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Everything posted by elleevelyn

  1. maybe begin with making other mesh things for your store so proving you can make for sale mesh items
  2. yes agree when the NUX comes then for new people the classic avatar will be effectively dead (not listed on the sign up page) in the same way that the very first classic avatars are dead to most people. Have to dig through the boxes in the Linden Free Bazaar on Stillman to obtain them. As I remember Torley Linden boxed them up and placed the box in the Bazaar
  3. you remembering it wrong back in the day the web list control could not do on-demand scrolling like the web list control can do today. The then control had a fixed length limit downloaded as a data blob, which was less in size than the total of all available names i know thiis as I wanted to get last name Loxely for a roleplay purpose. A last name that I knew was available. It took me quite a number of refreshes to get last name Loxely in the control list. When it did show up I type in Marion as first name and submit. Response was name unavailable. Try another name. So I did and it took me back to the choose a name page which refreshed the list. The name Loxely was not in the list. So refresh and refresh again til it showed up, and then tried 3 more times with variations of Marion as first name til it accepted one of them
  4. if you have no plans on getting nekkid in SL then getting a mesh body is a waste of time and money, as the only skin showing will be your face and hands and in this cases the skin is the most important thing to consider, given that there are plenty of mesh garments, shoes/boots and hair available for the male classic avatar
  5. sometimes as well, even when we know the prims are properly placed where they should be, we still fall through in this case a region restart will typically fix the problem
  6. the list of last names was limited to the capacity of the list control, which was less than the total number of available names. If the last name you wanted wasn't in the list then you had to refresh the page so that the list control would repopulate with a new "random" set of names from the pool of all available names edit add. To be fair the list re-population was semi-random. The latest added last names appeared more frequently in the list control than did more aged (yet still available) names
  7. pretty much yes the biggest hassle with the then Last Name method, was that not all available last names would show up in the drop down pick list. I think was limited to about 20 (or however many it was for a drop list in those days). And each time we refreshed the page the list would re-populate with a new list of selections from the available pool so if there was a last name we were particularly wanting for an alt, we would keep on refreshing the page til it showed up. Which further added to the zillion times new accounts were abandoned without completing account creation. Refreshing the page forced an abandonment and a start over. (something I am not sure that the then product leaders ever fully considered when wondering why account creation was abandoned so frequently)
  8. with legacy accounts that have marketplace rating issues then we have to file a ticket
  9. i just mention that when doing parallel computation then we can use vector and rotation types. For example // addition vector v = <1,1,1>; integer add = 1; v += <add,add,add>; // v = <2,2,2> // subtraction rotation r = <2,2,2,2>; integer sub = 1; r -= <sub,sub,sub,sub>; // r = <1,1,1,1> // multiplication v = <2,2,2>; integer mul = 2; v = <(v.x * mul),(v.y * mul),(v.z * mul)>; // v = <4,4,4> // division r = <2,2,2,2>; integer div = 3; r = <(r.x / div),(r.y / div),(r.z / div),(r.s / div)>; // r = <0.67,0.67,0.67,0.67>
  10. sort of (at least for object properties) HUD Contents OBJECT object_properties_script HUD rezzes OBJECT HUD gives OBJECT the object_properties_script OBJECT OnReceive applies object_properties_script to itself user edits OBJECT via HUD user saves OBJECT via HUD OBJECT OnSave object_properties_script saves OBJECT properties to itself OBJECT gives object_properties_script to HUD OBJECT deletes itself HUD OnReceive deletes old version/copy of object_properties_script HUD waits for new rez command
  11. look at the youtube url parameters to help with what you wanting to do youtube source: https://developers.google.com/youtube/player_parameters helpful explanations here: https://socialmediaagency.one/youtube-url-parameters-for-video-autoplay-start-end-loop-repeat-subtitles-co-list/#:~:text=Youtube URL parameters for video%3A Autoplay%2C Start%2C End%2C,... 8 Hide controls%3A Controls ... More items
  12. with a holdable shopping bag then we give the items when the bag is attached (worn). Look at the attach event to do this: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Attach basic pcode: attach(key id) { if (id) { ... give_items_to(id) ... } } if wanting to play a bag holding animation as well then need to also look into requesting/actioning animation permission: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlRequestPermissions basic pcode: attach(key id) { if (id) // bag is attached { llRequestPermissions(id, PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION) } else // bag detached { if (llGetPermissions() & PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION) { llStopAnimation("...my bag holding animation ..."); } } } run_time_permissions(integer perms) { if (perms & PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION) { key id = llGetPermissionKey(); llStartAnimation("...my bag holding animation ..."); ... give_items_to(id) ... } }
  13. to get started then look for an unpacker script here is an example of one: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Unpacker_On_Touch_(NewAge) if making your own Unpacker HUD is beyond you at this time, then post in Wanted/Employment sub-forums. There are any number of people who can help you do this, and there are also some complete commercial solutions available as well.
