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Everything posted by elleevelyn

  1. from Linden Scripting Language Guide published 2003, Authors: Aaron Brashears, Andrew Meadows, Cory Ondrejka, Doug Soo A.137. llMessageLinked llMessageLinked(integer linknum, integer num, string str, key id); Sends num, str, and id to members of the link set. The linknum parameter is either the linked number available through llGetLinkNumber or a link constant. edit add: i think the initial scripter didn't realise at the time that llMessageLinked was the way to go. Something that was partially corrected by later edits this kind of later discovery when a language is new (as it was at the time) is fairly typical and I don't think the initial scripter can be overly faulted for this
  2. not yet no, we can't change the Proximity distance of approx. 8 meters. The Proximity distance is when ban line information is sent to the viewer for the typical vehicle puttering along at 30kph, the driver has about 1 second to react before crashing into the ban line (assuming the ban line info did arrive and get displayed by the viewer at the 8 meter mark) the thought (asked by many down the years) is for Linden to give us a slider where we can adjust the Distance to Ban Line ourselves, or alternatively (also asked by many) have a menu option: World \ Show \ Ban Lines by Draw Distance of the two I think Draw Distance would be pretty ok for most vehicle users. Given that this would also inform the Minimap a whole lot earlier than now. And if we driving so fast that we out-running our Draw Distance then oh! well and toooo bad if we crash ourselves into a banline 128 or 256 metres away
  3. going way back in the day, a group of AO makers decided amongst themselves that Short = 155cm, Medium = 185cm and Tall = 215cm my AO is from back in the day and contains 3 sets of animations in each of these sizes. I use the 185cm set myself which is pretty ok even when I am 185cm by the Linden viewer body shape ruler (which is actually wrong by the more true measure that TPVs typically use. My avatar is actually taller than 185cm by true measure) as Wulfie mentions it affects ground sits. The smaller sizes place the avatar closer to the ground than the taller sizes sometimes also is useful when we sit on an object and override the object animation (if any) with our AO. The smaller sizes will show us sitting lower on the object surface, the taller sizes show us sitting higher from the surface also as well, when we wear really really high heels then the Tall (215 cm) version puts our avatar up higher when we stand so our very high heels don't sink into the ground. This used to be a problem back in the day, it has tho been pretty much negated with Hover Height since
  4. on the visuals of ban lines Linden viewer (64bit) has a new option: World \ Show \ Ban Lines on Collision this in addition to existing: World \ Show \ Hide Ban Lines World \ Show \ Ban Lines On Proximity seems the default is Ban Lines On Proximity, (this being the existing standard behaviour) It which allows new people to see ban lines as they approach the parcel, which makes sense from a new player's pov for residents who don't want to see ban lines at all in their view then: Hide Ban Lines for residents who want to (get a visual indication) see ban lines only when their avatars touch a parcel boundary then: Ban Lines on Collision only thing left to add now is to provide travelers an option to extend Proximity to their Draw Distance World \ Show \ Banlines on Draw Distance and I think altogether these 4 options would cater to all the different wants as they affect residents independently. We can choose for ourselves what we want in our view, while allowing others to make their own choice also
  5. Linden have addressed this by adding a new option to the viewer: menu World \ Show \ Banlines on Collision dets here: https://releasenotes.secondlife.com/viewer/
  6. automated vehicle systems typically map the route (gather parcel properties not available to LSL scripts like auto-return time) and make this information available to the system vehicle as it runs the system vehicle is designed to traverse the parcel before the parcel auto-return kicks in
  7. crowd at Green Day concert waiting for the show to start
  8. apply negative impulse to slow the avatar discussion here
