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Everything posted by elleevelyn

  1. seems like the textures are not rezzing. I would try clearing cache
  2. i read on Inara blog that there is going to be some kind of townhall on May 20 where we may get some further tea leaves to ponder
  3. yes $60 million is not enough investment to become the Bank of the Metaverse. Can add another zero to that amount to have any shot at this. By acquiring the US licenses it makes $600 million in capital raisings a lot more achievable. And I would be surprised if the Linden shareholders haven't acquired a stake in Thune as part of this deal
  4. I think when we consider what it means to be a cash cow company from the traditional investment pov then divesting Tilia makes sense. The divestment re-focuses Linden Lab on its core mission - to build and maintain the Second Life virtual world - Linden Lab serving no purpose other than its core mission - selling a mature virtual world premium product for a premium price to a mature customer base, willing and able to pay premium prices for what they want the danger for single product cash cow companies is when their customer base ages out - the rate of customers aging out exceeds the new customer accumulation rate. The biggest danger to this balancing act is when the company over-innovates the product. Over-innovation can lead to the product losing its traditional appeal/lustre borne of history to its longtime customer base. Retaining an existing customer base is the major consideration driver for cash cow companies selling a mature premium product this is not to say that all innovation is ruled out. Is just that what innovation is introduced is done carefully to not break lustre. And to be fair to Linden they have always understood this. So the incremental approach to SL innovation. I can't see this changing. If anything the divestment of Tilia reinforces the incremental approach
  5. ooowahh !! you lawbreaker !!! defo give you a fake ticket from the Fake Belli Boardwalk Traffic Police Department !! you criminal !!!! 😺
  6. i have been thinking about this since the announcement. By thinking I more mean reading the tea leaves continuing to try and understand what Linden are doing and why i too thought that when Oberwolf and companions bought into Second Life then I thought Tilia would more be the prize for the new Linden shareholders rather than SL itself (and I think at that time it was a valid tea leaf projection) it still can be as well. I don't know the details of the deal, but I think that some of the purchase price would have been paid for in Thune shares, which meets the shareholders want/need to continue to have a stake in the "Bank of the Metaverse". Thune now being the Bank vehicle and not Tila from a shareholder/stakeholder pov which meets the broader investment goal. Better to own a piece of the Thune Metaverse Bank than 100% of it's going nowhere globally tiny dwarf Tilia competitor I think the 5 year contract where Linden continue to run Thune/Tilia operationally, is more to satisfy any US regulators concern rather than anything else. There would be regulatory concerns if not for the deal, as Thune has no institutional experience reputation in the US. The 5 year deal buys Thune time to acquire this US reputation. This is same as when the SkyCity Casino was built in NZ. Local shareholders with zero casino operations experience, Harrahs (with all of their operational experience) contracted to run it for 5 years the most interesting thing about this deal for me is that going forward the revenues gained from SL users now have only two clearly-defined structural destinations: 1) dividends for shareholders and 2) investment in SecondLife which means that the most annoying thing in the past about the SL cash cow, is that the SL revenues are no longer going toward 3) investor seed money for other tech ventures and I think that there not being a 3) going forward, has to do with Oberwolf being an investment banker type rather than a tech entrepreneur type. Sure he is into tech as a thing, but when it comes to money investment he is primarily (fundamentally even) a banker. Or so it appears to me, based on the how this deal is structured, meaning what got sold and what didn't get sold. But also more important, that investment bankers like their investments goals to be well-defined structurally so on balance I think altogether that this is not a bad deal for SL users given the alternative deals that could have been this all said, I do expect non-tier fees (of all types) to go up. I don't see tier going down - if only because Linden has already signalled how this is going to go - more capacity for the same tier money, recently 15% increase in physics capacity for the same tier
  7. upto 512 would be quite good, understanding that the physics box still be 256 wide
  8. is just that Wulfie mentioned that a glTF scene can be miles wide, with no limit on textures and faces, all hanging off a surrogate prim. So I thought of sim surrounds but now you explain it then I can see it can be much more than just this
  9. of all that there could be I vote for this one. Is probably the most requested (as would the the most useful) ever by the most number of people. Scale sizing up and down to fit your dance partner
  10. modding this script to do more that 2 menu pages (while doable) is going to be quite a bit messy work best to find another multi-page menu script and mod that to display the textures
  11. a way to do this is to query a recently played list of 1, every say 3 minutes. Change out the display when the return value is not the current display value can reduce the query timing down from 3 minutes to say 30 or less seconds maybe. Issue with reducing the timing between queries is that we could hit the apple server grey goo fence. When the apple grey goo fence kicks in I dunno but with experimentation that could be ascertained
  12. if we have the gestures to go with this then in lots of places we either get muted or kick banned by grumpy parcel owners. The big meanies !!!
