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Sammy Huntsman

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Everything posted by Sammy Huntsman

  1. Honestly you are better off with a desktop PC, and having it connected directly to your router. I have seen more issues, with me running SL on my old laptop, and even older PC, with both trying to run it wirelessly and on the hardware that it came with. I now run a pretty beefy desktop PC, and would not go back to a laptop or a factory built PC.
  2. Yes what she said, there are tonnes of tutorials on YouTube and are a great first step to learning blender. I can make a diamond, in 2 minutes flat. Just cause I learned how to do it on YouTube.
  3. Why would you want something, that rewards your every action? Like I don't understand, SL is fine the way it is. Why change it, in a way that would essentially reward everything you do? Why do you need to feel like you got a gold star, for just talking, or even logging on? That and how would you enforce all this? It reminds me of every mobile and FB game, where they had a GEM type system. I tend to stay away from platforms and games, that do that. It just takes away from the experience.
  4. Well your one point mentioned engagement, and how we interacted with people in IM's and local. Wouldn't they have to monitor that, so we would meet our minimum requirement? I get the TOS, but the way you stated it. That would totally change, they would need to change, for the new currency.
  5. Now that I am reading what other people say, I would have to say that in that sense. The algorithms, and the AI that would be used, it would be practically the same as YouTube's algorithms. But I don't think people would agree with this NSA type conversation monitoring, just gor GEMS. So there is one big flaw, I don't need them monitoring everything I say, just so I could earn a GEM or two. I enjoy my privacy, and I don't want to lose it, over a system like this.
  6. May I ask one question, why should no one have a decision if they want to be a part of this or not? Like should each resident have a choice to be a part of it, or not?
  7. Yeah I saw that on the forums, and just ignored that post all together.
  8. Yeah well at least she is putting her idea out there, which I respect her for that. I just feel that it would cause more problems, than it would be beneficial.
  9. That is a very good point, it would estrange a lot of people from other people. So why force this interaction onto people? Why do you need the gratification, of interacting with people? GEMS turns it into a chore, and would do the opposite of what you want it to.
  10. But still it should be a program we opt into or not, kinda like premium. That and where is the profit in GEMS, if you can't buy them, and they are literally rewarded for simple tasks. LL needs to make money, this new currency would lose them money. So if people want to be in it, it should be by choice only.
  11. I would think that someone can make a small error, no need to chastise me on that. Now that i see it, it is local host. However, I am tired and my brain is not all there.
  12. Yeah I got some suspicious packets in my network, right after I said that it was illegal to hack and stuff like that.
  13. Well that's the thing, your original forum post stated that we would be literally giving GEMS(Goldstars) for just logging in. That would turn into a chore, if you really wanted to get on and recieve those GEMS. That and the whole engagement thing, how would you want people to engage? I think my big concern is, that people will want to juice the system. IE they feel they are entitled to get GEMS, for the smallest trivial thing possible. That is my biggest concern, it will literally turn into as I said. The Gold star and chart dilemma.
  14. That is breaking a law into itself, you can't fix something by breaking the law. You cannot put the Law into your own hands, that and if the person were outside your country. You would have to deal with LEOs and Intelligence agencies from other countries. You are on the terms of a black hat hacker, feeling that you need to take law into your own hands. Which usually includes, dosing, doxxing, and other malicious attacks on a persons computer.
  15. I really don't know, I could see a lot of stuff that could be exploited with that system. As any system can and usually are exploited.
  16. I would love to see some sort of Justice System in SL, especially in cases of bans from the grid, and other things. I think that in some cases, people are wrongfully banned and should have an opportunity to voice that.
  17. I honestly think, that we should leave well enough alone. Like I get the idea, but the thing is. It's totally flawed. That and how you pitched it, made it seem like you would like LL to treat us like little kids. Example, oh you went to bed. Here is a prize for that. Same implementation, a reward system that will ultimately get exploited, and rewards people for innane things. That and you want more grid engagement, why don't you do it yourself? Why force people to do it, with the ideal of getting a prize. Ooh I interacted with another avatar, outside of my circle. I get a GEM today. Humans have become so heavily reliant on feeling like they are entitled to get a prize, for something that you actually have to do, or if you do something that is out of your comfort zone. Not everyone uses the forums, not everyone will want to interact with other avatars, not everyone wants to build, not everyone wants to upload textures. So by doing that, it will make people feel like, they have to do it. Because of the fact, that there is a prize awaiting them. It will turn SL into something that is not very individualistic, but create and foster this hive mind idea. Than you will get people, who will be complete dicks. Making others feel inferior, for not wanting to do it. I have seen that happen, with Mesh, Fitted Mesh, and Bento. I really don't see microtransactions in SL, as a great idea. Since we all know, that they will have "GEM" trading kiosks. I never liked microtransactions in the first place, nor will I like them here. It will actually make me want to leave SL.