  14. parcel public access control only goes up to about 50 metres above the terrain (the height of the ban line box). Above that height avatars have to be explicitly banned (as you did)
  15. using GPT-4 (ChatGPT) to debug python scripts is pretty interesting this. It takes debugging to the next level, as it attempts to fix bugs by making edits to the script, rerunning the code until the bugs have been eliminated. Is early days yet (proof-of-concept stage at this time), but as these kinds of tools advance, they will be quite useful I think for programming/scripting article here: https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2023/04/developer-creates-self-healing-programs-that-fix-themselves-thanks-to-gpt-4/ source code here: https://github.com/biobootloader/wolverine it may be that somebody will have a go at doing something similar for LSL, probably more for fun than anything else at this time
  16. i agree. Is better to make some effort to combat bad behaviour than it is to do nothing as an aside a thing about bot runners is that their bots exhibit common trait behaviour (patterns). Behavioural patterns based on the task(s) the bot is to perform. And in this, bots are as predictable (if not more so) as human actors for sure some bot runners can take it as a challenge to disguise the behavioural patterns exhibited by their bots, but any site security manager, who knows their stuff, will defeat such a bot runner should the site owner dedicate the resources to do so. Resources which also include changes to Terms of Service
  17. it depends on the data. Its overall size, the size of each data element, and as LSL is CopyByVal then also the size of the return of each function/assignment within a scope my rule of thumb approach is to calculate how much data memory is consumed by each event, sum the total of all events and then double it to give the least amount of memory needed by data should all events have fired before the garbage collector does its work this gives us a ballpark memory total to allow, and then look at reducing the total down where we can identify scope instances where this can be done without incurring a stack-heap collision
  18. i don't disagree with this. It could be the simplest thing for Linden to implement. The status flag is already in place
  19. not at this time. There is a JIRA new feature request in for this
  20. this a self-certifying process. This process/policy doesn't prevent anyone who doesn't self-certify from connecting to the grid their own viewer in terms of self-certification of bot operators, the closest we have now is registering our bot as a scripted agent. Good bot operators do this. Yet a requirement to self-certify our scripted agents doesn't prevent bad actors [from doing bad things]
  21. it came up earlier in the thread in posts from Bellisaria Linden Home owners who said (or agreed with posts) that they do have their bot(s) hosted in their Linden Homes The issue they raised was now that Bellisaria estate has deny_bot, they will have to host their bots(s) elsewhere, which will incur an extra cost for them to do so i don't know how many people this will effect in total, other than those who have said in this thread that this is the situation for them
  22. yes -ish. Even if there was a bot registry then I don't think a right to operate a bot overrides the right of the landowner to exclude that bot, no matter how benign the bot so I think any resolution is more likely to focus on the landowner than on the bot operator an example of where this goes: Some people have a bot which up until now they have parked in their Bellisaria Linden Home to fix this then bot access permissions could be extended down to parcel level as has been suggested in the thread already then to fix it completely, deny_all_bots_except_mine on my parcel. A way to do this could be to add our bot(s) (and/or named commercial bots] to our parcel access whitelist while also enabling the deny_bot parcel option
  23. to be fair the question posited was: allow_all_bots or deny_all_bots, pick one an answer of deny_all_bots is as valid as allow_all_bots. Neither answer is irrational in the binary choice case presenting the question as a binary choice could be considered irrational tho. But in the Belliserria and private estates case then irrational or not, this is the question - pick one
  24. i very much doubt Linden will ever do bot pre-approval. Linden don't pre-approve viewers. They don't have a pre-approval registry to moderate behaviour for merchants, landlords, skill gaming operations, to name some either at best Linden might do something similar to viewers and skill gaming which are self-certifying processes. However, when a person does self-certify then Linden just take their word for it. And if a person doesn't self-certify in the viewer case then Linden still doesn't prevent the person from connecting their viewer to the grid
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