  13. ^^ this pretty much yes is on us to consider and appreciate when our attire is appropriate for the occasion the onus to abide is on the wearer. As adult people in the RL we know whats appropriate and whats not. In SL is no different, we do know, and I don't ever accept that somehow we don't know i am neko, and I also have some involvement with a Adult-rated venue of some longstanding. I am fully aware of what is and isn't appropriate attire. I have a zillion outfits which are not appropriate for the venue. And so do our region patrons. Sometimes, not often at all, we might get a visitor who wants to be play the disingenuous. We don't entertain it. They're gone also I think that the rules are more about the wearer than about the parcel owner. As they should be. You are wearing the child avatar, not the parcel owner. If you as a child avatar want to make it about the landowner then the answer is no. You are the one causing the issue, you're gone. And if by gone this means Linden banhammers you out of SL altogether because you don't want to address your own behaviour then then oh well and I don't care
  14. this song has kinda become an anthem for Isle of Man TT. The people who do the TT are pretty insane i read a comment on one of these vids: My 250cc listened to this and now thinks is a 1000cc. kehehe 😹
  15. the Object script can follow the same style as the HUD script example that Tessa showed longhand example integer chan = 15113234731; // strided list where color vectors are adjacent to the user-defined name list colors = [ // name, color "gold", <226,201,111>, "rose gold", <240, 158, 111>, "silver", <168, 168,168>, "gunmetal", <67,67,67> ]; default { state_entry() { // listen only for owner llListen(chan, "", llGetOwner(), ""); } changed(integer change) { if (change & CHANGED_OWNER) llResetScript(); } listen (integer channel, string name, key id, string msg) { // look up colors list to get index of msg integer index = llListFindList(colors, [msg]); if (~index) // msg found { // color vector is at index + 1 vector color = llList2Vector(colors, index + 1) / 255; llSetColor(color, ALL_SIDES); } } }
  16. grabbing physical objects and moving them was part of the New User Orientationl back in the day. I dunno if it still works but the tutorial path on Orientation Island Public has a grab tutorial station down by the creek below the temple. Grab the ball on the ground and place it on the table. Not part of the tutorial was throwing the ball off the island, but a few people would give that a go as well
  17. with a significant value sudden devaluation then a way that this can be done is overnight. We log off with L$250 in our account. The next day we log in and our account balance is L$500. The suppliers according to their own timetable adjust their prices accordingly the other way this can be done is to adjust the money supply. To devalue, Supply Linden starts pumping LS into the Lindex. To revalue Supply Linden turns off/turns down the pump a few years ago now Linden appeared to do this. Supply Linden appeared to be pumping approx. L$10 million blocks onto the Lindex on a regular weekly basis - the effect was the exchange rate moved to about USD1 = L$350. Was a whole lot of chatter about this at the time all over. Then after some time the pumping rate slowed and the exchange rate moved back to USD1 = L$250 only Linden could tell us what this was about (and they have never said). But it did mirror the mechanics of how to devalue and revalue a currency in a domestic market using money supply
  18. to grow a domestic economy relative to another target (foreign) economy then we devalue our currency relative to the target. We don't revalue it as OP proposes instead of revalue USD1 = L$100 from USD1 = L$250 then if do anything then devalue USD1 = L$775 the effect of this is the foreign buyers (SL Account holders of USD) are able to obtain more products and services within the domestic SL economy. The ability to obtain more means that the buyers are able to spread their L$ to more suppliers, and/or provide more L$ to fewer suppliers the issue OP highlights is that the suppliers affected by revaluation/devaluation are foreign suppliers - SL creatives who extract value - USD currency from the SL domestic economy. Following from this, when it becomes uneconomic for foreign suppliers to extract value from a domestic economy then they stop supplying products and services. However, stopping supply only happens when there is a oversupply of suppliers; and/or when there is an undersupply of local currency within the domestic economy revaluing to USD1 - L$100 creates an undersupply of local currency. This has a far more detrimental effect on the economy than does the movement of foreign suppliers in and out of the market the fortunes of individual foreign product and services suppliers is of far less importance to the robustness of a domestic economy than is the supply of local currency. Or in other words: Where there is a customer - a supplier can always be found. When there is a supplier - a customer cannot always be found so if anything was to change then devaluation, not revaluation
