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Everything posted by elleevelyn

  1. when we first start out it can sometimes be best to reduce everything to the bare basics. And as we get more experience then build up from there this is the bare basics of scripting a box to accept right-click Pay, and giving its Contents to the customer who paid integer price = 10 ; // change price to whichever L$ default { state_entry() { llSetPayPrice(PAY_HIDE, [price, PAY_HIDE, PAY_HIDE, PAY_HIDE]); } money(key customer, integer amount) { // give Contents items (not including this script) to customer who paid the price amount list items; string script = llGetScriptName(); integer number = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_ALL); integer i; for ( ; i < number; ++i) { string item = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_ALL, i); if (item != script) items += [item]; } llGiveInventoryList(customer, llGetObjectName(), items); } }
  2. another vote in this case I think the most performant is llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast (as others already suggesting). From both script execution time and user aesthetics the basics is fairly straight-forward. Pcode example: float gAlpha; timer() { SPPF ( 1, PRIM_COLOR, ALL_SIDES, <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>, gAlpha, 2, PRIM_COLOR, ALL_SIDES, <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>,, gAlpha, 3, ... etc ... ); gAlpha += 0.1; if (gAlpha > 1.0) gAlpha = 0.0; } adding in additional global variables and code variants if links (and/or faces) are to alpha at different rates which raises another issue if other parts of the code are also using the timer then the alpha fade may not complete within an aesthetically desirable timeframe. For example in the above code, when the timer is set to fire every 20 seconds then at a step of 0.1 then it takes 200 seconds for the fade to transition for 0.0 to 1.0 my tendency is to go with a ticks timer when more than one process is using the timer event. Example: float gAlpha; integer gTicks; llSetTimerEvent(5.0); // fire every 5 seconds timer() { // do the alpha fade every 5 seconds // total transition time: 50 seconds SPPF ( 1, PRIM_COLOR, ALL_SIDES, <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>, gAlpha, 2, PRIM_COLOR, ALL_SIDES, <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>,, gAlpha, 3, ... etc ... ); gAlpha += 0.1; if (gAlpha > 1.0) gAlpha = 0.0; if (!gTicks) { // fires every 20 seconds // 5 * 4 = 20 .. do other stuff here ... } gTicks = ++gTicks % 4; }
  3. we can opt in/out of being part of the release candidate viewer testing process menu: Me \ Preferences \ Setup \ Software updates \ Willing to update to release candidates
  4. there can be more than Official Second Life Viewer released at any one time. What we want to know is the actual version number so that we can try and replicate what you are seeing go to menu: Help \ About Second Life \ Info, and click the Copy To Clipboard button. Paste the info from clipboard into a post here is mine info by example: Second Life Release (64bit) Release Notes CPU: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-12900 (2419.2 MHz) Memory: 64862 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows 10/11 64-bit (Build 22621.2715) Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Ti/PCIe/SSE2 Windows Graphics Driver Version: OpenGL Version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 536.99 Window size: 3840x2054 Font Size Adjustment: 96pt UI Scaling: 1 Draw distance: 256m Bandwidth: 3000kbit/s LOD factor: 4 Render quality: 6 Advanced Lighting Model: Enabled Texture memory: 512MB Disk cache: Max size 1638.4 MB (100.0% used) J2C Decoder Version: KDU v7.10.4 Audio Driver Version: FMOD Studio 2.02.13 Dullahan: CEF: 118.4.1+g3dd6078+chromium-118.0.5993.54 Chromium: 118.0.5993.54 LibVLC Version: 3.0.16 Voice Server Version: Not Connected November 25 2023 23:14:50
  5. my only peeve is boxes that autogive me their contents on attach. I much prefer the click me to give method
  6. the camera controls enabling panning, zooming, etc inside, outside and all sides are designed to enable building. And as such are incompatible with privacy I don't think there is a way to cater for both objectives in the same space simultaneously insofar as camera controls go privacy could be done but as no-render zones similar to avatar visibility. Might have to be restricted to objects above say 3000m tho, as the ground could end up as a featureless wasteland if the restriction weren't applied to above some height level. Ages ago Somebody Linden did a test on this and seems was feasible to do from a technical pov, but I dunno what happened to the idea since
  7. i think this is the main reason for its dominance in the body space, Dominance founded on trust between Maitreya and their customers. Trust which leads to brand loyalty. Brand loyalty is a valuable thing. When a brand moves to make changes then loyalty leads customers to move with the brand
  8. looks like hand size on your computer is being calculated at 0 (or maybe less). Be best to file a JIRA about it. Suggest you try resolution lower than Ultra to see what happens and include the results in the JIRA also
  9. file a support ticket with Tilia - Second Life https://homepage.tilia.io/product-support
