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Everything posted by KanryDrago

  1. sl sansar is a wasteland of bad ideas, bad implementation and bad targeting of audience
  2. Plants are what my food eats. Eating them direct is just.....euw
  3. Whatever the eu think american companies are not bound by eu law, just like they probably won't comply with the right the eu grants to see all information they have on you. As far as I know the labs have no european subsidiaries. We euro's are soon up in arms when its america trying to makes its laws apply over here I don't see this as any different on the whole and should be abhorred just as much especially when the EU has shown itself to be completely clueless about internet regulation.
  4. The trouble is I can conceive of nothing they could sensibly offer that would make me consider premium irresistible. I suspect that goes for a lot of those that remain basic. I have no interest in mainland, don't need the groups, the stipend would barely register in what I spend, never needed support. In fact probably the only thing they could do to is to make it so I couldn't have my house unless premium. Though as I have it if they took it away I would be more likely to just stick a finger up at them and walk away.
  5. I don't really think she was angry so much as fed up of seeing the same bollocks repeated over and over ad nauseam such as this myth that the labs premium customers are always worth more than basic customers
  6. SteelJane has been making a very valid point here. Any suggestion that makes basic players feel too much like second class risks losing them and regardless of what ethan says a lot of us do contribute significant amounts to the labs bottom line if we rent land. Yes it goes to our landlord first and he takes a small cut but then the bulk of that gets passed straight through to the labs. Lose the private renters then the landlords start giving up the sims they rent.
  7. I have been in sl for half that time and never been verbally abused the though occurs that the cause might be you ?
  8. so you get gacha's you dont want is your point? Dont ....ing buy gachas then
  9. I did read the op obviously I still dont see what you think the problem is nor why you think your idea is a solution
  10. If you dont like how the gacha market works the answer is simple, dont sell gacha's or buy gachas its what many of us do. Having read this thread I dont see the following: What you think the problem is Why you think your proposal is a solution
  11. ok I dont do gacha so dont really get affected her however as far as I can see the op boils down to this If we get the labs to enforce a time limit on gacha items I will make more money Did I miss the point if not the answer to the op is go multiply
  12. Ah the I don't care so nobody should care argument. Some of us have homes because we like to be able to be private and away from prying eyes and that is largely why we got them. There are obviously a lot of people that come in that category else the labs wouldn't have felt pressured into implementing it.
  13. camming in has nothing to do with draw distance. My draw distance is set to 128 but I can cam in from 1000's of metres
  14. You cannot equate rl flying and sl flying however. The passenger in a jumbo jet 35000 feet over my house can't look down and see who I am in the hot tub with some young lady whereas in sl they can. I can easily see therefore why a lot of land owners wish 0second security orbs. The flyers should instead focus on persuading the labs to provide them with something like the abstract layer mooted earlier
  15. Even assuming they get latency down it will always exceed the latency of playing on your own client, most games register changes from input in the client as they send them to the server and then self correct with information received from the server if the client rendered wrong which is why you see rubberbanding in games sometimes. The client thinks you are at point a based on your inputs the server says no they are at point b. The input delay of sending it to the server for response and then waiting for the render will not be acceptable to non casual gamers. Also no one mentions the big bug bear in the room even if they got latency down to an acceptable level and that is data caps and band with . Google claimed from memory that 4k at 60fp would use 12gb of data an hour a typical gamer may well play 5hours each day that is 60gb a day 1800 gb a month that is a lot of data The bandwidth issue is also not that it requires 25mbps connection alone (which will exclude all but about 20 to 30% of users) it is also that most people live in family groups where there are more than 1 person using the internet. Mom is watching 4khd netflix....sibling 1 and 2 are playing streamed games now you are looking at needing 75mbps
  16. Therefore they are large and loud enough that the labs are not going to doing anything about zero time orbs and negate that flag they put in. I suspect the percentage of sl that prefers the knowledge of absolute privacy far outstrips the percentage of sl vehicle users. You are better off suggesting something along the abstract layer someone else did earlier in thread which would allow the labs to implement you to fly anywhere without impinging on the privacy off others
  17. Precisely, letting anyone within your parcel boundaries = no privacy from cams
  18. To answer generally about the sense of entitlement. This is my take flyers/sailors/drivers are up in arms against something that linden labs allows. If you want to change things you need to get those people in the 0 second orb camp on your side. Berating them, calling them selfish doesn't do that it puts their backs up. You want these people to compromise with you I would suggest that maybe insults aren't the way to go
  19. Do people who want to sail, fly , drive exceed mainland customers who wish to maintain the use of avatars can only be seen from this parcel flag? I have no idea but I imagine linden labs do and if they are not accomodating the flyers/drivers/sailors in preventing the 0 second orbs then I would guess that they see more money lost by people saying right then lets move off mainland
  20. I explained how it did, it negates my tick box to only be seen by avatars on the same parcel as overflyers are on the same parcel and possibly in a mature area puts me in violation of tos as I have to ensure random passers by cannot see sexual activity in only mature areas ah see you think you cant cam in over 300 metres away nope you can change that and cam in from any distance
  21. Speaking as someone with no real dog in this fight as I dont live on mainland and where I live my land is mostly open to all and sundry as many forumites can attest after reading this I have to say if I did live on mainland I would be off to the marketplace right now to buy and orb and set it to zero just purely due to the entitled attitude shown by the flying crowd. You flying over my property absolutely does affect me. While my land is mostly open to anyone I do occasionally set it to group only when I want some privacy I also turn off the avatars on other parcels can see you option. If you are floating over my property you are technically on my parcel and therefore negate that privacy setting. My land, my money, my privacy trumps your right to fly over don't like it go buy up land and build yourself some flight corridors As a side note not setting your orb to 0 might actually put you in contravention of the tos if you are using sex furniture in a moderate area as I understand that the TOS requires you to take all steps to ensure adult activity is not observable to random passers by
  22. illegal? Why would the vast majority of us worry about whatever silly laws the usa dreams up?
  23. We can only hope its one far far away VR is definitely not for teenagers and it shows slow steady growth as can be seen from the steam surveys. It certainly didnt explode as some of the more excitable predicted but as the average pc gets better and there are more and more stand alone vr options like the oculus go, quest and vive focus then it will continue to grow and at some point be regarded as mainstream. Sansar on the other hand was always a solution looking for a problem and therefore stillborn
  24. don't ask me was Drake who made the claim
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