  19. given that the stated aim is for the NPC to act as a tour guide (with the ability to give a tour guide patter and answer questions about the tour locations) then is not a overly-complex project, and some people (not just new accounts) be into doing this the NPC would not (should not) be able to go to regions it knows nothing about it gets complex should the NPC accept friend requests and should it be able to correspond in IM (thats more complicated as the chat between user and NPC can become untethered from location) as a tour guide working to a set of tethered/known parameters then a reasonably simple NPC project. As a untethered friend then not simple
  20. i haven't done any testing, but I think with Newton then is about up to 24 iterations (precision) on a 32-bit float type, breaking early on match thinking about the quake method a bit more then we can get a union of some kind using fui() and uif() from the LSL Combined Library which I am not going to test as would be terribly slower (two calls to llPow) than llSqrt this said, even if we did this then as I haven't tested it (so not sure what the fui() bit arrangement is) then if the bit arrangement is something other than a C-like union then the magic number would be something other than quake which would be discoverable but yeah so agree with your TLDR. Use llSqrt
  21. i think the best we can get without using any LSL library function is the Newton example. Probably using the precision parameter from the babylonian example for finer control on the result not sure tho that it would be any faster than just using llSqrt the quake method (Q_rsqrt) might be possibly faster if there is a substitute method for the magic number 0x5f3759df, but I dunno what that method might be, or even if there is a substitute at all
  22. just on this. When we use Other People license (closed or open source) is still incumbent on us to do our own legal due diligence when we include a licensed work in our own work for example, just because I include a Public Domain notice in a script I might post to the Scripting Library it means that the Public Domain notice applies only to the script as a whole body of work. My Public Domain notice doesn't mean that I am necessarily the legal owner of all methods that may be included in the posted work. Methods can be encumbered by patents and/or user licenses that can come back and bite us when we not careful pretty much yes to both points generally in most countries we can't dictate on-sell prices unless the product is part of a franchise agreement and in most countries we can encumber a user license with pretty much anything we want (Linden Terms of Service for example), provided that we also provide a legal dispute remedy. Is not enough to just say to the customer that the legal remedy is DMCA. We typically have to do more than this not making a User License available before purchase, is usually legally actionable as a dispute. In this case we could petition Linden to make us whole. Get our money back and remove the product from our inventory. If Linden doesn't do this then we can use the Linden Dispute Arbitration process. https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Terms_of_Service_Arbitration_FAQ basically in the do-nothing case we sue Linden for enabling this to happen on their site however, from what Orwar says the seller has addressed this issue by providing a Demo Product accompanied by a User License. My assumption is that the demo is not the Full Product which the user can buy after reading the User License we received the User License before we purchased the Full Product. Typically in this case the act of purchase after receiving the User License would be seen as agreeing/signing in most jurisdictions
  23. this is what I do i can tho easy use all 38 attachment points after linking all I can i consider myself still naked after attaching all body, hair, neko ears tail, wings + jewels. Jewels and body piercings I wear heaps off as standard me so not typical of most other people. I also have 6 huds that I wear standard me. I am a bling bunny so yes I have to ration my actual clothing due to the current 38 attachment limit sometimes I think I would like more but am pretty sure that I would use them all up as well and still want more Pretty Linden please. So I can be a double bling bunny 😻 is the same with layers. Back in a previous life when baked layers was being introduced, like how many layers would be reasonable? I said at that time I could use 22 layers just for face and body, nevermind additional for clothing layers. Since BOM layers came I can use about 40 just for face and body, nevermind clothing layers, without even trying
  24. this ^^ breaking it down integer beginswith(string str, string substr) { return llSubStringIndex(str, substr) == 0; // return TRUE when str begins with substr, else return FALSE } // do it with the NOT operator integer beginswith(string str, string substr) { return !llSubStringIndex(str, substr); // returns TRUE when str begins with substr, else return FALSE } // inline it for efficiency if ((ItemType == INVENTORY_SOUND) & !llSubStringIndex(ItemName, "Radio: "){} // TRUE & TRUE == TRUE
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