between users. because it gives sl a bad name to anyone that might come here looking for help or new to sl and thinking about joining. it easier to lock and hide the entire thread then to try and go through and moderate each post and make changes to what was said to make it sound more friendly or nice. the amount of time and effort and energy required to do the later over the former is too much for LL to invest in.
  2. nope not going to happen, they care more about the dollar then the player. and and if you try and please everyone then you fail for there will be someone not happy still. start islands are just that for you to start, where you go after that is your choice. its not about perfect immersion, where you choose a furry and start in a furry populated area. because then you dont search or explore or learn anything more, aka you dont find new things you want and have to buy, aka you dont get lindens.. aka you dont spend money. there would be some people that would choose the furry and want to be put in a human start island or some other place not just furry related. me using furry is just an example this could be applied to any avatar type.
  3. if they ever modify or change the permission system in sl, they will have the forums burn in flames for all the creators that think they are so special suddenly learn they are not, and come here rage over how its unfair to them what was done and they wont create any new content until its changed back. as this thread has allread shown by several creators that oppose the changes suggested or any change being done. People want to feel special, unique in power in control take away that and they will riot over it.
  4. Its simple.. pr.. they hide what ever looks bad enough to them, that might bring them in a bad light to others. thing is just because someone else thinks its bad enough to be hidden doesn't mean they do. They are after all the gods of the forums not anyone else. the ones the dont hide they probably believe have more value to be allowed to be seen then the ones they hide.
  5. At minimum the other three need to loose their shields and not be allowed in any form of law enforcement again. Maybe then others who contemplate allowing a fellow officer to ever behave in such ways will think twice about what they too could loose from their inaction's. There is no excuse for what happened or how or why ever. Cops are not above the law, they are not gods of justice even though some cops are narcissistic enough to think they are.. And they should be held accountable for their behavior during the event and any similar event ever. It feels like too many of these cops that do these things must have watched the Judge Dredd movies...and think its how being a cop should be. Just like those that watched 50 shades of grey and think that is how bdsm should be.
  6. peeve.. people with peeves thinking that complaining about them on some forums anywhere is really going to change it or stop it or those who do it. its the internet, most people dont really care if they make someone butthurt over something that they didnt like. as has been proven in many threads on the forums.
  7. Or they may not and just leave it as is as a social experiment and see how many or if others ever complain about a simple title being removed.
  8. If you go on tik tok you can see many cops and other people who do get it and have spoken out about it. including a cop who quit his job as a cop to protest when was told he was not allowed to or would be fired.
  9. It's the best way to make friends.. you get to be frenemies... 😛
  10. Where are my zombies.. I'm all ready with my spear and flame thrower..
  11. @Axel as you can see well enough in this thread there 'are' mean and rude people here in the forums and in world. They often try to disguise themselves but fail miserably.
  12. Most people don't see sl as real.. so nothing will be done about it. You have better luck complaining to local lawmakers then here on the forums.
  13. Don't think you want to rent it.. things go missing in there. Like emotions and morals and ethics and other things.
  14. A heart.. a human heart.. inside me.. you jest.. I have no heart.. not anymore.. only a dark pit..
  15. Fits with what's going on in the world right now.
  16. Simple answer.. no. Complex reason.. it's pointless because most of the people of the world don't come here; so what protests or support is shown on the forums or in world is meaningless. It's just being done to try and make a few feel good for not going out and actually participating..in the real world.
  17. Your opinion is just that.. an opinion.. neither more or less right or relevant of my own.
  18. The overly hopefull optimistic forgiver..this was already understood about you. Don't change..if you can. But not all things are possible. One person's protection is another's abuse or harm. Two sides of the same coin.
  19. Anyone can learn if they just throw off the false belief that humans are caring by nature. Most are not. Look at the riots happening now. This is just human nature showing itself. No matter how good some claim to be push them far enough and they will show the monster that lurks just under their skin. Scratch any hero deep enough and you will find a monster inside.
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