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Everything posted by elleevelyn

  1. a no-additional cost method is to use the Marketplace. When a existing customer requests a redelivery they get the latest updated version. (I have a older mesh head that does this). As a help, add a update instruction on your avatar profile
  2. i heard/read a while ago that Somebody Linden was tasked with looking into this. Dunno what came of it tho
  3. on some very rare occasions a LSL code source file can get corrupted. It can be edited and compiled and weird residual effects like you are seeing can occur i find the solution to fixing corrupt source files is to copypaste the source code into an text external editor. Create a new script and copy paste the code from the text editor to the new script . Why this happens I dunno, why that is the fix I dunno,, just that it is on the rare times that it happens
  4. i take your point on this. I mentioned friending myself earlier as a good thing. But is not a good thing for everyone also too I am kinda biased in my view. Back in the day was also the time of the emerging social networks like MySpace and Bebo. Pretty much would friend everyone who asked, as those networks were pseudo-anonymous. So shifting that view point to Second Life was not a major at the time, it being pseudo-anonymous also then Facebook came with real world identities and the idea of friending random people online in a real world setting is not a good idea. And tbf while Second Life continues to be pseudo-anonymous, upto 20 years of social investment in a public facing persona/avatar ties a person quite deeply in a real world sense. So yes, I agree it should not be a requirement to friend
  5. this will still happen at times with the new mentor programme, because being volunteers is not always possible to have enough cover (people available at all times) to help out. Back in the day there were 22 spawn islands. And on the weekends the islands would often all fill up and the new account overflow redirected to the inworld Welcome Areas and Infohubs what was helpful was the Mentor group chat channel in the situation you mentioning. Could shout out on the channel for other mentors to come and help, more often than not others would come to help. But sometimes not, so just had to deal with it as best you could. But being able to have a channel to shout out on was a real blessing
  6. i think the main thing is understanding what the mentors do i will take my point of reference as having been (in a previous life) a mentor in the past programme 1) Greeter. A new person spawning is met with: "Hi! Welcome to Second Life". Most new accounts ignore the greeting (ignore also meaning that they don't see it). But is a few people who do and will say Hi back and a conversation can sometimes ensue. Which other new accounts do at times join into. The main follow-on conversation from the new account typically being along the lines of: Whats this game about? How do I play it ? What do I do now ? etc. Which are all pretty much open-ended questions that result in open-ended answers 2) Director. A Director Mentor is a bit different from a greeter. A director will say: Hi! If you need any help let me know." The Director greeting steers the conversation from the outset. It allows the new person to respond with "Hi! thank you. I am good with working it out by myself, But thanks for the offer!" Alternatively the new account sees the Director as a person staffing the Information Kiosk and engages further on that basis 3) Buddy. A Buddy Mentor typically accepts every friend request from new accounts. The Buddy Mentor develops long-term relationships with new accounts according to the wants of the new friend(s). Of the 3 roles Buddy Mentor is the most demanding in terms of relationships maintenance breaking down the scenarios into actual jobs Greeter Mentor is best on the Spawn Island. The job of the Greeter is to keep the new accounts moving by answering every question with: "Learn how to walk, to jump, to fly and to use your viewer camera to look at things. Follow the path and you will learn how to do these. When you get to the end of the path, then you will be able to go to the next level" at the end of the path is another Greeter who says: Well done! You did it! You now ready to level up. Next level is Newbie/Social Island where is lots of cool and interesting things for you to do. Walk into the portal beside me." Which pretty much every new account does and woosh off they go. This end of path greeting is positive affirmation for the new account of making it to the end of the path. Also too, the end Greeter watches for new people who get stuck in ditches and stuck on ceilings. Which typically is an IM saying: "Press "E" key to go up. Press "D" key to get down from the ceiling" 2) Newbie/Social Island. At the landing point from Spawn Island. Director Mentor. "Hi! Welcome to Social Island. Woohoo! You made it to here. You doing great! If you need any help just ask me ok" No matter what the new account asks, the answer is: "What are you interested in ? Go thru the portal that best matches your interest. If you get stuck or unsure out there then press the Home button (top left your screen) and you will come back to here." And woosh! off they go, pretty much all of them after exploring for a bit, new person comes Home and says: "How do I get a land ? How do I get an avatar like I saw at this place ? etc." Director Mentor says: "Go down the stairs here, and you will see Buddy Person with Mentor tag over their head . Buddy Person knows how to do that and will help you. I will contact Buddy on your behalf ok. Buddy will send you a Instant Message and you can go on together from there." Buddy Mentor is also on patrol. Patrolling the inworld infohubs say Hi! to people and being there for them when they ask for help Like the Greeter Mentor, the Director Mentor job is to keep people moving. The Buddy Mentor's job is to be the retention agent Most people who take on mentor roles can fulfil all of the roles. The Mentor Programme Manager's job is to train the mentors to understand what the job is at each of the stations. When mentor's are not taught what the job is at stations then it all pretty much turns to custard from a new account's pov is custard when a end Greeter Mentor switches to a Buddy Mentor and abandons their designated station, teleports away with the new account in tow. The custard is what happens to the other new accounts who don't get positive affirmation, as the mentor who is supposed to be there took off with their newest bestie
