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Kathlen Onyx

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Everything posted by Kathlen Onyx

  1. Just out of curiosity are you a premium plus user?
  2. Yes but the body or skin *not sure if we've determined that yet* has to have the modesty layers on it. If this avatar was on adult land they shouldn't be and if they are on G or M rated land they should be wearing the modesty layers. Shapes, not so much, however you are using, or made a shape that makes you look under 18 you'd better be wearing a modesty layer and not be seen in A rated land.
  3. Well, I mean THEY DO! Did you not read that there is a suspension tree that they use. Also, just because someone sends in an AR doesn't mean anything will come of it. They also have an appeals process.
  4. Now you are just being argumentative for the sake of it. IF they look under 18 I don't care how old they SAY they are. Do you really think someone in an adult venue that looks under 18 is going to tell you they are 16 *in SL* Are you getting RL mixed up with SL?
  5. Because I'm witnessing them doing something someone under 18 should not be doing (age-play) or they look under 18 and are in an adult venue.
  6. "Hi there!" (avatar I think looks too young to be here). "Can I ask how old you are" (so I can decide whether or not to AR you)? "OH, I am definitely 18. It was my Birthday just yesterday in fact." "Thanks!, Carry on and I won't report you."
  7. OMGosh, that's so pretty and yes you look very adult there. I will say a new face does take some time to get used to. It still has attributes of your other face though. I can see it.
  8. Of course in my opinion. I'd be the one doing the AR if I thought they were doing anything against the TOS. Then it's up to LL to determine based on THEIR opinion. There is no reason to be afraid of being AR'd for looking like an edge case. In fact, it's people like YOU that are making others worry. Everyone else is telling them they have nothing to worry about. Despite what you'd like people to believe people are not getting banned left and right for doing nothing wrong.
  9. It's your face, not what you are wearing. You could be wearing jeans and a Tshirt and you'd still look under 18.
  10. IF it was followed through with an actual BAN then they were doing something wrong. Don't you see this or do you just want to argue about it now? The chances that you will get AR'd are slim. The venue will most likely just kick you out first. THEN you need to get an actual AR and THEN LL has to investigate and make a determination if you were doing something wrong. Take away the "doing something wrong" and you have nothing to worry about. All this hyperfocus from you and @BilliJo Aldrinjust makes me think that you ARE doing something wrong. I don't care who says what, LL just doesn't ban someone because they feel like it. Do you really think these people are going to come out and admit to age-play? Nope, they will say "I was banned for age-play and I did nothing wrong" nope, they are gathering any information they can to see if there is some loophole they can jump through to get their account back.
  11. There is a lot of: I heard.... Rumor has it..... I thought...... Going around the forum lately.
  12. Exactly AND all short people that think AP is funny. There is something seriously wrong with you. Now please stop trolling.
  13. That's the users that are paranoid not LL making them that way. You are doing it to yourself. All these threads on the TOS and has LL come on to verify any of the worries are valid? Nope, all they did was respond and reiterate what the new rules are. If you are paranoid figure out why because I'm certainly not worried at all.
  14. Yeah I don't think the mobile app will become a fully functional app to do things like that. I just logged into the app on my IPad Pro and my avatar won't even render and is stuck in the flying mode. So when I move I fly around way over to another region. The mobile app surely is not there yet and I am a bit surprised that they think that it's functional enough to be put into public beta.
  15. This really is the meat and potatoes of all this. I think SL knows that they can't stop ***play.
  16. I think there will be a mix of users that will use both. The PC and the mobile App. It would be nice to be able to go to a M rated club and listen to music and chat from bed and not have to have a clunky laptop open. When they want the "smut" they can log into the PC. It's really not an all or nothing thing. People use the other mobile apps for limited use. I don't see the mobile app as an all or nothing option but an enhancement. There will be value to it even if you can't access R rated regions.
  17. How dare you post something positive that doesn't include adult content!
  18. From the above post. *Breaking my rules will result in non-expulsion from the store and dmca. I have no idea if a DMCA would be successful or not. Although according to them you would not be expelled from their store. LOL
  19. There is a certain seller of a media product on the MP. The cost of the item is $L1,299 and they give a gift card to spend in the store of $1000 for an honest review. There are 1727 reviews. 18 of them are 1 star mostly because they didn't realize you had to purchase media to play. I actually purchased it when it was $L800 with a $L1000 gift card. They make their money on the extra apps they sell and the media you must buy to use it. In this instance I think it's perfectly fine. The product does what it says it does and it works almost flawlessly. It did what it was supposed to do. You buy this product for almost nothing and we sell you all the addons you need to get it working. Smart marketing if you ask me.
  20. Which is the exact reason why the Modesty layers came into play. I'd even go so far as supporting no child avatars (presenting as under 18) on mobile at all. Log into a computer if you want to do that.
  21. People call it a kink to make it sound more normalized. It's deviant behavior plain and simple. Call it intolerant or whatever you like. I don't need to understand it because it sick and disgusting behavior.
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