  9. i have always found alternative accounts interesting. Is my experience that most people create an alternative account for a specific purpose. And when that purpose is no longer then the account is either banked (not used) or deleted i am more on the delete side. So not so much account banking for me. I think of the accounts I have had more in as ancestors/descndants this account is my current main (only) account. I orginally made it to help a friend build out their region. I never deleted it as some of the stuff is in my name (so banked it). A few months ago deleted my other account that I was using as my main as the reason fro creating it no longer applied my region owner friend contacted me last week and wants to do a region rebuild so thats going to be fun and am looking forward to it over time people who do know me work out who I am a descendant of. I don't behave any differently really. On some rare occasion a person will want me to proof an ancestor and I am like lol nah! I never claimed the ancestor, you are asserting it so go and proof it yourself one really persistent person, I end up telling them that they can proof themselves as the ancestor rather than me. They go how so, and I point to this code and say that they can claim to be the ancestor themself if they can write the reverse algorithm given a random number as input, can it be shown that the random number is a product of the posted algorithm. Is actually true, it can be shown for every random number - yes it was, no it wasn't. I am still waiting for some years now for that person to proof themselves as the ancestor which they aren't, but could be if they write the code proof i might post the answer myself one day, but I rather leave it as a fun exercise for others who into these things
  10. we just have to wait and see probably what would kill it dead in terms of people building add-ons for the commercial market would be if Linden apply a Creative Commons license, which has been the general license (to date) for Linden content other than full permissions Creative Commons license can be justified if Linden is clear that the Senra Dev Kit is only intended as an aid for people to learn how to rig. That anything produced can be transferred (sold even) but the same license applies to the production and once that people have used the kit to learn then the stated goal is for the people to move on to creating their own commercial products not using the Senra Dev Kit edit add suppose this license was to happen then we probably see a uptick in free to under 30-90 days products inworld, as a giftee for new people. And were this to be the case then most Mentors would have a folder of Landmarks to the venues providing giftees. Similar to the landmark folders that Mentors had back in the day to free product inworld
  11. this is the issue. As wrote, each HUD is broadcasting and listening on their own unique channel, they can't hear the other HUDs when synched the fix is use a single synch channel which all HUDs listen and broadcast on, as Fenix and Quistess show
  12. has always been doable this OnCollision Set Physical (if not already) Play Particles and Sounds Set PRIM_TEMP_ON_REZ Unlink all i am not much into weps anymore, but back in the day scripting objects in this way was pretty standard exploding targets: zombies, spiders, buildings, walls, etc. Couch guns also that used couches, tables, chairs, rubber ducks, unicorns, flying pigs, tanks, aeroplanes, rockets etc etc as projectiles all exploding on collision it sometimes got messy tho
  13. is a interesting topic this in a game where there is no game then the only measurable levels (measurable in a non-game achievement sense) I think are those that reflect status insofar as that status reflects a value that supports the world. Reflected status being profile badges. For example: Badge 1: Linden staff Badge 2: LDPW staff Badge 3: Second Life/Belli Mentor Badge 4: Linden Event Helper (Birthday, etc) Badge 5-8: Emeritus Badges for 1->4 Badge 9: Charter Member Badge 10: Lifetime Member Badge 11: Premium Plus Member Badge 12: Premium Member Badge 13: Premium Minor Member Emeritus badges also for 11->13 Badge 14: Estate Owner (where you leasing region direct from Linden) Badge 15: Estate Owner Emeritus Badge 16-17: Marketplace Shop Owner (17 = emeritus) Badge 18-19: Community Gateway provider (19 = emeritus) Badge 20: Code contributor Status badges that people get for doing/contributing then there are merit badges that the company Linden awards (like annually) similar to Hall of Fame. People who have made a long time contribution to the world. (I can think of a whole bunch of people who I think would be deserving of being included in the Second Life Hall of Fame for their contribution to our world). Has been 20 years now so I think Hall of Fame is worthy of consideration as can be seen from this list, there are heaps of badges (levels in a game where there is no game) that can be achieved. And no doubt is some levels/badges that are not listed here people can have more than one profile badge a thing about badges is that Linden do provide this already for code contributors (menu Help \ About \ Credits) so I don't think it would be a biggie to extend this to other areas, with the caveat that people are able to not display their profile badges if they choose
  14. Rogue Mentor resurrected ! nothing ever changes. Linden-sanctioned resident mentors getting all territorial. Rogue Mentor was the term applied by the territorials back in the day to residents helping out as and when they could i never understood the attitude back then and I still don't understand it today.