  7. i am just curious when it comes to these kinds of things. I think Linden do have a legal opinion, I am just wondering what that might be. The structure of the Department of Public Works might be it. As is nothing that precludes a private owned company from sponsoring a charitable organisation, and that sponsoring can include funding that covers payment to staff, it also includes seconding staff to work for the charitable organsisation, like a Programme Administrator for example
  8. my interpretation I got from the US Department of Labor https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/fact-sheets/14a-flsa-non-profits I quote the relevant section as it seems to me this is the basis for Linden's decision to go with volunteers the basis being that the Mentor Programme does not displace or perform work that would otherwise be performed by regular employees am still unsure how Linden (the company) would see themselves as a public service, altho the Mole Programme could already be structured as independent of Linden the company and is in itself structurally set up as a public/community service if so then as the Mentor Programme falls under the Mole Programme then is arguably legal that mentors can be volunteers edit add: The Mole programme is called the Linden Department of Public Works, so it could be that there is documentation that asserts that this is indeed the case,it is an actual documented Department of Public Works
  9. a public company means an organistion that provides a public service like a school, a hospital, a library, a sports club, an annual fair, girl guides, a church, and other similar kind of public service activities, ambulance and fire services, etc
  10. probably the name Cortez. Your shoe is not similar to the design of the Nike Cortez tho. However Cortez is a Nike brand so yeah. Best to contact Linden Support to clarify this said, is best tho to not reference any RL product in the name, description or tags of your marketplace listing. Is possible to build your own shoe brand in SL and be successful with it
  11. i did point this out in an earlier post. That Linden would/should have a legal opinion on this matter. And tbf you did assert that Linden wouldn't hire contractors to fulfil this post in response to my last post. Arguing for the sake of arguing perhaps edit add: page 9 "i could be wrong about this and Linden have some kind of legal opinion which says Second Life is a community service, so yeah might have or might not have, dunno. But I would think the matter would have been run at least once thru legal already"
  12. the conversation has been moving to explore the differences between volunteers, interns, contractors and employees as each relates to the US Fair Labor Standards Act Linden as a for-profit enterprise can't just add volunteers (unpaid persons) to its roster without providing a reason that is compliant with the Act. Volunteering (for zero payment/benefit) to work for a for-profit enterprise is not allowed under the Act. Linden would I think have to show that the Mentor Programme is not "work', "work' meaning an activity that supports the generation of revenue/profits. That its (Linden) revenue/profit is unaffected by the programme, meaning that the expected income would remain unchanged with or without the programme Nalates touched on this earlier when they said that Linden has figures that show, back in the day with the old mentor programme, that they (Linden) retained more new accounts without the help of mentors than they did retain with the help of mentors. if this is true then Linden could make a case that the Mentor Programme (having no positive effect on new account retention) is a resident community service. And if this is true then residents can be engaged as community service volunteers. is also interesting to me that the Mentor Programme is to be administered by the Moles, which itself is also a resident community service (albeit paid) but as you say this is all supposition, and tbh I just like to try and work out why Linden make the decisions they do and to understand as best I can the thought processes Linden go thru to arrive at a decision
  13. this is better to restart you own region at times that best suits the region event schedule. If you restart the region prior to say a 2 hour event and then a second restart is required within the next two hours then it narrows the cause window which can give both Linden and the region owner better information of what the issue is
  14. picking up on this adding to the conversation a for-profit employer cannot engage a person as a contractor where the contracted person receives zero benefit/compensation under the Fair Labor Standards Act is not possible to put yourself into servitude with a for-profit employer without gaining some benefit for yourself that only the for-profit employer can provide. A benefit that can be converted to compensation now or at some later date. Basically a person is not permitted to put themselves into non-compensation servitude with a for-profit enterprise even if they wanted to do so of their own free will a person can be employed by a for-profit employer as an intern for zero pay but the intern must receive a benefit. Typically the received benefit for the intern is work experience that can lead to the person obtaining payment later on, either from that employer or another employer who has need of people with that work experience and are willing to pay for it. Also internship programmes have a calendar limit. When the time is up then the intern is either keep on in a paid role or is let go to seek payment elsewhere. When there is no end to the calendar then the servitude problem occurs
