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Everything posted by KanryDrago

  1. As in wargames the only correct answer is "the only way to win is not to play" . So merely keep the firestorm on your icon on your desktop and refrain from launching it smug in the knowledge the more you resist the urge the more winning you are
  2. Because simply put...if you put some effort into your avi and your surroundings and don't try running on a computer that belongs it a museum then sl looks fine. Comparable to a recent game with severely limited assets designed by professional designers probably not because its user generated. Having said said its still a lot better than some of those games. If you don't agree tick which applies 1) I cant be bothered to put effort into my avi or surroundings 2) I am on a computer that was underpowered even in 2010 3) I only go places where 1 applies You cant compare sl to a game with minimal user customisation and no a few sliders don't count as significant customisation. Its like comparing ducks and cheese
  3. Has considered that the problem may not be sl's graphics but that instead he has low quality visual receptors? Points op to the nearest optician. You are welcome
  4. rl is a little different though its 100's of dollars not 2 or 3 dollars a week
  5. Speaking from a male point of view, There are certainly girls that have in their profiles "here is my sl wish list" or "ask me for rates" I will avoid those like the plague. However if dating and a girl wants to live with me that is fine and I wont be asking for rent from her and yes I might give her a gift here and there. However that isnt much different to rl in my experience. When they expect those things its a no go. If they don't then fine.
  6. A lot of people in fact I would say most do not participate in the game elements available in sl
  7. shrugs I mostly ignore her posts and didnt bother reacting to that one
  8. It is unclear to me what exactly you need funds for Access to sl is free Video tools for creating the movie from screen recordings also free Actors in your movie can also probably be gotten free from those who think your film has a chance of making it big Like Ethan said I would also suspect the Beatrix potter copyright covers the name.
  9. I am not clear what you are actually complaining about here Is it that I took exception to being described as mansplaining or is it that I assumed it was aimed at me perhaps before we argue further you could elucidate so we are both clear what we are arguing about here?
  10. considering I have history with Luna it wasn't a stretch to think her image was aimed at me. It then wasnt much further a stretch to think Love's follow up was therefore aimed at me as Love himself admitted in his follow ups that he could see why I would take it so. I took so much offence that when he explained it wasn't that I immediately accepted it. Wow that is a whole lot of offence I took.
  11. Its when you don't go after the argument you go after the person for example me : I believe the moon is made out of cheese you: shut up you racist
  12. yes in which I said "Some choose to take offence too easily" which part are you struggling to understand here?
  13. Then you misinterpreted my words. I never said to use forums things shouldn't annoy you. What I said was if you are easily triggered and it makes you cry then keep away. I wasn't crying about it I merely said put up or shut up. Nor do I get very often annoyed by things people say. There is no one on earth that doesn't get annoyed occasionally but that is a long long way from those claiming an emoji upsets them
  14. Laughing at someone for having a stupid idea is not playing the man. It is directly linked to the idea they had and a response to the idea they had. 1:I think we should give everyone free owls!! 2:mansplainer Is playing the man not the ball 1: I think we should give everyone free owls!! 2: Laughs scornfully at you for having the idea to give everyone free owls the laugh is directly related to the idea not the fact that it is you and therefore not playing the man.
  15. Did I claim I didn't ever take offence? claim I am a racist, sexist, paedo and yes like most people I will take offence at it . However my response was merely post something I have said that backs you up. My response was not to report the post
  16. We have sorted that out now littleme, I read it a different way but Love and I discussed it
  17. I didn't claim it did, I was merely pointing out its you saying we have to be sensitive about what others want and pointing out when it suited you to not be sensitive to others. Maybe you did drive some away who knows its an impossible thing to prove. It certainly moved some(where some is 1 or more) to just put you on block
  18. hmmm weren't you asked by several people quite politely on a previous thread to stop posting religous style derails on threads and keep the faith based stuff to threads where the topic implied religion. Remind me what your response was? Oh yes you declined. So much for being sensitive to others.
  19. Easily triggered people frankly should avoid forums as they are usually robust in their discussions or at least accept they will be triggered often.
  20. Fair enough then, its not always easy to read intent from text. So apologies for the crossed wires
  21. As I got the impression the post Luna made of the picture was a reply to my post I assumed yours naturally to be a follow up. Your caption mentions a he....of course I will assume its therefore aimed at me
  22. Your definition said weak spots should be protected sorry I disagree that way you get people like a new hire we just got from university who bursts into tears if anyone disagrees with him. Perhaps we shouldn't by your definition and then implement what he is wrong about and let the company go to the wall when the software doesnt work properly? After all his weak spots need to be protected. Its all the safe space crap we hear about in universities that leads to people being like that
  23. Love's post accusing me of being a mansplainer being a prime example, he didn't tackle what I said and disagree or dispute it he went straight to playing the man not the ball
  24. Ah so I am not allowed to ask someone to provide proof of an accusation now? Guilty because your friend said so.....I am sure we can all get behind that sort of justice.
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