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Sammy Huntsman

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Everything posted by Sammy Huntsman

  1. It's not foolproof, but gently heat up the record and put it between two flat surfaces. I suggest books.
  2. Yeah, but it's not paranoia. More annoyance than anything, you try to leave a very nice, and detailed message about what you as the customer, is having a problem with. They immediately delete it, so it's like. What's the freakin point? Your voice is just gonna be silenced anyways.
  3. I just don't see a point. What are you charging 1L for a "demo" exactly? That makes no sense to me. Are you trying to make a little extra L, is it for redelivery purposes? What is it for exactly. I know there are tonnes of reasons as to why someone would charge, anywhere from 1-10L for a demo. However, I just don't see the logic in it. Could you maybe explain to me why this is?
  4. I honestly don't like demos cluttering up my redelivery page in Casper or any other vending system. If you want a demo for your alt so bad, get on the alt, and go get it. Charging any amount of money, for something, with demo plastered all over it, with no textures on the demo, is absolutely absurd. It's like the whole, having to pay 1-10L for a gift from a store. Kinda seems stingy to me.
  5. But if you leave a review, that seems negative. Even if it is constructive criticism. Like hey, I really like your product, but there are a few things I would change about it. They instantly take it down, that is the issue today. No one likes constructive criticism and will delete those reviews instantly. So it's rather moot to review anything these days, RL or SL.
  6. Don't forget the eyes and skins. Which makes me wonder. How In the heck are eyes and skin, considered Kinky?
  7. I know, I saw a video about that. Like using motor oil for Syrup on Pancakes. Yeah, I know they do that kinda stuff. But there is a big difference between RL and SL, in SL you are not limited to certain limitations. Like you would be in RL. How hard is it to take a really good shot in SL, using the product you are selling? I don't mind people using PS just to airbrush or touch up the photo, and add their logo and stuff. But when you have to sit there and pull a fast one on customers. That to me is bad business practices. What did you not rig it right, for a specific body? Like there are so many questions you ask, that makes you wonder why you are buying the product. But honestly, it isn't that hard and is less work, to do the photo in SL, touch it up in PS, and then upload it to SL.
  8. One of my biggest pet peeves, and it's one of few. When creators use 3rd party software, like Daz 3D to show off their item of clothing in their ad. I would like to see the item in the world, so I can see how it looks. Like cmon, you are just adding extra work. Having to rig now for the DAZ3D body, on top of the other bodies you rigged for. That and they tend to edit the ***** out of it, to the point, when you buy the product. It looks totally different than the ad. Also, skin creators who do that too, they will airbrush the crap out of the ad photo. That the skin will look totally different in SL. But that is why I demo all of my stuff first, so I don't screw myself over. Ultimately disappointing myself.
  9. See that is what I mean, no one is perfect. We are gonna judge someone, even if we don't notice it. Like if someone is acting weird, or sketchy. We are gonna make assumptions on how they act.
  10. But don't we stereotype people, anyway? Just wondering?
  11. But if someone already bought the body, would it not be pointless and expensive to just add another one to the fray? I have both the Isis and Lara body, and I honestly don't mind having clothes for both. That and if you already have the body, that fits the clothes. Would you not be wasting money, to buy another body, that is literally a hit or miss to wear said clothes? From what I heard, it only works with curvy shapes. So essentially, everyone who wanted to have a smaller body. You might as well kiss that goodbye with the deformers.
  12. Thank you for that, but I was honestly wanting to know. I really don't know most of these words, as they pop up out of nowhere.
  13. Okay, may I ask what Elitism is? I kinda understand Ageism, but not fully. Actually can you please explain both.
  14. Well, my post wasn't about the numbers, it was literally talking about the limited release of homes, for the umpteen amount of people who use premium. And how it is a first come first served basis.
  15. I just tend to cam around, grab what I need and then go. Which usually takes me 10 - 15 minutes.
  16. Someone said 6000 homes I don't remember where, but I am sure I saw it somewhere.
  17. We all get the same benefits, no one has more "privilege" over the other. I have no idea what you are complaining about here. But let try to explain it to you politely. There has been 6709 homes released so far, it was literally first come first serve. Meaning the people who didn't get one, have to wait for a wave more new homes to get one. A project of this scale, will take time to build and put together. Like I said on many other posts, have patience, please. Trust me, it's worth it. Let me add this, having a home in a virtual world, is not a necessity. There are tonnes of people, who don't have homes and just explore the grid. Or they stay with friends or family in SL. It's not like RL, where we actually need shelter.
  18. Okay, so I was playing around with the Six Axis HUD and the Anypose system, this is my first shot, actually fully using the anypose system. It kinda reminds me of someone from the wild west, about to have a shoot out. I did this a few days back, however, I am still wearing this look today.
  19. Is that Linden Sand, like is that the actual Sim texture, or one of those little sand thingies you can buy from MP? Because that Sand looks really good, and at a much higher definition.
  20. Oddly enough, when I went through a bad breakup. I decided to take a break, and this was on my old main. But when I came back, I didn't want to log into him. So I went with my oldest account, and well I got a fresh start. I think having alts. I have a cute bunny alt. Who is just my bank and my texture and full perm storage alt. Like I don't really log onto the bunny, only when I need money, or need a texture or an item.
  21. They need to do away with all the stupid stuff from last time and lower the price. Than I would consider buying the product. As for now, 5k is a bit too steep for my asking. As all other bodies are cheaper.
  22. They have implemented things like fitted mesh, and other things. Before it was fully done, they just kinked it out, and tweaked it over time. We are their best testers, as we are on the forefront and do play SL. I would rather see a working one, not a fully done one.
  23. This was about Linden Homes, and slowly devolved and went totally off topic. Can we please try to bring it back on topic? A Linden already gave us a warning.
  24. I don't know whether to take this seriously or as a sarcastic remark. It's hard to understand ones intent via text. If you do actually agree with me, I appreciate it.
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