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Everything posted by elleevelyn

  1. is actually 4. But if you link them can squeeze it to 7 sometimes 8
  2. Given that your tower uses more than 7 LI then is apparent that you are paying tier for another parcel on that region. So I am not sure what the point of your post is. Any number of people build towers on their parcels, sometimes narrower and taller for no reason other than that they can
  3. you'd also be surprised how many people read pop ups and know quite a bit about how to access the menus. And for those that do then it won't not work
  4. what message do you get when you can't login ?
  5. inside every mesh mutant is a totally munted Ruth giggling 😸
  6. in all of human history cooperation pretty much always win. Is this trope: Big guy always beats a little guy in practice, little guys team up and make mincemeat of the big guy who has no friends
  7. yes. As I mention tho, whenever I have requested not-adjacent micro-parcels to bring up to group prim count, I have always said that should I giveup/sell the main parcel then I would abandon the not-adjacent micro-parcels back to Linden. And I am pretty sure that because I said this in my ticket Land Linden set them to me to have
  8. when I have had mainland I always had a pretty good response to my tickets like one time Land Linden set for sale to me a 16m and a 32m parcel neither of which were adjacent to each other or to my parcel as I wanted to have a group 560m prim count. Which I asked for in my ticket. I also said in ticket that if I ever let my parcel go I would abandon the two micro-parcels. I didn't expect Land Linden to give me, but they did another time I requested a 96m not adjacent to my 1024m parcel to bring it up to group 1160m. Land Linden gave me that one as welll when the Belli trailers came online, I cut down my then 1024 mainland to a 560m and abandoned the L-shape cutoff. Sometime later I gave up my trailer and request the L-shape back. Land Linden gave that back to me as well (by gave I mean set it for sale to me) and way way back about 2007, I bought a 512m by a Linden road. The next region over was a private owned battle arena. People used to go there to play shooters. And like how these things go, bullets and missiles with particles and screamers would spill over into our region back in those days, heaps of new people who didn't know much about how to set up their parcels. So auto-return not set on many parcels. Or worse some would set No Object Entry while the neighbour parcel was Allow Object Entry and Auto-Return Off. Walls and walls of bullet clutter. If think that skyboxes today are clutter, they have nothing on battle garbage and newbie builder clutter - Trees, houses upside down in the sky, cars, aeroplanes stuck all over the place, boats and ships even, and random plywood all over. Heaps and heaps of random plywood. nd never mind all the griefing tower builds. My region was a total shambles. Same as many others back in those times anyways, a massive rotating, full-glow, rotating, particle spewer bomb end up on my neighbour's parcel. My neighbour had tried to make a home. They had rezzed a little house then had tried to format the terrain. Sunk the whole parcel they did, and then gave up. So this little house is sitting there in mid air. After a few weeks of them no show, as their land was Autoreturn Off I built a stilt base for their house to sit on with steps down to a dock on the now water. Prettied it all up with plants and fllowers, stuck some ducks and fish in their now pond i had put in a ticket about the screamer. Then one day not much later I log in and all my stuff on the neighbour's parcel been returned. And the screamer gone. Not returned by the neighbour who was still a no login no-show. Returned by a Land Linden. Who had also reverted the neighbour parcel and then terraformed it to fit the neighbour's parcels including mine. And I thought: that's a really Nice Linden to do that
  9. it doesn't matter what we think, only thing that matters is what the Land Linden thinks one time i was sitting on my box motobike and editing it on the Linden highway. A Land Linden popped up and asked me what I was doing. I said I was working on my bike. Land Linden told me that's what we provide sandboxes for. I went: nobody is here and I am not hurting anyone. Land Linden said I am not Nobody, move it missy! I thought: what a meanie! but i did move it another time in the way way back, when I had no land I was regular rezzing a prim at Stillman Bazaar and whizzing up in the sky to get changed. Bazaar Linden spotted me one day and told me off. Another meanie!! I never said nothing as I didn't want her to maybe recognise me as one of the gang who were putting squat builds on her Neighbour Lindens' parcels in the Linden Village
  10. another way is the 3rd example of https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlSetTextureAnim a 1024x1024 texture divided 8 by 8 = 64 128x128-pixel frames divided 4 x 4 = 16 256x256-pixel frames chaining the textures via script if more say 256-pixel frames wanted. 2 textures gives 32 frames, 3 gives 48, etc
  11. there is also the smaller fixed cost person. A Premium account who takes a camper and then buys a 512m parcel. A Premium Plus in same situation who has 1536 tier to play with. (Edit what Qie said) this said, a while ago now was some person who for quite a number of years had masses of Zindra in their "real estate business' and pretty much single-handedly was able to dictate buy prices on Zindra was any number of people, including me, who idly speculated on how they were able to that given the tier they must have been paying. Coffee Pancake (as it all turned out to be most likely true, given that one day the real estate business abandoned pretty much the entirety of their holdings ) said that the simplest answer is most often the case. This person was in the business of generating a small RL fortune, by starting with a large RL fortune