  18. Oh its the same way in Canada, after I left school. The system, adopted the whole everyone's a winner ideal. But I am before that, so I still don't think it necessary to reward everyone, or give out gold stars. For the smallest things, such as you logged on, here is a gold star. Like this is ridiculous, and I am getting tired of it.
  19. But in today's society, everyone wants a reward to even login to another game. Like its an achievement unto itself. I think that with this, you are gonna get people cheating the system like any other game. I think this whole concept of even Xbox, or even PS4 rewarding players, for like playing a certain number of hours is very arbitrary. We are gonna turn this into an achievement hunt. Games and even platforms are not even about that. But on the note of SL not being a game, there are certain aspects that SL would be classified as a sandbox game. Yet on the other hand, parts of SL are not a game. Take for example, the ability to build anywhere, and I know you are gonna tell me. All games have endings, not all games have had endings. Yet they were released to the public, for a bit Minecraft didn't have an ending. It just had you build in a world, made of a bunch of cubes. Hell you see a lot of Steam games which are early access, they don't have an ending. Until about 10 or so updates. For the Longest time Subnautica, and the Stranded Deep, really had no ending.
  20. Yes but here is my issue with that, you are gonna get a lot of places that do that. As it will be trendy, and some people will not want to do that. So you are gonna see a rush of complaints, that its getting as annoying as event repetitiveness. Something like that, would honestly ruin the true nature of SL. Which is not a trophy hunting platform, or earning some arbitrary secondary currency platform. As they have stated, SL is what you make it.
  21. I just think that something like that, in the aspect she wants. Would be very bad for them, if they use them in the Linden Experiences. Such as the VIP/Premium games they have. However, allow people to convert, said GEMS into L,s and vice Versa. That would be the smarter way of doing things, not making it a gridewide thing.
  22. I have one big thing, why are we rewarding people with something as basic as logging in? I see a problem here, it will become the whole gold star principle. That, and would that not get confusing? I am sorry, but I would find that kinda confusing. That and you are literally forcing people into posting onto the forum and logging in, and stepping out of their comfort zone, as if you don't. You get jack *****, and reputation? Why do we need trophies, for even complimenting someone? I also have one big thing, to force a new currency on people. Who have been using Lindens for years, that would cause a bit of an uproar. That and if people start changing their stuff to this new inworld currency. It would mean, people would actually be forced out of their comfort zones. That and people who upload. Would practically have no way of spending, since I know most stores would adopt this new currency. Me for example, I have a few friends and do not want to widen my circle, as I have developed a close bond. That and I have Aspergers, I am very socially awkward. I try my best to interact, but than I just go back to the way I was. Which I am happy with, if people want to engage with other people, why do we need to reward that? I am sorry, but this whole gold sticker principle, it sounds rather stupid. As Lindens would probably add, things that to most are trivial, but to others its like they won the damn lottery.
  23. I remember hearing about it happening with a YouTuber and a CSGO skin place. TheSyndicateProject got in huge ***** for that, it made mainstream media. But yes scams happen, anywhere. IE I saw a post on FB, that my friend shared. Which practically stated, that after 106 pulls. He got all Commons and no Rares. That is the kinda scam, that you are talking about right? The worst part, instead of trying to rectify it. The owner practically just attacked him, told him to get a life and *****. Yet he was being really polite.
  24. Dude you are still gambling, just cause you win or don't win. Does not make it any difference, the big thing that makes Gacha considered part of Gaming. Is the Chance factor, there is a chance you could have a common or a rare. But what exactly are the odds, and how many times will you get the rare? Also newsflash, RL money was still in. That being said, you seem to forget that there is an RL component, someone had to invest RL dollars to pay that person, so they could go waste their money away on Gacha. You clearly cannot comprehend that part.
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