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Sammy Huntsman

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Everything posted by Sammy Huntsman

  1. Nope, they are just gonna keep with their proprietary crap. You buy an applier, install it on their HUD, you get to wear that skin, and whatever applier you bought for it until the servers go down.
  2. I think a lot of us are just weary about their business practices, their price, and how they go about doing things. That doesn't make it wrong for someone to want to buy it. Just fair warning though, be careful. I bought it back in like 2016 and liked it for a bit. So it was the coolest thing, was excited about the updates. Yet they never came, I waited and waited and waited. Until I got fed up, and switched to the Signature body. This was before I identified as female. But yeah the update did come, after 5 -6 years of them constantly promising. Then as a big old slap in the face, they sold their retire bodies at 500L. So all of us who paid a crap tonne of money into this body. Felt it was kinda unfair, that it took them 6 years to update. But right when they update, they sell it for 500L and discontinue the body. Fast forward a few months later, they come back with this brand new body. Looks like the old body, but things were updated. People went in droves to buy it, but some of us. Were really weary of this, especially with the price tag. 5k for a body and people were screaming praises that it was the best body on the grid. We questioned them and questioned them as to why. We got the same answer over and over again, and then they started talking about these deformers. However, there was one big problem. We the people, who wanted to actually give the body a second try, were perturbed. That A we couldn't take it home and fiddle with it, and B we didn't get the deformers in the demo folder. We just had to trust a video they released. And still there is no support, and there is probably never gonna be Omega support. You will just have to use their in-house skins, or buy an applier and install it on a HUD. If they do shut down, or have to do maintenance or get attacked. The bodies will be useless. That is why people won't invest again. There is no good return, at such high price.
  3. I think another big question is. Why wouldn't they at least make a 5-minute demo of the deformers, and let us take the bodies home to demo and fidget around with? Yes, a video is great and all. But do we trust that will work, based on just a video on YouTube? When I get a demo in SL, I want to try it out. I want to play with it for a few minutes, see if I like it. This whole thing screams, red flag.
  4. I like to keep up with every new update to SL, I followed Bento, Animesh and EEP extensively. I find it fascinating, that SL is constantly evolving, changing, and it will keep on doing that for years to come. I find all this stuff fascinating, and watching as new Linden Homes are being made is cool. It shows that LL cares about their product, and about us, and want to do everything in their power, to make us happy and try to wow us at each and every update. Like I heard talks of Fleximesh, and you are darn right I will be following the progress on that.
  5. @kiramanell I am totally sorry if I came off as harsh or as a bit of a prude. That was never my intention, that was never my intention, in this whole post. I was just looking at the reality of it, a lot of people missed out on getting their Linden Homes. That is the fact of the matter here. As someone previously posted, they put a link of what @Patch Linden had said about the new Linden homes. I don't remember who did it, but just follow his articles, and follow him on Flickr as well. He takes lots of pictures, of current projects.
  6. Not a problem, my account was made during the time when last names were a thing. We were given set last names but could create our first name. They are bringing that back, sometime this year or next year. I totally understand there were some reasons, that was totally out of their hands. And yes, I do feel bad. I am not cold and heartless, I just understand the reality of things. They weren't able to get a house in time, and I think LL understands that, and well I did say they were rolling out more phases over time. They just need to understand, they have to be patient. This is not gonna take them a month to finish, it may take them a few months, a year or even a few years. The time it takes to terraform, landscape and then place the houses within how they planned. Is not an easy or overnight feat. As the old saying goes, Rome wasn't built in a day.
  7. Okay, as a person already said, if they make your shape look similar. Why waste 5k? When you could get a bunch of detailed skins, and other appliers and make the body you are essentially mimicking, just as sexy. Okay, but here is the thing. They did this installer proprietary thing the last time, and well if they have to do any maintenance, or the servers get attacked. Your body is totally useless. Why not just go with the way other bodies do it? It would make it much easier on the person with the body, especially during maintenance time, I would be kinda pissed if my Maitreya or Isis underwent maintenance, and I couldn't change something on the body as I please. Also if they wind up closing shop, the HUD and the Body would be useless, as the servers running it, would not be on. There is so much wrong with that body, and you're not an idiot. It is totally your choice, up to you. As I said once, your money, no one can tell you how to spend it. But from the get-go, I can see so many problems. And with a hefty investment like that, I don't think the return would be sufficient enough for me to even consider buying the body.