  10. i went thru all my wardrobe and end up with 5 outfits to fit my LaraX. Had to alpha-hud them all to pieces but these I can wear without any clipping so if I do have to go anywhere G respectable then I suppose I can go on the LaraX 😸 and tbf that I managed to assemble 5 outfits turned out to be 5 more than I expected, given that it took me about 50 goes to assemble the first one. Also I think that if I handmade some BOM alphas I could get many of my other skirts, dresses, tops and shorts to be wearable as well altogether turned out to be not as bad as I thought it was going to be
  11. yes you are right about my tail. SL Glow plus blended alpha transparent which gets shiny bright really quickly . And can become a a riot when use 20 flex cones as I have. I also have flex hair made the same way but don't wear it all that much anymore. Old school days still linger in my heart but if we ever get flex mesh then all my Christmas will come and I be happy to lay my prim attachments to rest forever you also right that PBR/glTF will change things for the better overall
  12. well is just that when you say glow then there is a property called Glow. Is a bit not understandable when you referring to something other than the property Glow
  13. i tend to disagree this. Sometimes we want the object to affect itself - be its own source of light. Here is a pic of my shiny neko. I haven't turned everything on (I just want to show the contrast between glowy shiny and not glowy shiny) my tail is glowing, as are my chibi wings, and all the jewellery. When I add glow and shine to my body and clothing accessories I am really really glowy shiny this coupled with my projector lights (the stars) turned in toward myself, it all gets super shiny where glow also works is when making phosphorus-like bodies - ghosts, etc. Semi-transparent plus glow
  14. i thought it was just me but seems not going by this pic the Velour skin cleavage shading is different on each breast. The right breast cleavage shading is darker than the left. Seems a bit like didn't spend an equal time sunbathing on each side i have never had a Velour before so am wondering is this different shading a standard feature of all Velour skins or just those in the LaraX pack ? is still quite a nice skin tho altogether compared to some others that I have tried
  15. you were right to ask this question. R is a global var that needed to be updated on changed_owner
  16. R is llGetRot() without more information then we pretty much guessing it could be that the other avatar is a whole lot shorter than OP, if so and the arrow is physical then it could be hitting the ground on rez
  17. is most likely the issue is caused by the script not knowing that it has a new owner when transferred to another account, particularly when using a global var to contain the owner key typically captured in state_entry event. The simple remedy is to reset the script on transfer in the changed event: changed (integer change) { if (change & CHANGED_OWNER) llResetScript(); } now that the correct script ownership has been established it will make it easier to debug the script should other issues not related to owner show up
  18. me too. I bommed the velour to my 5.3 and the velour fits a little bit better than this other olden days skin I was using to bom with. And the Rebirth gift head I have with the neck fixer is way more seamless looking than the other, so I don't have to wear a choker anymore if I don't want too so altogether I am pretty happy to get the LaraX free update just for the velour skin. I did wonder if was going to be a free update and am pretty happy that it is the LaraX body is really nice, but yeah I only got a handful of clothes for it (like most everyone else) so will take a while for me to transition completely
  19. the people who keep the SL world afloat in the technical realm are Anya Kanevsky - Vice President of Product, Eric Nix - Vice President of Product Operations and Andrew Kertesv - Vice President of Engineering Andrew K is a recent-ish hire, Anya K. has been here since at least Viewer 2. Eric Ni. has been here pretty much since forever Linden Lab dets here: https://lindenlab.com/about
  20. destroying themselves all over the region more like and for finish getting kicked home by region owner. 😹It has maniac-level drive controls as pretty much all early linden vehicles do
  21. a workround-ish for this copy the items you want to My Inventory folders as preferred, then menu: Advanced \ Show Debug Settings \ NoInventoryLibrary = TRUE
  22. have a look at https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlTriggerSoundLimited it plays a sound at a consistent volume within the parametrised box. Where ever an avatar is within the box they should hear the sound at a constant volume the loudness issue (wanting the noise to be louder than 1.0 permits) can be achieved by sound compression of the source file using external sound mixing software. A tutorial on this can be found here: https://ask.audio/articles/compression-trick-that-boosts-loudness-without-destroying-your-music/ Basically compress the sound source file to be as loud as possible without distortion then dial down from 1.0 in your LSL script as best suits your application. Being able to dial up and down the volume makes it more realistic for fading in and out heavy and light rain spells eta: I don't remember exactly when this function was introduced but it was to deal with the previous problem of having to have multiple emitters
  23. could be a careful what you wish moment in this if all the clothing makers made clothes for the body you prefer then it would prompt more people to wear the body because their wardrobe choices would be much greater than they are now. So you end up being less unique looking than you are now, as more people are now looking all the same
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