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Sammy Huntsman

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Everything posted by Sammy Huntsman

  1. Actually, believe it or not. Users would rise if there were console SL viewers. Believe it or not, if you could log onto the grid, in bed, controller in hand, you would see a rapid incline in users.
  2. I totally understand, how hard it is. I am trying to make Mesh myself, and well usually games, and even Pixar have their models at high Poly. That is why Pixar, needs a big rendering computer, to even render in their models. Which, could take up to years, to even render in. But that is beyond the point, SL as a whole needs an overhaul. The graphics, security, voice, etc. You can't just keep on putting patches on something, and say its fixed Sansar, itself, has volumetric lighting, and proper god rays. Which through the power of editing, SL users have to add. The fact that, you have to use low poly, like in the early 3D game days, is well kinda outdated. That, and having to find workarounds, to create 4K textures, since you can't even upload in 4K. Make a lot of the graphics, pretty archaic.
  3. I think he is referring to them, lacking the skill of an actual 3D modeler, like at Pixar, or any other AAA game studio. But he does make very good points, you can't just throw a band-aid over a gaping wound. You really can't, they need to overhaul many things, for SL to actually work properly.
  4. But backend server communication, has nothing to do with us as clients inworld. Yes you chat with LL staff, and even others. But who talks to LL staff on a day to day basis, like every hour, upon every second? Those two are pretty poor examples, to hit your point home. Do we chat with the server, as if its an old friend? No we don't, and I wouldn't really call servers communicating with each other, as actual communication. They are literally relaying code, and commands, that they were programmed to communicate. Communications, takes a bit of intelligence, between people. Servers and Computers are dumb, and only do as they are told.
  5. I am comparing them, due to the one fact that they all drop you in a world, and basically give you the freedom to do what you want.
  6. I get that, but Minecraft, and many other steam early access games, are open world, sandbox games. Take for example, Stranded deep, or even subnautica. There were no goals, in really early access, they had not even fleshed out a quest, and the Aurora was just a placeholder.
  7. Um, its not really a communications platform anymore really. It may have been at one time, but it's so much more now. Like before you had Linden Realms, and Experiences, I would have to agree with you. But its a Sandbox game, with an emotional component.
  8. Still its your choice not to follow it, and do what you want. Basically like SL, you are thrown into a new world, full surprises and basically told to make it what you want.
  9. I actually used minecraft, pre end, and all Steam Early Access games. Heck even with Minecraft, there are really no set objections. You are just placed in a world, and basically given the free will to do anything.
  10. How assets are delivered or not, that is still a major update, and major changes. That being said, I do believe that SL needs many game changing updates. Such as security, and even a graphics overhaul, and even how the viewer deals with memory. As it can be a real memory stealer, and I for one, would love to see those changes made.
  11. They kinda already did that, when they switched from their old inventory database, to now that inventory is run through HTML.
  12. SL also has prebuilt items too. Also there are any games, that are not like that in the least, pre set routes and stuff, that and pre set goals, they don't really exist in the games I play. As I can also create a character, and roleplay out an epic story.
  13. I've always looked at it, as an open world sandbox game. However with emotional attachments, and actual people, instead of NPCs. SL gives me the ability to build, explore, and even interact. Just like most games of this caliber allows you to do. Obviously, to have the interaction part, you would need to get on a server. However, that is always how I saw it.
  14. I would have to agree with this, on one part. The definition of a game has really changed. At one point, you could buy games, and you got a beginning middle and an end. Nowadays on steam, and especially with Minecraft's case, you get a "game." However, the ending comes later. So yes, SL is an open world sandbox game. Yet there is this emotional aspect, especially when you meet actual people, behind the keyboard in world. So its a double edged sword, when you call SL a game.
  15. Honestly you are better off with a desktop PC, and having it connected directly to your router. I have seen more issues, with me running SL on my old laptop, and even older PC, with both trying to run it wirelessly and on the hardware that it came with. I now run a pretty beefy desktop PC, and would not go back to a laptop or a factory built PC.
  16. Yes what she said, there are tonnes of tutorials on YouTube and are a great first step to learning blender. I can make a diamond, in 2 minutes flat. Just cause I learned how to do it on YouTube.
  17. Why would you want something, that rewards your every action? Like I don't understand, SL is fine the way it is. Why change it, in a way that would essentially reward everything you do? Why do you need to feel like you got a gold star, for just talking, or even logging on? That and how would you enforce all this? It reminds me of every mobile and FB game, where they had a GEM type system. I tend to stay away from platforms and games, that do that. It just takes away from the experience.
  18. Well your one point mentioned engagement, and how we interacted with people in IM's and local. Wouldn't they have to monitor that, so we would meet our minimum requirement? I get the TOS, but the way you stated it. That would totally change, they would need to change, for the new currency.
  19. Now that I am reading what other people say, I would have to say that in that sense. The algorithms, and the AI that would be used, it would be practically the same as YouTube's algorithms. But I don't think people would agree with this NSA type conversation monitoring, just gor GEMS. So there is one big flaw, I don't need them monitoring everything I say, just so I could earn a GEM or two. I enjoy my privacy, and I don't want to lose it, over a system like this.
  20. May I ask one question, why should no one have a decision if they want to be a part of this or not? Like should each resident have a choice to be a part of it, or not?
  21. Yeah I saw that on the forums, and just ignored that post all together.
  22. Yeah well at least she is putting her idea out there, which I respect her for that. I just feel that it would cause more problems, than it would be beneficial.
  23. That is a very good point, it would estrange a lot of people from other people. So why force this interaction onto people? Why do you need the gratification, of interacting with people? GEMS turns it into a chore, and would do the opposite of what you want it to.
  24. But still it should be a program we opt into or not, kinda like premium. That and where is the profit in GEMS, if you can't buy them, and they are literally rewarded for simple tasks. LL needs to make money, this new currency would lose them money. So if people want to be in it, it should be by choice only.
  25. I would think that someone can make a small error, no need to chastise me on that. Now that i see it, it is local host. However, I am tired and my brain is not all there.
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