  8. Um, Halebore is my account, a totally separate account from this persons. Yes, I was harsh, I understand that, but they only released a limited number of houses during this phase, there is 60k plus Premium members. So to tell you the truth. The way people are acting is like they should have made the houses for every premium member, on initial release. But honestly, I would rather see it done in phases. As I feel it will get done right, and they can take their time to actually make the sims look good. Again, I know I came off harsh, and no they didn't go by the whole snooze you lose ideal, I said that because so many people are complaining they didn't get one. As people had already scooped them up. I totally understand they have real lives, and I totally understand people get busy. So I know for a fact, that some people may not get a house, and that is totally fine. There will be other phases, but as I said to say its' a shortage is a very false statement. They only created a limited number of houses, this phase. If you read into it, they have way more themes for the houses, in the phases to come. I honestly can't wait to see the other themes they roll out, I bet they are gonna be really cool.
  9. At the end of the day, they will be rolling out more, and there will be more homes for people to grab up. As I said before, and this isn't directed at you. Be patient, your time will come, and you will get the Linden Home of your dreams. I actually totally agree with you, they didn't have to do it, but they did. They could have just left us with the 10 plus year old Linden homes, and not done anything. But they wanted to be nice, and do something nice for us premium members. So again, stop complaining, wait your turn, your time will come.
  10. It's not really a shortage, as it is a small opening. They had 100 houses prepared. Like in Real Life, and I stated this before. They open communities in phases, which usually winds up, with either the person had picked the lot already and was given template homes to choose from, or like LL did. First, come First, Serve. I don't think this is unfair, or anything. You didn't get a house when you wanted one, you snooze you lose. Other people beat you to the punch, that's life. I am sorry to be brutally honest, but that is what happened.
  11. I am not saying that we would be forced to use the standard viewer, I am saying have some sort of application system. Where the creators of the other viewers, would have to apply to get the ability to use the source code. Like some sort of program, where say the Firestorm creator applied, and like those developers kits, you would get approved or denied. In essence, you would still have a choice, but it would limit these illicit viewers to actually exist. Sure they could reverse engineer and create a copybot viewer, or they could do what the other person said. But it would mean that no Tom, Dick and Harry could just create a viewer with mal-intent. I also know you can't copy scripts, I am just saying have safeguards in place, before.
  12. Honestly instead of trying to create scripts, especially when it comes to anti-copy and trans, they need to create an official viewer program. Where third party viewer creators, such as firestorm, black dragon, etc have to sign up to get the code. We would eliminate copy botters totally. Like what I mean, is make the code closed source, and you have to apply to get a copy of it. The only reason we have this problem is due to the source code being open sourced.
  13. That wasn't the point, but okay. I was just stating that for one person, there doesn't need to be like 10 accounts on premium. Also, to my knowledge, each computer gets its own personal IP on the Network, so it wouldn't stop you and your husband from having your own premium account. I am not exactly saying it's a problem, I am just stating that people who collect premium on multiple accounts, just to say they have premium and gain all the perks from premium. Seems to be me illegitimate. You may disagree with me, and that's fine. We all have a difference of opinion. I am not gonna tell you that you are wrong for how you think because guess what. We are totally different people.
  14. I do unless you have a legitimate reason to own like 10 premium accounts, like in your case. And are not just collecting premium accounts, just to say you have a premium account. It's kinda like people who add a tonne of friends, rarely talk to them, but just keep on collecting friends. I get it's nice to have multiple premium accounts, like say you run a business or have a personal and business premium. Again like in your case, you have your personal, everyday use premium, and then you have what sounds like a business premium, where you run the museum out of.