  15. a way to do payer_is_not_the_owner the terminal tracks the player customer time (like normal) OnPayPlayer terminal sends HTTP message to system website System website messages system alt (typically a bot) Bot pays player and/or terminal owner
  16. the Linden viewer doesn't have a permanent derender option. Why I dunno. We have to use a TPV (third party viewer) to do this
  17. we getting deeper into making smooth driving vehicles now. Which is a good thing to do when a vehicle builder we can get an indication of the drivers approx. lag/ping time, using llGetTmeStamp in the control event. Over the last X window period what is the average time in milliseconds between control key inputs with this information we can use it also in our engine governor. This said, governing for ping can be fraught as it can upset the low ping drivers when not deployed wisely but, it does help when setting up classes of races, which can be raced at the same time (similar to some realworld races) where drivers win trophies based on their class in the same race event
  18. the main check is using llGetVel to determine the rate of travel. As you are the engine builder (scripter) then you should know (can calculate) the maximum velocity of the vehicle on each type of terrain/surface using a timer (or on control key down) get the velocity and elevation of the terrain or surface. Compare the current elevation to the previous (higher or lower) to get the current gradient. Now knowing the gradient compare the velocity to what you as the engine builder know to be the max. velocity on this gradient when the vehicle is over speed then stop the engine (no power output to the engine). The vehicle will start to slow down. If at next timing check the vehicle is still going fast then the driver is cheating. And after this happens say 3 times then for a glorious effect crash the vehicle off the track - disable key controls and jam the throttle open, when the vehicle hits something then kaboom! with appropriate sounds, particles and unlink and if the cheater complains then say: that's racing [edit add] suggest that you as race marshal don't get into it with anyone about cheating as such. As some people just love to crash vehicles just because they can, which your serious racers will be happy about. The idiots who are into crashing their cars just make it better for those who drive to win (as any online racing game player can attest) having said this. The more sophisticated cheat is where a racetrack is mapped ((perfect racing lines) and the cheater uses a keyboard program independently of the viewer to drive the vehicle according to the map. To ameliorate this then the track configuration needs to be changed frequently [add more]. Remember also about lag. Two people on exact same hardware but one has a ping time of 4ms and another has 24ms. When skills are also equal then the 4ms ping player is going to drive smoother than the 24ms ping and will win pretty much every race
  19. sometimes things can go appear to go more smoothly the smoothest movement is KFM use a linked cylinder prim for the rope with KFM we know the timing when the lift goes up and down. Using the KFM timing we can script the same timing to SLICE the cylinder prim
  20. i put it in another way the game of chess. Out of the box, it has a recognised set of rules that govern the movement of the pieces. The players attempt to win the game by moving the pieces accordingly. In this context it can be classed as Escape From Freedom the Escape To Freedom chess game, is where before each game, the players decide between themselves how the pieces can move of the two methods of play, the first method (Escape From Freedom) is that most preferred by the most number of players [edit add] like you are saying it is important to compare like-for-like. So I use this chess example in a like-for-like manner. Same when I earlier compared Bellisaria to Traditional mainland
  21. In a previous incarnation of the onboarding Linden did have a free outfit shop (tucked up on mezzanine floor) with quite a lot of fairly good quality stuff in it i think about this whenever I go to the Shop n Hop and places like Paloma (Free Dove). And also reminisce about the free stuff that could be picked up on the onboarding walk thru Caledon (where at the learning stations, free stuff appropriate to the lesson was given) with the Senra/NUX avatars coming maybe that giving stuff could be revisited. Like there is a long hall/path which resident creatives could fill with free Senra-compatible accessories, clothes, hair, shoes, skins, makeup, etc (resident-creative advertisement)