  15. i think has reached the point that the only thing that would drive mainland occupancy up, would be a pretty massive reduction in tier alternatively Linden could remove mainland regions until mainland tier receipts covers the full commercials (services/support/profit) of hosting the regions. But I am not sure that this is the actual problem (that mainland isn't paying its own way). Even with large swathes of mainland currently unoccupied it may already be meeting the full commercials with the tier it does generate now. And if so then mainland could tick along as it it for quite a long time
  16. yes if Linden did compensate people then it would mean that Linden would have to pay the equivalent of the federal minimum wage (or more in US states where the min wage is higher) Linden tho have made no mention that the role is a paid position. So I am unsure on what grounds Linden have determined that SL mentor is a voluntary position. It may be that Linden do see it as a community service, which I think would be the same basis as getting people to volunteer as a helper at the SL Birthdays what the legal position would be on this interpretation I dunno. But I am pretty sure that any payment at all of any kind would bring them a whole lot closer to the Act than they would find comfortable
  17. in the USA, as animats pointed out earlier, is all about the US labour laws when a company gives any form of compensation for an activity that is in recognition of a service performed for the benefit of the company then the activity falls under the Fair Labor Standards Act and when so is subject to compensation stipulations. There are exemptions in the Act, like compensation for babysitting, community services, etc, which are not subject to stipulations, but a helpy person in a virtual world is not one of the exemptions (not in the literal list of exemptions anyways) Linden already sailing pretty close to the edges of the Act and I think any kind of payment (even if dressed up as costs reimbursement) would probably tip them over the edge - at least insofar as a answerable case that could be brought by the US Department of Labor should a complaint be laid so don't anyone be expecting any form of compensation at all i could be wrong about this and Linden have some kind of legal opinion which says Second Life is a community service, so yeah might have or might not have, dunno. But I would think the matter would have been run at least once thru legal already
  18. adding on the money event does not fire when the amount paid is L$0. Even tho is possible to display the choose amount box set to L$0, with llSetPayPrice(0, [0]) edit: what Gayngel said
  19. just adding on to this in another life I was SL Mentor and what the programme lacked then was a structured schedule. The way it worked was, people could login when ever and where ever they felt they could make a contribution coming to our workplace whenever we feel like it is not how a volunteer organisation is run, not if you want to meet the goals of the organisation the important thing is that a organisation staffed by volunteers is a workplace (whether you getting paid or not, you are staff). As staff then we need to turn up for work according to the duty schedule we have agreed too. . And when we are unable to turn up for work then we are to advise the workplace manager that we will be absent and unable to fulfill the agreed duty. And that repeated absences will end up with the sack SL Mentor is not a roleplay, is a real world duty. Volunteers in the real world much prefer a well organised and professionally run duty schedule, same as any other real world workplace
  20. in Firestorm is: menu: Build \ Options \ Select Only My Objects not sure exactly what it is in Linden viewer but is on the Build menu also
  21. as each avatar has their own KVP key (their avatar uuid) then a broker service I think just over complicates things pretty much unnecessarily the main thing is to ensure the KVP updates correctly. We check for this in the data_server event the wiki entry for llUpdateKeyValue here: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlUpdateKeyValue the first wiki example code snippet shows how to do this. When the data_server event returns an error then retry the update until it succeeds (is a number of caveats when doing retries but is a subject I only get into here if you wish too) edit add: Typically we only need to look at a broker service when more than one script can update the same KVP key
  22. this is what you will argue at arbitration should you ever get banhammered the Linden arbitration FAQ is here: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Terms_of_Service_Arbitration_FAQ
  23. if you keep up the behaviour you mentioning here then you pretty much on the road that ends in banhammer a often overlooked reason for getting a banhammer is behaviour that affects the enjoyment of SL by others. Linden have over the years interpreted behaviour and subsequent affect quite broadly. Sometimes to the bewilderment of the person banhammered who had previously spent considerable effort informing all and sundry about how they observe the letter of the Community Standards
  24. in the beginning SL was run by Linden potato farmers working at the Linden Potato Farm SL is still run by Linden potato farmers today but who are now working at the Amazon Potato Farm, annnnnd the Linden potato farmers pay Amazon to work at the Amazon Potato Farm, kinda like potato sharecroppers so still potatoes it seems, I think, maybe, somehow
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