  15. Well here is an idea, maybe have two different types of premium accounts. So for people who want multiple accounts on one premium account, maybe have the ability to have more land, and maybe the ability to have more groups, and majorly discounted land prices. It would be called the Business Premium account, so people like you can have multiple pieces of land, on mainland. Whereas the personal premium account would be 1 IP per premium account, and you get the same things as you did before.
  16. I totally understand that, but I think someone stated that some people had got a house, and then had some significant RL things to do. We really don't know why they left it empty, there are so many reasons as to why. That being said, I think it should be one premium account per IP address. If they have like 10 annual premium accounts, that is like $720.99 per year, and that would get really expensive. Like it's fine to have 1 account as Premium but to have more than that, seems kinda absurd really.
  17. Someone had stated there was like 60k Premium users, and to house all 60k users, would cause a lot of problems on the grid. Look I am totally fine with first come first serve, as the new Linden Homes, are coming in phases. Yeah, it may take time, but I would rather them take their time and put together something nice. Rather than them feeling rushed, and the sims and the houses give off that appearance of being rushed. As I said on another thread, please be patient. You will get your house in time, as they start to roll out the newer phases of Linden Homes. Also, they are gonna be adding more styles, so I am pretty pumped to see what they have up their sleeve for this next phase.
  18. No, it shouldn't be like that. Look we get it, you really wanted a home. Your annoyance and frustration are valid and very understandable. But to say they should have given it to everyone, look at it this way. There are only a certain number of people building the continents, houses and doing the layout of each sim. They wanted to roll out a hundred, so they had a small control group of people, as a way for better customer feedback. If you drop 1000s of people into a home, it would be really hard to get feedback. Just wait until the next phases rolled out, as there will be more homes available. Here is the thing, they did it that way, cause they had a reason to do it that way. Just be happy that they are doing this, they could have just left it the way it was.
  19. I would honestly have to agree with you there. That and learning you need to give out RL info, just to develop for them. Like I am kinda suspicious about that. I honestly think that they won't last long. There are way too many variables, that are against them than there are for them.
  20. Looking at the video, it tries to A figure out what body rigged clothes you are wearing, and then changes. Which from the looks of it, is a very slow process. Not bashing this, even though you are wearing that bikini, you can definitely tell that even the scripting has a hard time, and you can see a few areas, especially around the waist, where it doesn't exactly fit right. Even with the dress, you can tell it has a hard time really figuring it out, it doesn't deform perfectly. As a lot of people had stated, that it works perfectly with their Maitreya rigged outfits, from your video that is exactly opposite. That is not to say, that the body is horrible. Just that the deformer seems kinda jenky in my opinion. Not really worth the 5k, if I already have the body that the outfit is rigged to.
  21. My first body was actually the SLink Male Physique body, then I switched to TMP. But this was at the time I identified as a male, then after 4 to 5 months, I switched to Signature. Now I identify as a Female, and I jump between Isis and Lara, as I love those bodies. But yeah I don't think many top tier companies will support the new TMP body. Whether it be Appliers or Clothes. Especially with how they want you to give you all your personal info to them, just to get a Mesh Dev Kit.
  22. Do you mean as in Switched bodies? Just want to clear it up, before I write something and look totally stupid.
  23. Thank you, that and I would like to be able to bring a demo home with me. So I can mess around with the body, and see if there is anything I like and don't like. Nothing bugs me, more than TMP and you having to test out their body in store. I just think those are the two big things, along with the price, that has me saying no to the body. Had it been competitively cheaper, without undercutting the other companies, and you could go home, and try out the demo, with every feature in it. Then maybe yeah, I would consider buying it. But due to none of that criterion being met and no support, even with omega. They won't be getting any of my money.
  24. Okay let me get this straight, you feel that a lottery of some sort should have been used, instead of a first come first serve basis. Look it has nothing to do with entitlement. It literally has everything to do with, people were much quicker than you, and got there first. That has nothing to do with inequity, that just has to do with all these people wanting homes right away. As I said before, there is another phase rolling out. The only reason why they did it like this, is so they could get customer feedback on the first phase.
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