  22. is not a binary decision. Is possible to have both, where different things can co-exist again Bellisaria, it co-exists with traditional mainland, both of these estate models in turn co-exist with private estates major retention of new accounts does need to be developed on a large-scale. Tinkering about with small-scale initiatives during the on-boarding process isn't going to do this. Over the years Linden have pretty much tried every small-scale on-boarding initiative there is. Including shopping malls, shooter arenas, vehicle race tracks, sailboats at the oceanside WAs, building sandboxes, tutorials, L$ grinders like Linden Realms, etc etc to name some. These on top of things like Community Gateways by which residents have provided onboarding experiences themselves to new accounts,. And also things like Destinations to help new people explore and after all these initiatives, here we are with what we have. Which is nothing to be sneezed at when resident creatives have been able to cash out about USD65 million dollars annually (last time I looked) the thought behind gaining increases in new account retention isn't so much to grow the creator base. Is to grow the customer base of the creatives. Second Life has a ton of creatives already, so this not the problem. The problem is retaining accounts so they become customers of both Linden and the resident creatives. Customers like their experiences to be easy to use and easy to understand. And the easiest thing to understand (at least in the 3D online realm) after creating the character (avatar and outfit) are games. Games are way more easier to navigate than is navigating social interactions leading to building relationships and maybe thats the thing. After Bellisaria maybe the next big large scale estate project will be for gamers. I have some thoughts about how that might be gone about, and am pretty sure Linden does also. Linden did do this way back in the beginning times - the badlands to the east of the then Clyde wall. But at the time server space for land was at a premium which caused settlers to go over the Wall to settle in the badlands and they didn't like getting shot at. So Linden nerfed the badlands all the way down to one region Jesse, as a museum piece pretty much. Today server space is no longer the issue it once was. So who knows, the badlands may come back, and for those who don't like getting shot at then don't go over the Wall
  23. maybe if the Motown starter stream was something more modern. With artists that younger people do recognise, with tracks that are mellow which older people can get into for example similar to this Youtube radio stream (many artists of who are on the Motown label) https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=WB7LS3p7Tb4&list=RDAMPLOLAK5uy_mSiyqGhQpe3E_zZEhU5f-KuRl998NT15o
  24. i won't get to far into the deeper ramifications of Fromm's (and other's) work other than to say that Escape To/From Freedom is a fairly well researched observation of how humans making individual decisions in what they perceive as their own best interests can impact on the behaviour of the group as a whole, both positively and negatively. Basically when people get overwhelmed by to many decisions they tend to herd - seek out others who espouse/share the same views/values as themselves - which can also result in positivity, negativity or (in most cases) some balance of the two so in this sense is not so much that game developers are leading the herd. They are more identifying where the biggest herds are and tailoring their offerings for the bigger herd. The issue for Linden is that for 20 years Linden have tailored their efforts to a small herd. The issue for the members/residents of this small herd is that they like the herd as it is - their herd. And any attempt to integrate their herd with another bigger herd that has different wants/needs is met with resistance -- which is a second issue for Linden, made more problematic as it is the small herd members who pay the bills so far to date in the main this said, is not insurmountable to integrate herds when there is a will by the members/residents of the small herd to embrace the integration and not fear being subsumed and left bereft. Again I raise Bellisaria as one way that Linden are attempting to integrate the herds by making the estate appealing to those who prefer to live in a more regulated society. The more societal regulation there is, the more authoritarian it is - by Fromm definition). And is actually working for Linden at least from a business pov. Lots and lots of regions added to Bellisaria (far more I think than Linden initially expected) with the accompanying uptake of Premium subscriptions [edit add] Interestingly many of the current newly Premium subscribers come from the ranks of the existing small herd. Which is a kind of who knew revelation -that many of our Escape To Freedom herd members have had some Escape From Freedom tendencies all along
  25. have a read here also to help you get started
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