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Everything posted by KanryDrago

  1. The wierd thng is I am not even complaining about the changes, I am merely complaining about those that come here whining about premiums being the only ones that contribute to sl's bottom line and therefore they deserve even more than they already get because all us basics are merely freeloaders. Drive us out and watch sl collapse
  2. not true I think for basics that rent land. my basic account rents 8192 m2 my land lord pays 36.875 for that, I pay him 40$ I think its fair to say after his 3.125 $ profit he pays the rest to the lindens. If people like me werent't renting he wouldn;t be paying for the sim and the labs would be down money
  3. http://www.gridsurvey.com/economy.php third graph along plots concurrency over the years is one place
  4. yes that wasn't an sl is dying comment but its still true to say concurrency is dropping and new subscriber retention isnt a high percentage
  5. If that were true population would be increasing whereas it is slowly sinking
  6. Over the years I have amassed several thousand dollars of inventory. However if they decided I now had to be a subscriber I would easily walk away just as I have from other places that I had been for years that changed things radically in a way I didn't like. Reason for that is simple what keeps me here is the friends I have met not inventory items, and a fair chunk of them would walk and I can still keep in touch with them other ways
  7. Indeed I was talking about people like you and the only reason I was posting is the continued assertion that basics are freeloaders by premium members prior to this in the thread. Some are just like some premiums are. Some contribute quite well to the labs bottom line just as do some premium members
  8. oh the landlord really doesnt use the money to pay the tier think the only one wrong here is you
  9. Complete and utter pish and tosh, when I pay the 40us$ each month for renting my land that goes into the lindens pockets (apart from about 5% skim for my landlord). About 4 times your subscription fee every month, if anyone is freeloading in sl its the premiums who only use a linden home and get their land rental for 1$ a month after you take the stipend into account . A lot of us basic only players give more to the labs each month than many premiums so less of this "Oh its us premiums that keep the labs afloat" you are a trifling sum in their revenues compared to the landlords paying tier, who only do so because there are basic people like me to rent the land
  10. Like Drake I am a basic payer like drake I also buy lindens monthly around 80$ worth. Like Drake I never cash out. Its not about affording premium its really just there is nothing worth paying the extra on top of premiums for. I don't want mainland or a linden home, I dont care about extra groups as 42 were more than ample for my needs. A premium acount wouldnt appreciably diminish the $ I spend on lindens In effect I am paying the same as 12 premium members a year that don't buy lindens on top so please enough of this entitlement attitude from premium members about how they carry us basic freeloaders. The truth is the labs get the majority of their revenue from land and a lot of basic members are paying into that
  11. There is a jira where you can post a ticket with a suggestion , don't have a link but sure someone will post one in 3, 2 , 1.....
  12. Thats harsh, for all you know he is a witty raconteur, a good conversationalist and empathic individual who just happens to have only met crappy people. Now I grant you the odds are long but then even a million to one chance comes off occasionally
  13. Well would have to ask a us person that but the one I live in does it
  14. A lot of these seem to be peeves about how people react to you, possibly there is a common thread here and it is you? For example if I am in this situation "newbies who apparently are able to download second life, create an account, login even sometimes create a basic look for themselves but cannot understand the simplest tasks even when you try to walk it through step by step" I generally assume it is probably how I am explaining it and try explaining a different way, rarely are people too stupid to learn you just need to find the way to teach them that clicks
  15. meeting a young lady at a club, inviting her home to get to know each other only to find that your bratty sister has been through your house and stuck dildo's to every surface and you now have to go find all 250 or so of them and delete them while that nice girl backs away slowly wondering what sort of pervert you are
  16. papa johns now do a marmite stuffed crust pizza which might be of interest
  17. The answer is yes and no, I like people because I enjoy conversations with them and that doesn't depend on how you look. Where looks come in is in initial contact however, I am more likely to talk to a girl who has a well turned out avi than one who hasn't bothered. However if I am somewhere where I am a little bored I will start profile perving and may contact you because of something you wrote there
  18. If you don't like people responding to your suggestions don't post them. Its a fairly simple premise. People are negative when they think your suggestions aren't good ones. I am happy to support a good suggestion from what I remember of yours they amounted to "waaaah make land cheaper so I can afford the amount I want"
  19. The good reason not to have one is it would get less of an audience than general discussion and therefore the ideas there would get less scrutiny
  20. People with addictive personalities get addicted to things, sorry not an argument for getting rid of what they get addicted to when the vast majority of people don't get addicted. Doesn't matter if its drugs, sl, gambling, alcohol, knitting patterns. Addictive personality people will always find something to get addicted to. Merely an argument for locking them away for their own good.
  21. Shop like a man, know what you are wanting to buy, find first acceptable example, buy it, go home
  22. Even if you have a perfectly pronounceable and readable display name people will mangle it anyway when they talk to you
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