  12. if it does get returned it will be by a Land Linden employee and yes, a Land Linden will most likely return it if it gets abuse reported by a vehicle user on the waterway
  13. survival of the fittest applies to species as a group not to individuals when it comes to individuals within a species then is more survival of the friendliest don't get on with other members of our species (regardless of who is at fault) then the individual rarely survives in the evolutionary sense. All the way down to not being able to attract a partner with whom to propagate. No propagation, no passing on of a potentially heritable attribute to offspring - the inability to be friendly eta: obligatory SL reference. The same applies to avatars. Friendly avatars have friends in SL. Unfriendly avatars pretty much have only their alt as their bestie 🐱 or maybe worst. I am so lacking in friending attributes even my alt left me
  14. yes you right about this i went down a garden path all of my own making in replying to Chic. Chic was talking about letting the Linden viewer reduce oversized (> 1024 x 1024) downto 1024 x 1024, which I agree with a path tho which is a different path to what OP was actually asking: How do I (OP) best reduce a 1027x1027 template down to 256x256 so that I can upload it (after working with it) to SL as 256x256
  15. menu: Me \ Preferences \ Graphics \ Advanced Settings \ Screen Space Reflections = TRUE (enabled)
  16. if you haven't played since Windows 7 (now have Windows 10 or 11) then could be a problem with your ethernet card driver. Some of the older ethernet card manufacturers released an update when Windows 10 came out also try changing your DNS server from Acquire automatically (from your ISP) to Google DNS if you haven't already
  17. in the Linden viewer we can not have the get L$ popup notification menu: Me \ Preferences \ Notifications \ Tell me: \ When I get L$ this doesn't stop the problem, but it does stop it being immediately shoved in our face when it does happen
  18. this Kakadu is what Linden use to encode/decode (compress/decompress) jpeg2000. Firestorm also Kakadu (its principal people) had a significant role in developing the jpeg2000 standard. And the Kakadu software suite followed on from their role in developing the standard. For general purpose encoding (the set of all images) to jpeg2000 it doesn't get better than Kakadu, which is why Linden use it so for OP, is all about how you paint your textures for a specific encoder. in the SL case (Kakadu) KDU v7.10.4. Is not how do I find a lossy pre-processor to compress my texture which is then re-processed by the KDU lossy encoder and then as you become more familiar with what KDU does, then our tool/brush selections improve for different kinds of paintings as Quarrel mentions, always upload your images in a lossless format (TGA or PNG). We should paint for the lossless format, now having a better understanding of what will happen when is processed by the KDU encoder
  19. first impressions is not bad overall caveat is that i recently got a more modern computer with a NVidia 4070Ti whereas before I had a NVidia 1050Ti. Just the difference in the graphics card gives me a whole lot more than I had before. So I haven't yet learned all the effects/nuances of this with Version 7 tho the view murky is different to Version 6.x murky when use Linden Shared Environment which is my tendency as I am not much into custom EEPs to brighten/lighten the view up to be less murky I found that increasing Exposure helps. menu: Me \ Preferences \ Graphics \ Advanced Settings \ Exposure eta: just add on here somebody probably already noticed this and made a JIRA. When Screen Space Reflections is enabled, the Linden water flickers artifacts when rotate your avatar or pan your camera
  20. the first thing I would try is to change the DNS server from Acquire automatically (from your ISP) to Google DNS a how to do this on Windows 11 is here: https://www.howtogeek.com/767564/how-to-change-dns-servers-on-windows-11/ if this doesn't help then is most likely that your ethernet card is not synching properly with your router. I had this issue when I switched to fibre on Windows 10. Fix was to update my ethernet card driver
  21. some things to reduce notifications clutter on top right of screen 1) menu: Advanced \ Show Debug Settings \ NotificationToastLifeTime = 0. This disappears notification dialogs (like group notices) pretty much instantly to the Notifications panel lists 2) menu: Me \ Preferences \ Chat \ IMs. Set option to anything other than: Pop up the message. Like set to Flash toolbar button or No action 3) menu: Me \ Preferences \ Notifications. Here we can turn off other types of notifications that can appear on top right screen. Things like: - Warn me about my avatar complexity changes - Warn me if my avatar complexity may be too high - Warn me when my HUD complexity is too high - etc etc, as you prefer
  22. very probably this is the issue
  23. you onto it Raven i tend to post code/pcode snippets by example, as is often others reading who can maybe get some ibetter idea of what is meant, as is not always apparent what is being discussed from text only convos, particularly begiinner scripters when start chucking out methods like ticks timer for example
  24. in Linden Viewer, the steps: 1) right-click on avatar: Edit outfit parts \ Clothing tab 2) select a tatoo layer (skin, hairbase, makeup, etc) 3) On right side of selection is Send To Front and Send To Back arrow buttons. Use the buttons to move the layer Up (iSend To Front) or Down (Send To Back) 4) When done Save Changes button, or Save as... New Outfit
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