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Coffee Pancake

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Everything posted by Coffee Pancake

  1. As I discovered recently, the decision to pass abandoned land to region resident or auction it also depends on where it is on the grid .. I attempted to put a claim in for a parcel on Horizons, after being strung along in a 2 week back and forth conversation with support, was told that Horizons parcels could not sold directly to residents and it was dumped for auction, even though we had multiple parcels on the region including one with a connecting border. (The auction for the parcel in question was won by land scalper, instantly flipped for sale and is now one of the most expensive "plain" parcels on the entire continent. So ... totally unavailable for anyone to actually use.)
  2. I would never be so overt with my vengeance. It must be complicated and subtle to the point it takes years to notice and appreciate.
  3. Worth mentioning that derender is a TPV feature and does not exist in the official client. (If wanted, Catznip would be very happy to donate their implementation to LL, the UI details for which can be found here. We're fully aware of requirements in passing code to LL and have done so several times in the past.)
  4. I just wish to add that RLV (either Marines Viewer, or RLVa as shipped in Catznip & Firestorm etc) do not provide any inherent method to track anyone. RLV is about restricting what you can do in your own client, such as fly or detach things. Some scripted toys that use RLV, typically collars, may provide a way to send a location information to another specific user, but it's typically limited to a specific keyholder. Anyone who has RLV toys in play will know exactly who this is. In RLVa viewers, from the top "RLVa" menu, the active locks floater will display what items are active at any given time. -- On the subject of the OP being tracked. The simplest method does not depend on technical magic, the OP's stalker is someone the OP knows and trusts well enough to inform of her location either directly, or as this was from 2011 .. good old friends list map rights. The alt of my stalker is my best friend and all that.
  5. All land topics were avoided at the town hall. I guess that's a beasty LL do not want to tackle in a Q&A format. Probably just as well.
  6. Well, then the answer is obvious. Second Life is now a vital part of your business.
  7. No really. It worked wonders for me .. starting over with a clean inventory, not burdened by hundreds of pairs of shoes that aren't worth the time it would take to rez them.
  8. That's something we have to try and counter. New doesn't mean griefer or alt with a nefarious purpose.
  9. Having been the victim of a stalker who copied my name, profile, used alts at places I frequented, messaged people near to me with hate speech (in my name), used disposable scripted prims rezzed all over the mainland to send me unblockable messages ... created accounts with my friends names and harassed them in the same way, created social media accounts on other platforms (that were thankfully much easier to get removed) .. I have to say, I doubt very much that your abuse reports have done anything - Myself and friends sent a huge number of reports, we logged everything so we could provide context to LL staff, support tickets. phone calls to LL support (where I was told "sorry, there is nothing we can do"). I have zero faith in LL's ability to deal with a determined harasser. Maybe the jerk just got bored and found a new target or game to play.
  10. There are a number of problems with global chat .. for SL, its going to be the sheer number of people who can participate. IF it were possible to add that to SL, and it's not, the messages would fly up the screen so fast that it would saturate your PC and network, not to mention being literally impossible to read. Do you really want to be in a chat room with 46,000 other people at any given moment. If you did slow it down the chat would mostly be people wondering how to disable it, shouting HOOOO and asking if liking transgirls makes you gay. Yes, I also play an MMO with trade chat and it's universally junk and adds zero value to the game.
  11. It wasn't that long ago that RP sims were getting their moderators banned for sharing local chat conversations. It's also painfully easy to socially engineer setting someone up for a ban as people believe, incorrectly, that they are in the clear because everything was said in local. I've seen it happen.
  12. I use a combination of 2 cunning tricks. Catznip auto inventory sorting .. I buy something, and it's auto-magically placed in a folder "Shopping/<region name>/<date>/" .. unpacking items places the folders in the same location in inventory as the original item. For everything I purchased before this feature was added, I either search .. or have simply forgotten I own it and depend on other people to remind me.
  13. Moving isn't really an option .. nor should I have to.
  14. Mainland .. and due to a suddenly discovered Catznip bug (that will totally be fixed in the very next beta) , I can't derender stuff on land I'm banned from. Might have to check if FS is similarly affected now I think on it.
  15. If a man builds a skybox at 80m and it plunges your parcel into shadow .. and he blocks you for being critical of his architectural prowess .. does that count as griefing ?
  16. 200L a post ... that's insulting. Writing is a real world skill, that in this case will be published in the real world. Paid by the word in US$ .. the equivalent can be paid to an Avatar in L$ should everyone wish.
  17. Could be the way your specific items are scripted or configured.
  18. You can fake mirrors. Sort of .. this works in all clients. Rez something. Add a specular texture, set it to "blank" and then put the values to the max. This is your mirror. Facing away from the Mirror prim - Take a picture of what the mirror will see. Create a light source, set to projector, apply the picture and point it at your shiny object Scale the projector so it matches the aspect ratio and apparent size of the "reflection" I did a fairly detail write up on this over on the Second Life subreddit - https://www.reddit.com/r/secondlife/comments/8btvrb/lighting_your_home_creating_fake_window/ Adeon Writer followed up with a decent video guide on how his portals were created There is a fair amount of play with shiny settings and the actual image to get the effect you want. You can reflect a room or windows on a object, make shiny floors that reflect windows etc.
  19. I dearly wish SL had better animation controls, they are painfully lacking for all but the most mundane applications.
  20. The music is coming from up in the sky, it's Caramel Dancer
  21. If you had a copy boat, setting it to temporary would cause it stay out only as long as you were sitting on it. Don't set this on a "no-copy" boat as it will vanish and never come back.
  22. LSL has no way of knowing how long an animation is - the max is 60 seconds I think. So for dances they will simple loop round and round once started. Use a timer to switch to a different dance at a set interval.
  23. Not all problems have the same cause, the SL viewer is a very complicated beast. I hate to say it .. but, have you tried running Windows? Apple viewer support has always been less than optimal.
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